

Research Posts
IFPRI's South Asia Office, in collaboration with the UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) and others, examine the alignment of national nutrition policies and programs with global recommendations, and assess the availability of data to track progress on nutrition actions across the eight South Asian countries
Journal Article
COVID-19 induced lockdowns have had far reaching impacts on the rural sector, particularly on women farmers.
Event Posts
Agriculture is a vital sector of Nepal’s economy, contributing about 29% to the country’s GDP and employing about two thirds
The transition to phone-based surveys has almost eliminated the need for physical contact.
A virtual launch of the book, “Agricultural Transformation in Nepal: Trends, Prospects and Policy Options” was organized by (IFPRI-SAR) in collaboration with (IIDS) Nepal.
IFPRI – South Asia Regional Office has extensively worked in Nepal on a wide range of policy issues.
Guest Posts
In this blog, we hear from the team leading the second phase of Nepal's multi-sectoral nutrition program, Suaahara, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development
Research Posts
As COVID-19 strains Nepal’s public health programs and government resources, ethnicity should be considered when deciding where to strengthen the supply of critical services.