

The transition to phone-based surveys has almost eliminated the need for physical contact.
Journal Article
Overall, we estimate that 63–76% of the rural poor could not afford a recommended diet in 2011.
There are several lessons to learn from the experiments in the past, like the repeal of APMC in Bihar and the institution of e-NAM, which have elements of the current farm acts.
The MSP system, in place since the mid-1960s, was part of the country’s drive to reduce dependence on food imports. It was an integral part of a package that included subsidized inputs meant to incentivize farmers to adopt new technologies and enhance farm productivity.
Journal Article
This paper assesses the impact of the spread of COVID-19 and the lockdown on wholesale prices and quantities traded in agricultural markets.
Isher Judge Ahluwalia,  an Indian economist, public policy researcher, and professor passed away on September 26, 2020.
Episode 9 tells the story of how working with a visual designer, IFPRI and its partners helped make a product easy to understand and use, that will improve soil health & farming practices.
The third India-focused implementation research conference on “Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from Implementation Research”  will be held from
Research Posts
Women in rural India have always experienced a high and growing incidence of common mental disorders, and often have no or little recourse.