

Public food transfer programs have traditionally been the most common social protection programs in Bangladesh
Journal Article
Public food transfer program provide a lifeline for the poor in both high- and low-income countries, and many countries stepped these up in response to COVID-19.
Issue Posts
As COVID-19 surges through South Asia, nutrition programs are devising new ways to ensure participants receive program benefits.
Co-Organized by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) South Asia, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), and Trust for Advancement
Issue Posts
Various forms of COVID-induced lockdowns may slow down, or even reverse, the progresses Bangladesh has made in recent years.
The covid-19 blog series will provide a platform for the researchers, policy makers, and civil society leaders to share their insights and analysis of the impacts and policy responses to COVID-19 pandemic at the national and regional levels. 
Issue Posts
BY SHYAMAL CHOWDHURY, SHAHIDUR RASHID AND NAHIAN BIN KHALED Bangladesh is considered a success story in South Asia with nearly
The government of Sri Lanka implemented stringent curfew to contain the spread of COVID-19, which disrupted many economic activities. Jeevika Weerahewa, Dilini Hemachandra and Devesh Roy look at the agri-food policy responses including trade regulations, marketing interventions, production and income support programs [Read More...]
Dealing with nation-wide disruptions is nothing new to Bangladesh. Political unrest, military coups, and natural disasters in the country have