

Journal Article
COVID-19 induced lockdowns have had far reaching impacts on the rural sector, particularly on women farmers.
Event Posts
Agriculture is a vital sector of Nepal’s economy, contributing about 29% to the country’s GDP and employing about two thirds
The transition to phone-based surveys has almost eliminated the need for physical contact.
A virtual launch of the book, “Agricultural Transformation in Nepal: Trends, Prospects and Policy Options” was organized by (IFPRI-SAR) in collaboration with (IIDS) Nepal.
IFPRI – South Asia Regional Office has extensively worked in Nepal on a wide range of policy issues.
Guest Posts
In this blog, we hear from the team leading the second phase of Nepal's multi-sectoral nutrition program, Suaahara, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development
Research Posts
As COVID-19 strains Nepal’s public health programs and government resources, ethnicity should be considered when deciding where to strengthen the supply of critical services.
Co-Organized by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) South Asia, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), and Trust for Advancement