

News and Events
A training on DNA-based GMO detection for Seed Testing and Certification was organised for policy makers from Government of Nepal.
IFPRI recently organized a five day study tour on contract farming and value chain analysis in India for a delegation
Over the years, agriculture mechanization has helped to increase production and profitability, improve the use of inputs, reduce the costs
News and Events
In April 2015, Nepal experienced a catastrophic earthquake of 7.6 magnitude, followed by more than 300 aftershocks causing about 9000
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Agriculture being major source of livelihood and employment in Nepal, and is effected by low productivity, traditional farming practice and lack of connectivity with markets. Fragmented landholding with limited access to market and knowledge to sell its produce results in slow progress. Promotion of contract farming would lead to improved access to technology, markets and credit, reducing transaction costs and increasing efficiency in production and marketing. This would enable small scale enterprises to mitigate risks while creating a climate for entrepreneurship.  Contract farming in fact has the potential to reduce poverty by raising farmers’ incomes.
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Eighty percent of the population in Nepal lives in rural areas and depends heavily on agriculture as a source of
News and Events
How to fast track the development and release of improved varieties of seeds in Nepal? What are quality assurances? How
Parul Tyagi is Research Analyst with PHN in New Delhi office Improving agricultural productivity can be an effective way for
Reducing food and nutrition insecurity in South Asia requires—among many other things— greater long-term investment in agricultural research for development