

Journal Article
COVID-19 induced lockdowns have had far reaching impacts on the rural sector, particularly on women farmers.
Journal Article
This paper examines whether the public transfer program PMGKY, announced immediately after the lockdown, benefited farmers in dealing with the COVID shock.
Research Posts
The long-term social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are unknown, but many worry that lockdown-related school closures lasting months will have enduring effects.
Podcast :IFPRI's analysis of the new National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data, which reveals worrying rates of child malnutrition in
The transition to phone-based surveys has almost eliminated the need for physical contact.
Journal Article
Overall, we estimate that 63–76% of the rural poor could not afford a recommended diet in 2011.
There are several lessons to learn from the experiments in the past, like the repeal of APMC in Bihar and the institution of e-NAM, which have elements of the current farm acts.
The MSP system, in place since the mid-1960s, was part of the country’s drive to reduce dependence on food imports. It was an integral part of a package that included subsidized inputs meant to incentivize farmers to adopt new technologies and enhance farm productivity.
Journal Article
This paper assesses the impact of the spread of COVID-19 and the lockdown on wholesale prices and quantities traded in agricultural markets.