

IFPRI’s South Asia Regional office is committed to producing high quality, evidence-based outputs that contribute to agriculture development, food security, nutrition, and poverty alleviation. In particular, IFPRI’s policy research has produced technical reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, donor reports, impact assessments, briefs, and more.






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Journal Article

Fertilizer and conflicts: Evidence from Myanmar

2025Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Minten, Bart; van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Goeb, Joseph; Aung, Zin Wai; Htar, May Thet


Fertilizer and conflicts: Evidence from Myanmar

The number of farmers residing in fragile and conflict-affected countries is rising globally, yet the impacts of conflict on the economics of inorganic fertilizer in these settings remain poorly understood. We study how conflicts in Myanmar, combined with global fertilizer market disruptions, have affected inorganic fertilizer prices, use, response, and efficiency. We utilize unique nationally representative household panel survey data and a comprehensive approach that employs various analytical methods to examine the nexus between conflicts and fertilizer-related issues. Our findings reveal that greater intensity of violent events is associated with higher prices of major types of inorganic fertilizer, particularly in areas farther from major import locations. These price changes and increases in violent events have suppressed both the likelihood and quantity of inorganic fertilizer usage, leading to decreased rice yield responses at given nitrogen application levels. Panel stochastic frontier analyses, combined with a method addressing the endogeneity of inorganic fertilizer use, suggest a significant decline in fertilizer use efficiency each year since the onset of conflict. The increase in violent events is also associated with the reduced use of extension services, seeds from markets, irrigation, and optimal fertilizer blends, which may partly explain the diminished returns and efficiency of inorganic fertilizer use. Conflict therefore seems to be associated with a change in the economics of inorganic fertilizer use through various impact channels, affecting agricultural performance in these fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Year published



Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Minten, Bart; van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Goeb, Joseph; Aung, Zin Wai; Htar, May Thet


Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Minten, Bart; van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel Brigitte; Masias, Ian; Goeb, Joseph; Aung, Zin Wai; and Htar, May Thet. 2025. Fertilizer and conflicts: Evidence from Myanmar. Food Policy 133.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Fertilizers; Conflicts; Prices; Imports; Farmers; Markets; Data; Rice; Yields; Agricultural Productivity




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

The long-run and intergenerational impact of early exposure to the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–61 on mental health

2025Tan, Chih Ming; Zhang, Xiaobo; Zhang, Xin


The long-run and intergenerational impact of early exposure to the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–61 on mental health

We study the effects of early exposure to the Great Chinese Famine on the mental health and subjective well-being of survivors as well as their offspring using data from the 2010 and 2014 waves of the China Family Panel Studies. Our analysis focuses on K6 scores, severe mental illness, and life dissatisfaction. We find that early exposure to the famine has impaired the mental health outcomes of women, but not men (i.e., the first generation). For the second generation, negative effects only show up among the sons of male famine survivors. Some preliminary evidence suggests that the mechanism for such transmission may have to do with the cultural son preference.

Year published



Tan, Chih Ming; Zhang, Xiaobo; Zhang, Xin


Tan, Chih Ming; Zhang, Xiaobo; and Zhang, Xin. 2025. The long-run and intergenerational impact of early exposure to the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–61 on mental health. Economics and Human Biology 56(February 2025): 101461.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Capacity Development; Famine; Mental Health; Men; Data; Women; Gender




Open Access


Fragility, Conflict, and Migration

Record type

Journal Article


Completion report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns

2025International Food Policy Research Institute; Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture


Completion report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns

The ATMI-ASEAN project was launched on October 7–8, 2016, in the Philippines. It is a five-year project funded by International Funds for Agriculture Development (IFAD) with a year’s extension due to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The implementation of the project was led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and co-implemented by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA). The ATMI-ASEAN project comprises three main components: Component 1. Policy studies and expert workshops; Component 2. High-level policy forums (HLPFs) and roundtables; and Component 3. Technical assistance for planning and policy development. Each component was scheduled and implemented over the project implementation from 2016 to 2021, then extended for a year to finalize the project implementation affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report elaborates on all project outputs throughout the implementation.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute; Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture


International Food Policy Research Institute; and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture. 2025. Completion report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns. New Delhi, India: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Policies; Development; Food Security; Agrifood Sector; Value Chains; Capacity Development




Open Access


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Record type



Synthesis report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns

2025Roy, Devesh; Kamar, Abul; Pradhan, Mamata; Saroj, Sunil


Synthesis report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional grouping of Southeast Asian countries formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam joined this association in 1984. ASEAN expanded to 10 countries between 1995 and 1999 by extending memberships to Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam. These 10 Southeast Asian countries entered into the trade agreement to ensure the free flow of goods, including agricultural products. Agreements related to services and investment were also signed to enhance economic cooperation and to develop an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The implementation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in 2003 helped liberalize the intra-ASEAN agricultural trade, which grew steadily during the period under review. Further, the dynamics of intra ASEAN trade show that after the food price crisis of 2007/2008, intra-ASEAN agricultural trade increased sharply, which reflects ASEAN’s efforts to create a food security action plan aimed at improving sustainable food trade among ASEAN members.

Year published



Roy, Devesh; Kamar, Abul; Pradhan, Mamata; Saroj, Sunil


Roy, Devesh; Kamar, Abul; Pradhan, Mamata; and Saroj, Sunil. 2025. Synthesis report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns. New Delhi, India: International Food Policy Research Institute.


Philippines; Singapore


Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Food Security; Trade; Economic Aspects; Prices




Open Access


Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type


Journal Article

In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health: The continuous rise in adoption of labour-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar

2025Minten, Bart; Goeb, Joseph; van Asselt, Joanna; Aung, Zin Wai


In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health: The continuous rise in adoption of labour-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar

Year published



Minten, Bart; Goeb, Joseph; van Asselt, Joanna; Aung, Zin Wai


Minten, Bart; Goeb, Joseph; van Asselt, Joanna; and Aung, Zin Wai. 2025. In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health: The continuous rise in adoption of labour-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar. Journal of Development Studies 61(1): 81-101.




Asia; Southern Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Productivity; Agricultural Technology; Farm Surveys; Labour; Conflicts




Limited Access


Fragility, Conflict, and Migration

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

A missing link: The interdependence between sugar-sweetened beverage and cigarette consumption from China

2025Liu, Lu; Chen, Kevin Z.


A missing link: The interdependence between sugar-sweetened beverage and cigarette consumption from China

Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and cigarettes are addictive substances and addictive substances are often related in consumption with each other. However, the potential interdependence between SSB and cigarette consumption has not been explored in the literature. As SSB and cigarette consumption have posed a great threat to individual health, the knowledge of such interdependence is critical for policymakers to design and coordinate government interventions. We thus employed Heckman sample selection model and simultaneous equation model to identify and validate the interdependence between SSB and cigarette consumption across subgroups exhibiting different smoking behaviors with individual-level data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) during the period from 2004 to 2011. We find that SSBs and cigarettes are complements in that individuals who ever smoked are more likely to consume SSBs frequently with higher level of SSB intake eventually and SSB intake of current smokers increases along with the amount of cigarettes smoked. SSBs and cigarettes are also substitutes in that former smokers are more likely to consume SSBs compared with current smokers. The complementary relation observed among current smokers implies that government interventions targeting one of the two goods may yield a double dividend effect on health whereas the substitutable relation displayed by former smokers suggests that the health effect of interventions designed to reduce the consumption of one good may be tempered by an elevated demand for the other.

Year published



Liu, Lu; Chen, Kevin Z.


Liu, Lu; and Chen, Kevin Z. 2025. A missing link: The interdependence between sugar-sweetened beverage and cigarette consumption from China. PLoS ONE 20(1): e0316891.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Behaviour; Beverages; Cigarettes; Health




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Impacts of city life on nutrition: Evidence From resettlement lotteries in China

2025Leng, Ganxiao; Qiu, Huanguang; Filipski, Mateusz


Impacts of city life on nutrition: Evidence From resettlement lotteries in China

Urban environments are thought to improve food security, by offering enhanced access to markets and income opportunities. Yet this idea is hard to test empirically due to an abundance of confounding factors and selection issues. This study leverages a resettlement program in China to provide the first quasi-experimental estimate of city life on food consumption and nutrition among low-income households. Lottery-determined timing of resettlement enables causal inference. We base our empirics on a 3-year panel and a range of difference-in-differences and matching methodologies. We find that those who were resettled to towns significantly increased both food consumption and diet variety, with increased intake of several macro- and micro-nutrients. Diet quality mostly improved, but we also found signs of over-consumption, notably of carbohydrates. Our evidence further suggests that our impacts are primarily due to improved market access. This stands in contrast to recent literature that finds little or no effect of living environments on food consumption. Instead, we reveal a significant impact of urban environments in shaping diets, bolstering the notion that supply-side channels do matter in some contexts.

JEL Classification: I15, O18, R23

Year published



Leng, Ganxiao; Qiu, Huanguang; Filipski, Mateusz


Leng, Ganxiao; Qiu, Huanguang; and Filipski, Mateusz. Impacts of city life on nutrition: Evidence From resettlement lotteries in China. Health Economics. Article in press. First published online January 5, 2025.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Food Security; Households; Nutrition; Resettlement; Towns; Urban Environment




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Identification, characterization, and determinants of dietary patterns of low-income urban adults in Vietnam and Nigeria


Pastori, Giulia; Maasen, Kim; Talsma, Elise F.; Verhoef, Hans; Samuel, Folake O.; Shittu, Oluyemisi F.; Huong, Le Thi; Hernandez, Ricardo; Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; Le, Xuan Thi Thanh

Mai, Truong Tuyet; Lundy, Mark; Bakk, Zsuzsa; Brouwer, Inge D.


Identification, characterization, and determinants of dietary patterns of low-income urban adults in Vietnam and Nigeria

Understanding dietary patterns and their determinants can steer efforts to food systems transformations required to provide sustainable healthy diets. Based on 24-h recall data and using latent class analysis, we characterized dietary patterns of adults from low-income neighborhoods in Hanoi, Vietnam and Ibadan, Nigeria (n = 385 and 344, age 18–49 years). We examined sociodemographic determinants and diet quality (diversity, non-communicable disease risk, and micronutrient adequacy) of these patterns. Three dietary patterns were identified in each country. Vietnamese patterns differed in sociodemographic characteristics and diet quality. Nigerian patterns differed in diet quality but not in sociodemographics. Understanding different consumer groups and the drivers of consumption helps to identify tailored interventions to diversify diets and improve diet quality.

Year published



Pastori, Giulia; Maasen, Kim; Talsma, Elise F.; Verhoef, Hans; Samuel, Folake O.; Shittu, Oluyemisi F.; Huong, Le Thi; Hernandez, Ricardo; Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; Le, Xuan Thi Thanh; Mai, Truong Tuyet; Lundy, Mark; Bakk, Zsuzsa; Brouwer, Inge D.


Pastori, Giulia; Maasen, Kim; Talsma, Elise F.; Verhoef, Hans; Samuel, Folake O.; Shittu, Oluyemisi F.; et al. Identification, characterization, and determinants of dietary patterns of low-income urban adults in Vietnam and Nigeria. Global Food Security. Article in press. First published online September 14, 2024.


Nigeria; Vietnam


Africa; Western Africa; Asia; South-eastern Asia; Adults; Diet Quality; Food Systems; Transformation; Urban Areas




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Wholesalers and the transformation of Myanmar's maize value chains

2025Belton, Ben; Cho, Ame; Hall, Michael; Minten, Bart; Reardon, Thomas


Wholesalers and the transformation of Myanmar's maize value chains

Wholesalers of agricultural crops have historically received limited attention in the literature on agricultural development, which has a strongly productivist focus. When wholesalers are considered, they are often framed as exploitative, taking advantage of information asymmetries, market failures, and unequal power relations to extract heavy surpluses from farmers. However, there is a growing appreciation that wholesalers may play important roles in facilitating agricultural development and rural transformation. This paper evaluates wholesaler conduct and performance using a survey of 218 maize wholesalers in 12 of the major maize-growing and trading townships of South Shan State, Myanmar and the cities of Lashio and Muse in North Shan. Hybrid maize emerged very rapidly in Myanmar over the past two decades to become a major cash crop, supplying domestic animal feed mills and becoming one of Myanmar's most important exports to China and Thailand. Wholesalers have been central to the development of this supply chain and the sector. Contrary to recent literature from Myanmar that has cast maize wholesalers as exploitative, the survey finds that the rapidly growing wholesaler segment of the maize value chain is highly competitive, rapidly changing with respect to technology, and functions efficiently. Farmers obtaining maize inputs from wholesalers in the form of tied output credit sell their maize at prevailing market rates. The emergence of clusters of maize wholesalers and allied actors such as third-party logistics services occurred spontaneously and symbiotically with the expansion of hybrid maize cultivation, and with each set of actors essential to the emergence of the others.

Year published



Belton, Ben; Cho, Ame; Hall, Michael; Minten, Bart; Reardon, Thomas


Belton, Ben; Cho, Ame; Hall, Michael; Minten, Bart; and Reardon, Thomas. Wholesalers and the transformation of Myanmar's maize value chains. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. Article in press. First published online November 27, 2024.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Development; Maize; Wholesale Markets; Value Chains; Small and Medium Enterprises




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Working Paper

Leveraging the role of MSMEs for healthier diets and nutrition: Insights from fruit and vegetable value chain studies across five countries

2024Nguyen, Trang; Termeer, Emma; Berkhout, Ezra; Mekonnen, Daniel Ayalew; Dijkxhoorn, Youri; de Steenhuijsen Pieters, Bart


Leveraging the role of MSMEs for healthier diets and nutrition: Insights from fruit and vegetable value chain studies across five countries

In most low and middle-income countries (LMICs) the food system falls short in providing sufficient amounts of healthy foods to a burgeoning population. The growing awareness of how food systems are stressing planetary boundaries and failing to provide sustainable healthy diets and livelihoods has prompted the widespread call to transform the global food system (Béné 2022; FAO et al. 2020, 2024; Webb et al. 2020). Transforming food systems requires engaging various groups of actors with diverse perspectives and challenges (Leeuwis et al. 2021), including setting up alliances with the informal sector (Brouwer & Ruben 2021) and a strengthened focus on the role of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

Globally, MSMEs represent about 90 percent of all businesses and account for 60 to 70 percent of employment and 50 percent of GDP. In the current food system, by being present at all value chain stages and better linking small-scale farmers to markets, MSMEs can offer affordable food to both urban and rural areas, create jobs and opportunities for young and female entrepreneurs, and support sustainable, circular food practices (IFAD 2021). These promises can be fulfilled if certain barriers that can hinder their contributions, such as high rates of food loss and waste (FLW), food safety concerns, and the uncertain informal context in which the majority of them operate are addressed (Termeer et al. 2024).

Year published



Nguyen, Trang; Termeer, Emma; Berkhout, Ezra; Mekonnen, Daniel Ayalew; Dijkxhoorn, Youri; de Steenhuijsen Pieters, Bart


Nguyen, Trang; Termeer, Emma; Berkhout, Ezra; Mekonnen, Daniel Ayalew; Dijkxhoorn, Youri; and de Steenhuijsen Pieters, Bart. 2024. Leveraging the role of MSMEs for healthier diets and nutrition: Insights from fruit and vegetable value chain studies across five countries. SHiFT Working Paper December 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.


Benin; Ethiopia; Philippines; Vietnam


Tanzania; Western Africa; Eastern Africa; South-eastern Asia; Africa; Asia; Food Systems; Small and Medium Enterprises; Sustainability; Healthy Diets; Value Chains; Fruits; Vegetables; Food Environment; Markets




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Working Paper


Small groceries in Viet Nam

2024de Brauw, Alan; The Anh, Dao; Tho, Pham Thi Hanh


Small groceries in Viet Nam

The food environment represents the place in which demand for food meets supply—consumers purchase foods in the food environment, while retailers of the food consumers purchase represent the end of the value chain. In many countries, the food environment is undergoing rapid change as economies grow and populations urbanize; a consequence is that a larger share of food consumed is purchased by the end consumer (de Bruin and Holleman 2023). Viet Nam is no different. Viet Nam’s growing and urbanizing economy has, over time, led to a changing food environment. This note focuses on one type of retailer in Viet Nam’s food environment: the small grocery. We define small groceries as stores that are not supermarkets, are not part of a chain, and have a fixed storefront from which they do business on a daily or near daily basis. These stores play a small but important role in Viet Nam’s food environment, particularly in rural areas, and as we will demonstrate, almost all these groceries sell at least one component of a sustainable healthy diet. As a result, what they sell could help play a role in improving the diets of Viet Nam’s population. To focus on learning more about small groceries, this note makes use of two datasets. One is a listing exercise that enumerated all the businesses selling food in sampled wards of three districts: Dong Da, in urban Ha Noi; Dong Anh, which is in peri-urban Ha Noi; and Moc Chau, which is a rural district northwest of Ha Noi. The second survey used the first survey as a sample frame, and was specifically designed to learn about the constraints and opportunities that micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) face in considering selling more healthy foods (Ceballos et al. 2023). Small groceries are one type of business in the food environment, and all can be considered MSMEs.

Year published



de Brauw, Alan; The Anh, Dao; Tho, Pham Thi Hanh


de Brauw, Alan; The Anh, Dao; and Tho, Pham Thi Hanh. 2024. Small groceries in Viet Nam. SHiFT Initiative Project Note December 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Food Environment; Food Consumption; Sustainability; Nutrition; Health; Small and Medium Enterprises




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type


Working Paper

Capabilities assessment to support food systems transformation towards sustainable healthy diets in Viet Nam

2024Namugumya, Brenda S.; Herens, Marion; Kruft, Krista; de Groote, Bram; Tuyen, Huynh Thi Thanh; Huong, Pham Thi Mai; Thanh, Duong Thi


Capabilities assessment to support food systems transformation towards sustainable healthy diets in Viet Nam

Collaborative governance processes are increasingly recognized as critical for normative food systems transformation (FST) globally. For instance, collective action and multistakeholder partnerships is one of the main levers of change stated in Viet Nam’s “National Action Plan on Food Systems Transformation in Viet Nam towards Transparency, Responsibility, and Sustainability by 2030” (FST-NAP). The collaborative processes bring together government, private actors and citizens in collective forums and networks to engage in long-term goal-oriented decision making and implementation, for example, change towards sustainable healthy diets and better planetary health for all populations (Ansell and Gash 2008). Forming and maintaining collaborative governance processes entail navigating different challenges attributed to the inherently dynamic nature of such partnerships.

Year published



Namugumya, Brenda S.; Herens, Marion; Kruft, Krista; de Groote, Bram; Tuyen, Huynh Thi Thanh; Huong, Pham Thi Mai; Thanh, Duong Thi


Namugumya, Brenda S.; Herens, Marion; Kruft, Krista; de Groote, Bram; Tuyen, Huynh Thi Thanh; Huong, Pham Thi Mai; and Thanh, Duong Thi. 2024. Capabilities assessment to support food systems transformation towards sustainable healthy diets in Viet Nam. SHiFT Working Paper September 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Capacity Building; Food Systems; Sustainability; Healthy Diets




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Working Paper

Working Paper

Business and public health impacts of a food safety rating program among pork vendors in Vietnam

2024Murphy, Mike; Dang-Xuan, Sinh; Hoffmann, Vivian; Le-Thi-Huyen, Trang; Unger, Fred; Pham-Thi, Huong; Nguyen-Quang, Duy; Nguyen-Viet, Hung


Business and public health impacts of a food safety rating program among pork vendors in Vietnam

Pork is the most widely consumed meat in Vietnam (OECD, 2023), where traditional food markets typically lacking refrigeration account for 84% of retail trade (USDA, 2024). Previous research by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and its partners found that over 60% of meat samples collected from such markets were contaminated with Salmonella (Ngo et al., 2023). This situation is typical of food markets in low and middle-income countries, where foodborne illness is estimated to claim 420,000 lives (Havelaar, et al., 2015) and cause a productivity loss of US$95 billion annually (Jaffee, Henson, Unnevehr, Grace, & Cassou, 2019). Adherence to basic food and hand hygiene practices among meat vendors has the potential to reduce contamination cost-effectively, but would require either market incentives or regulatory enforcement, both of which are often absent in traditional markets. Punitive approaches to enforcement of food safety standards can backfire – for example, vendors may evade regulators by moving to informal markets that lack access to even basic water infrastructure. Further, shutting down non-compliant vendors could reduce access to nutritious foods among low-income consumers.

Year published



Murphy, Mike; Dang-Xuan, Sinh; Hoffmann, Vivian; Le-Thi-Huyen, Trang; Unger, Fred; Pham-Thi, Huong; Nguyen-Quang, Duy; Nguyen-Viet, Hung


Ambler, Kate; Murphy, Mike; Dang-Xuan, Sinh; Hoffmann, Vivian; Le-Thi-Huyen, Trang; Unger, Fred; Pham-Thi, Huong; Nguyen-Quang, Duy; and Nguyen-Viet, Hung. 2024. Business and public health impacts of a food safety rating program among pork vendors in Vietnam. IFPRI Working Paper December 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Pork; Markets; Salmonella; Food Contamination; Food Hygiene; Food Safety; Economic Aspects




Open Access


Source record


One Health

Record type

Working Paper


2024 China and global food policy report: Building a sustainable and diversified food supply to foster agrifood systems transformation

2024Fan, Shenggen; Chen, Kevin Z.; Zhao, Wenhua; Si, Wei


2024 China and global food policy report: Building a sustainable and diversified food supply to foster agrifood systems transformation

The global food and nutrition security situation remains severe, with multiple crises exacerbating hunger and food insecurity. Climate change, regional conflicts, inflationary pressures, and slow economic recovery in many parts of the world have led to decreased incomes and purchasing power, worsening global hunger and malnutrition. The 2023 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World indicates that between 691 million and 783 million people faced hunger in 2022, with a food insecurity prevalence of 29.6%, including approximately 900 million people experiencing severe food insecurity. Furthermore, over 3.1 billion people cannot afford a healthy diet due to diminished access to nutritious food.

Year published



Fan, Shenggen; Chen, Kevin Z.; Zhao, Wenhua; Si, Wei


Fan, Shenggen; Chen, Kevin Z.; Zhao, Wenhua; and Si, Wei. 2024. 2024 China and global food policy report: Building a sustainable and diversified food supply to foster agrifood systems transformation. Beijing: Academy of Global Food Economists and Policy.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Nutrition Security; Climate Change; Malnutrition; Natural Resources




Open Access


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Record type



Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Rice millers – September 2024 survey round

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Rice millers – September 2024 survey round

In September 2024, we surveyed 256 rice millers from 12 states and regions across Myanmar to assess the impacts of the monsoon floods and the political crisis and related disruptions.
This report presents the key results and analysis from those interviews.

Key findings
 Flooding has significantly affected monsoon paddy production, with 74 percent of millers reporting flood-related impacts, particularly in the main rice-growing regions. Consequently, 63 percent of millers expect local production to decline compared to last year, with 73 percent of millers in flood-affected areas anticipating reduced output.
 Labor shortages have emerged as a critical challenge for milling businesses, with 53 percent of millers identifying it as a significant issue and 7 percent considering it the most severe disruption.
 Mills continue to face ongoing difficulties accessing electricity and fuel, alongside rising transportation costs. Moreover, reports about disruptions in banking and finance have doubled compared to last year, indicating increasingly widespread and persistent challenges.
 Mill-level paddy and rice prices continued to rise in September 2024. Rice prices increased by 17–19 percent compared to one year earlier, while paddy prices rose by a more modest 8 percent on average. This discrepancy suggests that higher milling margins account for a significant share of the price increases.
Looking forward
 There will be lower paddy production from the 2024 monsoon season due to floods and pests, which is expected to further drive-up rice prices for consumers. Rice prices have already risen rapidly over the past three years, raising serious concerns about affordability and food security.
 Labor availability is a rising concern and rising costs of labor and fuel together with volatile byproduct markets and other business disruptions have likely contributed to rising milling margins, with a smaller share of rice price increases passed through to producers. This trend underscores the impacts of business disruptions and the need for stability.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Rice millers – September 2024 survey round. Myanmar SSP Research Note 120. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Milling; Monsoons; Flooding; Rice; Labour Shortage; Prices; Fuels




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type



Transforming food systems towards sustainable healthy diets in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Viet Nam: A cross-country stakeholder analysis

2024Namugumya, Brenda Shenute; Fakhry, Hager; Herens, Marion; Huynh, Tuyen; Duong, Thanh Thi; Pham, Huong; Mengesha, Belay Terefe; Khatun, Wajiha


Transforming food systems towards sustainable healthy diets in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Viet Nam: A cross-country stakeholder analysis

The CGIAR Research Initiative on Sustainable Healthy Diets through Food Systems Transformation (SHiFT) recognizes the urgency of early stakeholder engagement to facilitate systemic changes towards sustainable healthy diets. This qualitative exploratory study aimed to provide insights about where stakeholders are active in food systems in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Viet Nam and their characteristics. The conceptual framework of food systems for diets and nutrition proposed by the High Level Panel of Experts on food security and nutrition was used to map all stakeholders using a network analysis approach, in particular applying the degree centrality measure. This measure shows the food system domains with the largest number of stakeholder connections. The analysis reveals that centralization is spread across various food system domains. In Bangladesh, the areas with the most stakeholder connections are observed in the policy and governance and food environment domains. In Ethiopia, more connections were observed under the food environment, and production system domains and the outcomes related to diets, nutrition and health. In Viet Nam, it is the production system, storage and trade, packaging and processing, and food environment domains with the most stakeholder connections. Overall, platforms are active in policy and governance in all countries, suggesting that engaging with multi-stakeholder platforms is beneficial for SHiFT to advance the national agendas aimed at realizing sustainable healthy diets. Considering connectivity with food system domains, SHiFT can collaborate with all sectors. Moreover, focusing on stakeholders in the food environment, particularly on overseeing foodscapes for people, is essential. However, implementing food systems transformation requires identifying and engaging with other actors as well. However, there is limited representation of stakeholders in processing, transport, and retail, especially in Ethiopia and Bangladesh. International stakeholders emerge prominently from our analysis, suggesting that the food system narrative may still be primarily driven from an international/global perspective, resonating with the United Nations Food Systems Summit dialogues. To realize the ambitions of transitioning towards sustainable healthy diets for all, efforts must extend beyond projects/programs and engage national-level stakeholders.

Year published



Namugumya, Brenda Shenute; Fakhry, Hager; Herens, Marion; Huynh, Tuyen; Duong, Thanh Thi; Pham, Huong; Mengesha, Belay Terefe; Khatun, Wajiha


Namugumya, Brenda Shenute; Fakhry, Hager; Herens, Marion; Huynh, Tuyen; Duong, Thanh Thi; Pham, Huong; Mengesha, Belay Terefe; and Khatun, Wajiha. 2024. Transforming food systems towards sustainable healthy diets in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Viet Nam: A cross-country stakeholder analysis. SHiFT Report September 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.


Bangladesh; Ethiopia; Vietnam


Southern Asia; Eastern Africa; South-eastern Asia; Africa; Asia; Stakeholder Engagement; Sustainability; Diet; Food Systems; Nutrition; Network Analysis; Policies




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type


Working Paper

Livelihoods and welfare: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024)

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Livelihoods and welfare: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024)

The seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), a nationally and regionally representative phone survey, was implemented between April–June 2024 with a recall period covering January to June of the same year. It follows six rounds of surveys that were carried out since the beginning of December 2021. This report documents livelihood and welfare dynamics over this survey period. Overall, household welfare has deteriorated in Myanmar considerably over the past two years. In terms of income sources, household farming, farm wages, and non-farm businesses are the most important livelihoods in rural areas while non-farm businesses and non-farm salary employment are most important in urban areas. However, in terms of primary livelihoods, we witness a structural shift in livelihood profiles of rural households with fewer households identifying non-farm business income are their primary livelihood (4.1 percentage points decrease) while more households rely on farm wages (2.9 percentage points increase). There are also fewer reported sources of income with households on average reporting 1.6 income sources, compared to almost 2 years ago. The primary source of income is shifting to low-paying livelihoods like wage work, with remittances and assistance serve as supplementary income sources. A combination of increasing prices and growing reliance on low paying livelihoods over the past years led to a significant decline in household purchasing power. Median real household income per adult equivalent per day declined by 8.4 percent over the past year between the first half of 2023 and 2024 and by 18.2 percent over the two-year period between the first half of 2022 and 2024. Over the same period, the headcount rate of poverty increased to 63.6 percent in the first half of 2024 from 60.9 percent a year back in 2023 and 56.2 percent two years back in 2022. Wage earning households continue to be extremely vulnerable with the lowest median real daily income per adult equivalent as well as the livelihood category with the highest level of poverty. With respect to states/regions, poverty is the highest in states engulfed by high levels of conflict, for example, Rakhine, Chin and Kayah. A notable trend in recent years is the faster increase in urban poverty. Urban poverty increased by 9.2 percentage points over the past year from the first half of 2023 to the first half of 2024, while it increased by 14.7 percentage points over the past two years from the first half of 2022 to first half of 2024. On the other hand, rural poverty only increased by 0.2 percentage points in the past year and 4.6 percentage points in the past two years. There are only a few strategies helping households stay out of poverty, including earning income from farming (which has partially benefited from higher output prices), migrating with the whole household, and receiving assistance or remittances. The presence of remittance income significantly reduces a household’s probability of being poor by a notable 21 percentage points. There are many inter-linked factors that have led to the deterioration in welfare in Myanmar in recent years, including escalating conflict, macroeconomic mismanagement and inflation in particular, the breakdown of social protection, and the absence or deterioration of many other critical services normally provided by the state, including healthcare and nutrition, education, agricultural extension, financial programs for the poor, infrastructure development and social protection.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Livelihoods and welfare: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024). Myanmar SSP Working Paper 64. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Households; Livelihoods; Telephone Surveys; Welfare




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Working Paper

Food avoidance among breastfeeding mothers in Myanmar and its impacts on maternal dietary quality

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Food avoidance among breastfeeding mothers in Myanmar and its impacts on maternal dietary quality

Key Findings
• This study designed and analyzed two new surveys in Myanmar. The first one is the fifth Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS) round conducted from April to June 2023, in which 12,953 respondents were surveyed, including 5,512 women of reproductive age (15-49). The second is the Rural Urban Food Security Survey conducted in 2020, in which respondents were women who were pregnant in round 1 (June-July 2020) in Yangon and participated in at least five of those six rounds.
• Forty percent of all Myanmar women aged 15-49 believe that breastfeeding mothers should avoid at least one healthy food, with vegetables the most widely cited food to be avoided, followed by fruits, fish, meat and beans/nuts.
• Beliefs were prevalent throughout Myanmar’s diverse regions and across both genders, but more common in majority Buddhist regions (and less common in majority Christian regions).
• Beliefs in food avoidance during breastfeeding were less prevalent among women with more formal education and nutritional knowledge, and with exposure to nutrition counselling from community health workers.
• Mothers in the Yangon panel saw minimum dietary diversity of women (MDD-W) fall by 46 percentage points from pregnancy to the first month after birth, stemming from significant declines in eight of the ten MDD-W food groups.
• MDD-W recovered somewhat over the second to fifth months after birth but was still significantly lower up to the sixth month after birth.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Food avoidance among breastfeeding mothers in Myanmar and its impacts on maternal dietary quality. Myanmar SSP Research Note 118. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Surveys; Households; Women; Pregnancy; Breastfeeding; Diet; Nutrition; Education; Religion




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Working Paper


The true costs of food production in Viet Nam

2024Benfica, Rui; Davis, Kristin E.; Dao, The Anh; Vu, Dang Toan; Naziri, Diego


The true costs of food production in Viet Nam

Key takeaways
True cost accounting allows for the measurement of hidden impacts of food production on the environment, human health, and society.
• Our findings show that at the national level for all crop sectors:
o Environmental externalities account for 73% and social for 27% of external cost structure.
o Major environmental impact sources are land occupation, air pollution, and climate change.
o Major social impact sources are underpayment of farm workers and the incidence of child labor.
• In NATURE+ sites in Sa Pa and Mai Son districts for the crop sector:
o External costs represent about 24% of all household crop production costs.
o Environmental externalities (61%) are greater than social (39%).
o Land occupation is the most important external impact source, followed by soil degradation and climate change.
o Under earning (underpayment of workers and/or low famer profits) are significant social costs, followed by the gender wage gap and the incidence of child labor.

Year published



Benfica, Rui; Davis, Kristin E.; Dao, The Anh; Vu, Dang Toan; Naziri, Diego


Benfica, Rui; Davis, Kristin; Dao, The Anh; Vu, Dang Toan; and Naziri, Diego. 2024. The true costs of food production in Viet Nam. Nature-Positive Solutions Initiative Policy Brief. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute




Asia; South-eastern Asia; True Cost Accounting; Food Production; Sustainability; Crops




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-4.0


Source record


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type


Data Paper

Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey Round Three: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey Round Three: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) Round 3 provides nationally and sub-nationally representative data on agricultural performance, integrating insights from 4,892 farming households. Conducted between January and March 2023, this survey leverages phone-based data collection to address logistical challenges posed by Myanmar's remote and conflict-affected regions. MAPS modules encompass critical agricultural indicators, including crop production, marketing, input usage, farm assets, and services. The survey design integrates rigorous sampling and weighting strategies to ensure representation across demographic and geographical strata. Findings highlight variations in agricultural practices between seasons and years, alongside challenges in household retention due to conflict and infrastructure limitations. Despite attrition and inherent limitations of phone surveys, MAPS successfully enumerated 271 out of 324 townships, contributing vital data for understanding agricultural dynamics in Myanmar.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey Round Three: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Production; Welfare; Farmers; Rural Areas; Data; Household Surveys




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Data Paper


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 5

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 5

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationwide phone panel consisting of approximately 4,663 households. The objective of the survey is to collect data on farm characteristics and agricultural assets, area and crops planted, access to inputs, crop marketing, and constraints in agricultural activities. The respondents interviewed are a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative. MAPS Round 5 survey was implemented by phone by Myanmar Survey Research (MSR) from January to March, 2024. The MAPS collected information on household characteristics, overall area cultivated, crops grown, security problems, input use and farm management practices, yields, sales, output prices, and marketing behavior. MAPS Round 5 focused on the agricultural activities of crop farmers during the monsoon of 2023.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024.Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 5. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Farm Management; Agricultural Prices; Marketing; Producer Prices; Weather Data




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: The rising costs of diets – September 2024 survey round

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: The rising costs of diets – September 2024 survey round

We assess changes in food prices and diet costs based on large-scale surveys of food vendors (fielded from June 2020 until September 2024) and households (fielded in six periods between 2022 to 2024) across rural and urban areas and in all states/regions of Myanmar.
Key Findings
 Between July 2023 and September 2024, the cost of a healthy and commonly consumed diet increased by 34 and 35 percent, respectively.
 The price of rice – the major staple – was more than twice as high in September 2024 compared to two years prior. Prices rose by 29 percent between July 2023 and September 2024, and by only 7 percent between March and September 2024.
 In September 2024, cooking oil prices were 88 percent higher than the previous year, but 15 percent lower than two years prior.
 In September 2024, the median prices of most protein-rich foods, except for fish, were at least 50 percent higher compared to two years prior. Over the same two-year period, banana prices doubled.
 The highest costs for both common and healthy diets are seen in the conflict-affected states of Rakhine and Kachin, where in September 2024, the costs of the healthy diet was about 65 percent higher than the national average and the costs of the common diet costs was about 40 percent higher.
 Compared to average casual wages, the healthy and common diets are least affordable in Kachin, Rakhine and Magway and most affordable in Kayin and Mon.
 Between the fourth quarter of 2023 and September 2024, the prices of petrol rose by 90 percent, bar soap and paracetamol by nearly 50 percent, and toothpaste by 160 percent.
Recommended Actions
 Ensuring food is available at affordable prices is crucial to prevent food security and nutrition issues in the country. Therefore, prioritizing a well-functioning agri-food system should be a key focus for all stakeholders.
 The food price situation in Rakhine State is most concerning among all states and regions, and the state should be prioritized – to the extent that this possible – for assistance.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: The rising costs of diets – September 2024 survey round. Myanmar Strategy Support Program Research Note 116. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Diet; Food Prices; Households; Surveys




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type


Working Paper

Rice productivity in Myanmar: Assessment of the 2024 dry season

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Rice productivity in Myanmar: Assessment of the 2024 dry season

Key Findings
We analyze paddy rice productivity and profitability data for the dry seasons of 2023 and 2024, based on the Myanmar Agriculture Performance Survey (MAPS) fielded in the period of July 29th to September 16th, 2024. The survey covered plots of 825 rice paddy producers. It is found that:
• Prices of inputs used in paddy production – labor and mechanization – increased significantly between these two growing seasons by between 36-38 and 59 percent respectively, on average. On the other hand, urea prices declined by 1 percent. Paddy prices at the farm increased by 14 percent.
• Nominal profits for paddy rice farmers increased over the last two seasons. At the same time, price inflation has been high in the country. Therefore, real profits from paddy rice farming, which are nominal prices corrected by the change in the cost of an average food basket, decreased by 15 percent during the dry season of 2024 compared to the dry season of 2023. However, real profits were still higher than two and three years ago.
• Rice productivity at the national level during the dry season of 2024 on farmers’ largest rice plot was slightly higher (+6.9 percent) than in the previous dry season.
• Six percent of the rice farmers reported to have been affected by flooding during the dry season, even before cyclone Yagi affected many farmers in the beginning of September 2024.
Recommended Actions
• As paddy prices have gone up compared to last year, rice prices have gone up substantially as well, making the costs of Myanmar’s staple food unaffordable for some consumers, especially for the most vulnerable ones. Expansion of safety nets, targeted or self-targeted to the poorest, would therefore be beneficial.
• The cyclone Yagi has affected a significant share of monsoon producers. Assistance for farmers in these areas to recover from floods in time for the post-/pre-monsoon is called for.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Rice productivity in Myanmar: Assessment of the 2024 dry season. Myanmar Strategy Support Program Research Note 115. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Rice; Agricultural Productivity; Profitability; Inputs; Dry Season; Prices; Cyclones




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type

Working Paper


Resilient Cities urban nutrition profile: Philippines

2024Margolies, Amy; Pather, Kamara; Namara, Rebecca; Sehgal, Mrignyani; San Valentin, Carleneth; Olney, Deanna K.


Resilient Cities urban nutrition profile: Philippines

Child stunting is a persistent problem in the Philippines. While stunting prevalence is higher in rural than in urban areas, it still affects one in four children under the age of five in urban areas and coexists with rising overweight in school-age children, adolescents, and adults. Some urban nutrition interventions have focused on reducing diet-related noncommunicable disease (NCD) risks, but they have not addressed the challenges of the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) (e.g., the coexistence of problems of undernutrition and overnutrition) in school-age children and adolescents. Likewise, the lack of evidence on interventions in the urban food environment (FE) signals a need for studies to better understand the role of FEs in driving unhealthy dietary changes and the DBM and to test approaches to shift consumption patterns toward healthier diets and lifestyles. NCDs are the leading cause of mortality in the Philippines, and NCD risks are higher in urban areas than rural ones. National policies support nutrition with multisectoral approaches, particularly through urban farming and gardening to promote healthy and affordable urban diets. Yet the urban-specific programs must be evaluated. Evaluations of urban agricultural initiatives are needed to document any impact on diets and nutrition and to assess the potential for scale up, especially given land scarcity in dense urban areas. Additionally, multisectoral double-duty actions must be developed to address all forms of malnutrition.

Year published



Margolies, Amy; Pather, Kamara; Namara, Rebecca; Sehgal, Mrignyani; San Valentin, Carleneth; Olney, Deanna K.


Margolies, Amy; Pather, Kamara; Namara, Rebecca; Sehgal, Mrignyani; San Valentin, Carleneth; and Olney, Deanna. 2024. Resilient Cities urban nutrition profile: Philippines. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Child Stunting; Diet; Nutrition; Malnutrition; Urban Areas




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Resilient Cities

Record type



Myanmar Monthly Food Price Report – October 2024

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Monthly Food Price Report – October 2024

The rapidly evolving food security situation in Myanmar requires a high frequency, systematic and comprehensive approach to monitoring. The Myanmar monthly food price report synthesizes food price trends using publicly available datasets, focusing on key agricultural crops and highlighting regional differences in rice prices. By analyzing these trends, the report aims to provide insights into the broader agricultural market and the factors driving food price fluctuations in Myanmar.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Myanmar Monthly Food Price Report – October 2024. Monthly Food Price Report: October. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Food Security; Food Prices; Crops; Agricultural Marketing




Open Access


Source record

Record type



Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Agricultural crop traders – June 2024 survey

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Agricultural crop traders – June 2024 survey

To document changes in the mid-stream of Myanmar’s food value chains, a phone survey of commodity traders was conducted in June 2024 with a sample of 187 active traders in 12 states and regions.

Key Findings:
-Cellphone network challenges rival transportation challenges in both their prevalence and impact, affecting more than half the traders and doubling since 2023.
-More than 30 percent of traders reported being affected by exchange rate volatility and inflation, export/import challenges, and local and regional conflict. Notably, most encountered these shocks in April, May, and June 2024.
-Reported credit challenges are at their highest points in the past three years. The proportion of traders offering credit to farmers has decreased, and for some, the credit terms have shifted to higher interest rates and extended loan durations.
-Prices for the six most common commodities in our data have increased markedly in the past two years. Trader sales prices of rice were three times higher in June 2024 than in April 2022.
-Margins in June 2024 were 0.8 points higher than in April 2023. Rising trading margins could reflect increasing transport or transactions costs in trading, and are generally a negative sign for agrifood system efficiency.

Looking Ahead:
-Communication challenges in cellphone networks together with widespread transport disruptions could lead to inefficiencies in spatial arbitrage and widening gaps between consumer and producer prices.
-Credit challenges are increasing and rising prices will place greater financial stress on the farmers and traders alike.
-More than 40 percent of traders consider the general inflation and exchange rate volatility as a negative shock that reduces their business revenues. This survey was conducted before a large currency devaluation in informal markets and widespread flooding in Myanmar impacting agricultural production and livelihoods. These shocks add additional stress to the food system.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Agricultural crop traders – June 2024 survey. Myanmar SSP Research Note 114. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Value Chains; Agrifood Systems; Agricultural Trade; Shock; Agricultural Credit; Prices




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type



Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household and Worker Survey, Viet Nam

2024International Food Policy Research Institute; Development and Policies Research Center


Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household and Worker Survey, Viet Nam

In 2023, the Nature Positive Solutions (Nature+) baseline survey was conducted in Vietnam, focusing on the districts of Sa Pa and Mai Son. The study aimed to describe the socio-economic conditions and agricultural systems in these areas, providing a baseline assessment to inform ongoing Nature+ interventions. The survey covered 1,153 smallholder farmer households (858 treated and 295 control) across 23 villages.
Data collection employed a two-stage sampling technique and assessed various variables, including socio-economic characteristics, agricultural practices, land use, nutrition, and adoption of Nature+ practices. This data will support the evaluation of Nature+'s impacts on inclusion, poverty reduction, food security, livelihoods, and environmental sustainability.
Additionally, the survey included interviews with 334 workers, covering socio-demographic characteristics, contract types, forced labor, harassment, workplace health and safety, wages, and overtime.
Furthermore, community-level data were collected through interviews conducted by the team’s supervisors in all 23 surveyed villages. Each discussion involved at least three community leaders as key informants.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute; Development and Policies Research Center


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN). 2024. Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household and Worker Survey, Viet Nam. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Baseline Studies; Farming Systems; Smallholders; Agricultural Practices; Land Use; Nutrition; Impact Assessment; Inclusion; Poverty Alleviation; Food Security; Community Involvement




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type


Journal Article

A framework for cost-effectiveness analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation measures in dairy industry with an application to dairy farms in China

2024Li, Saiwei; Zhang, Mingxue; Hou, Lingling; Gong, Binlei; Chen, Kevin Z.


A framework for cost-effectiveness analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation measures in dairy industry with an application to dairy farms in China

Year published



Li, Saiwei; Zhang, Mingxue; Hou, Lingling; Gong, Binlei; Chen, Kevin Z.


Li, Saiwei; Zhang, Mingxue; Hou, Lingling; Gong, Binlei; and Chen, Kevin. 2024. A framework for cost-effectiveness analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation measures in dairy industry with an application to dairy farms in China. Journal of Environmental Management 370(November 2024): 122521.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Eastern Asia; Cost Analysis; Dairy Farms; Dairy Industry; Frameworks; Greenhouse Gases




Limited Access


Low-Emission Food Systems

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Endogenous technologies and productivity in rice production: Roles of social instability in Myanmar since 2021

2024Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Aung, Zin Wai; Masias, Ian; Minten, Bart


Endogenous technologies and productivity in rice production: Roles of social instability in Myanmar since 2021

Despite technologies' critical roles in agricultural productivity, evidence is scarce on how conflict affects technology adoption and consequent agricultural productivity, often due to a lack of data in fragile states. Our study contributes to filling this knowledge gap by using unique large-scale data on rice producers before and after a military coup in Myanmar in 2021 that led to a significant increase in conflicts in the country. We find that the increase in violent events including those in adjacent townships significantly changed the rice production function in both factor-neutral and non-neutral ways. Specifically, increased violent events have been generally associated with downward factor-neutral shift in production function, and more importantly, increased output elasticity to agricultural capital (equipment) owned (in other words, reduced output resilience against capital ownership shocks). Our evidence also suggests that this has been led partly through reduced access to agricultural extension services, which would otherwise help farmers maintain productivity even with limited capital ownership by substituting it with human capital and skills. Our results consistently hold for both panel and cross-sectional production functions across various specifications and particularly in Lower Myanmar. Results also indicate that lower mechanization service fees partly mitigate these effects.

Year published



Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Aung, Zin Wai; Masias, Ian; Minten, Bart


Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Aung, Zin Wai; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart. Endogenous technologies and productivity in rice production: Roles of social instability in Myanmar since 2021. Agricultural Economics 55(6): 925-942.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Technology; Crop Production; Productivity; Rice




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Working Paper

Community and household shocks: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024)

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Community and household shocks: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024)

The seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), a nationally and regionally representative phone survey, was implemented between April and June 2024. It follows six rounds that were carried out since the beginning of December 2021. This report discusses the findings from the seventh round related to shocks including conflict, climatic, service sector, and economic. The security situation in Myanmar continued to worsen during the seventh-round recall period, which spanned from January to June 2024. Households felt insecure in their communities, as reported by 23 percent of households, and had low levels of trust in their communities, as reported also by 23 percent of households. This is because crime and violence remained high, affecting 16 and 9 percent of communities, respectively. Lawlessness continues to be a widespread issue in Myanmar. In January–June 2024, 18 percent of households reported a lot or some gambling in their community and 13 percent reported drug use. These issues were more prominent in urban areas, compared to rural areas. A new challenge is risk of conscription, reported by 39 percent of households. Another crucial challenge is that 13 percent of respondents felt that it was dangerous for them to move around and do everyday tasks. Finally, three percent of respondents revealed that there was a risk of kidnapping in their community.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Community and household shocks: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024). Myanmar SSP Working Paper 61. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Household Surveys; Conflicts; Violence; Crime; Extreme Weather Events; Electrical Energy; Schools; Food Prices




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Working Paper


Myanmar Monthly Food Price Report – September 2024

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Monthly Food Price Report – September 2024

The rapidly evolving food security situation in Myanmar requires a high frequency, systematic and comprehensive approach to monitoring. The Myanmar monthly food price report synthesizes food price trends using three publicly available datasets, focusing on key agricultural crops and highlighting regional differences in rice prices. By analyzing these trends, the report aims to provide insights into the broader agricultural market and the factors driving food price fluctuations in Myanmar.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis (MAPSA). 2024. Myanmar Monthly Food Price Report – September 2024. Monthly Food Price Report: September 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Food Security; Food Prices; Crops; Agricultural Marketing




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type



2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia

The 2022 Cambodia Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) follows IFPRI's Standard Nexus SAM approach, by focusing on consistency, comparability, and transparency of data. The Nexus SAMs available on IFPRI's website separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital, with labor further disaggregated across three education-based categories. The household account is divided into 10 representative household groups: Rural and urban households across per capita consumption quintiles. Nexus SAMs support the improvement of model-based research and policy analysis in developing countries and allow for more robust cross-country comparisons of national economic structures, especially agriculture-food systems.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2024. 2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia: A Nexus Project SAM. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. handle 10568/155101




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Macroeconomic Analysis; Household Consumption; Household Expenditure; Taxes; Economic Indicators; Labour; Computable General Equilibrium Models; Agrifood Systems




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0



Record type


Working Paper

How have foreign exchange market distortions and conflict affected agricultural production incentives in Myanmar?

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


How have foreign exchange market distortions and conflict affected agricultural production incentives in Myanmar?

Fluctuations in agricultural prices pose significant challenges for fragile and conflict-affected economies due to their critical role in ensuring food security. This study examines changes in agricultural prices at the export, wholesale, and farm level in the case of Myanmar, which experienced a surge in conflicts from 2021 onward, following a military coup. The major findings are as follows:
• Regarding macroeconomic impacts, the military government implemented a dual exchange rate system, maintaining a fixed exchange rate significantly below the market rate and effectively imposing an across-the-board export tax on all export commodities of approximately 24 percent between August 2022 and August 2024. This policy particularly affects rice, Myanmar’s main staple and a key export crop.
• The scarcity of foreign exchange due to this dual exchange rate system increased the costs of imported inputs. It is estimated that prices of inorganic fertilizers – farmers’ most important commercial input – saw an increase of 10 percent compared to the price in Thailand since the start of the dual exchange rate system.
• Regarding domestic trade effects, regions with the highest insecurity exhibited similar agricultural output prices but higher input costs, resulting in reduced farm profitability compared to more secure regions. However, the magnitude of these effects is relatively small, with estimated increases in input prices due to insecurity ranging from one to six percent. Insecure areas also show more often a lack of input availability.
• Farmers who reside in insecure areas reported between one and six percentage points higher lack of access to agricultural inputs – fertilizer, agrochemicals, mechanization, and seed - in their communities. The relatively small effects of insecurity on input and output markets suggest a degree of resilience in the private sector’s ability to maintain trade under conflict conditions.
• The biggest effect on input markets is seen in the case of agricultural labor. Depending on the measure used, farmers in the most insecure areas had a 7 to 15 percentage points higher likelihood of reporting lack of access to agricultural laborers compared to the most secure areas.
• The exchange rate policies are found to have been much more harmful for farmers’ incentives than the domestic trade effects, even for the most conflict-affected areas, indicating the importance of considering macroeconomic effects for agricultural incentives in Myanmar.
• Despite the significant disincentives brought about by conflict, the agricultural sector has shown surprising resilience over the recent conflict period, seemingly linked to advantageous international price developments for farmers: international rice prices increased by 27 percent while urea prices decreased by 52 percent between August 2022 and May 2024.
• While these international evolutions have partly mitigated the impact of the conflict on farmers’ profitability, the impacts of these price developments on consumers in Myanmar have, however, been severe. An analysis of rice retail prices in Myanmar over the last two and half years show that they have more than tripled and that the overall costs of the common diet more than doubled. A failure of nominal income to keep pace with this food price inflation led to an increase in poverty by 10 percent from the end of 2022 to the end of 2023.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis (MAPSA). 2024. How have foreign exchange market distortions and conflict affected agricultural production incentives in Myanmar? Myanmar SSP Working Paper 60. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Prices; Economic Systems; Food Security; Markets; Exports; Taxes; Imports; Farmers; Inputs




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Working Paper

Opinion Piece

Nourishing futures: The Philippines promote native foods in school meals

2024Mendonce, Sharon; Borelli, Teresa; Honeycutt, Sydney; Anunciado, Ma. Shiela; Umali, Diana Jean


Nourishing futures: The Philippines promote native foods in school meals

Imagine a bustling schoolyard in the Philippines, where children eagerly tend to their vibrant classroom garden. As part of a school gardening programme, the students are excited to harvest the fruits and vegetables they have carefully cultivated. In just a few hours, these nutritious foods will be served on their lunch plates. This heartwarming scene reflects broader efforts across the Philippines to integrate traditional and indigenous fruit and vegetables into school meals and promote healthy eating habits. Driven by a commitment to improve the quality of school meals, the Philippines, as a School Meals Coalition member, has introduced various initiatives aimed at supporting the health and well-being of students. Beyond combatting hunger, these efforts are designed to enhance learning outcomes and foster a brighter, healthier future for the nation.

Aligned with these goals, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, also a partner of the Coalition, is promoting fruit and vegetable consumption in the Philippines through a CGIAR Research Initiative on Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH). In collaboration with the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) and other local partners, FRESH contributed to a desk review of the country’s school food environment literature, policies, and guidelines.

Year published



Mendonce, Sharon; Borelli, Teresa; Honeycutt, Sydney; Anunciado, Ma. Shiela; Umali, Diana Jean


Mendonce, Sharon; Borelli, Teresa; Honeycutt, Sydney; Anunciado, Ma. Shiela; and Umali, Diana Jean. 2024. Nourishing futures: the Philippines promote native foods in school meals. School Meals Coalition.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; School Feeding; Nutrition; Fruits; Vegetables; Native Organisms




Open Access


Source record


Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Opinion Piece

Book Chapter

Regional variations in rural livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities

2024Belton, Ben; Filipski, Mateusz; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Fang, Peixun


Regional variations in rural livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities

Rural livelihoods in Myanmar are embedded in regional contexts that vary widely in terms of physical geography, climate and agroecology, local resource base, agrarian structure, infrastructure provision, proximity to urban areas and neighboring countries, social networks, institutions, and ethnicities. The composition of livelihoods in each administrative and geographic zone of the country reflects these diverse contexts. Marked variations in livelihood patterns are evident at multiple scales, from the zone or region down to township and village level, so that the composition of livelihoods in villages close to one another sometimes varies widely.

Despite the high level of place-based specificity in the composition of livelihoods, many broad similarities and common trends shape livelihoods at subnational and national levels. These include generally low levels of agricultural productivity relative to other countries in the region in terms of both land and labor; high rates of landlessness, legacies of land confiscation, and unresolved struggles over land rights and access; and generally poor public infrastructure and services—including electricity, roads, schools, health services, and rural credit—though these were improving rapidly in many places before 2020; relatively low levels of diversification and capital in the rural nonfarm economy; high rates of international and domestic outmigration; and histories of ethnopolitical conflict and insecurity.

Year published



Belton, Ben; Filipski, Mateusz; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Fang, Peixun


Belton, Ben; Filipski, Mateusz; Lambrecht, Isabel; and Fang, Peixun. 2024. Regional variations in rural livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 18, Pp. 491-512.




South-eastern Asia; Rural Livelihoods; Agricultural Productivity; Land Rights; Infrastructure; Household Surveys; Agroecology




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

The agrifood system: structure and contribution to development goals

2024Diao, Xinshen; Masias, Ian; Pauw, Karl; Thurlow, James; Boughton, Duncan


The agrifood system: structure and contribution to development goals

As countries develop, agrifood systems (AFS) are expected to evolve beyond primary agriculture. The earliest stages of development are typically characterized by subsistence farming; as agricultural productivity rises, farmers begin to supply surplus production to markets, which creates employment opportunities for workers in the off-farm economy. Rising rural incomes generate demand for more diverse products; this leads to more nonfarm activities such as processing, packaging, transporting, and trading. In the early stages of transformation, the agriculture sector serves as an engine of rural—and even national—economic growth. Eventually, urbanization, the nonfarm economy, and nonagricultural incomes play more dominant roles in propelling AFS development, with urban and rural nonfarm consumers creating most of the market demand for agricultural outputs via value chains that connect rural areas to towns and cities. The exact nature of this transformation process varies across countries because of the diverse structure of their economies and the unique growth trajectories of their various agrifood and nonfood subsectors. A focus solely on primary agriculture without an understanding of its linkages to off-farm components of the economy masks the importance of AFS to the overall economy and its potential contribution as a driver of development going forward. In this chapter, we first measure the size, structure, and historical contribution of the AFS to economic growth and transformation in Myanmar. Second, we assess the potential for AFS growth led by productivity gains in different agricultural value chains to contribute to development outcomes in Myanmar using the Rural Investment and Policy Analysis (RIAPA) model (IFPRI 2023b). We measure AFS using national accounts and employment statistics to either track or simulate growth and employment changes over time. We disaggregate AFS into several value chain groups, which allows the analysis to offer a unique and useful perspective on the drivers of AFS growth and transformation. Finally, we discuss the implications of the recent crises for the future of the AFS and propose both short- and long-term policy recommendations to help steer recovery.

Year published



Diao, Xinshen; Masias, Ian; Pauw, Karl; Thurlow, James; Boughton, Duncan


Diao, Xinshen; Masias, Ian; Pauw, Karl; Thurlow, James; and Boughton, Duncan. 2024. The agrifood system: structure and contribution to development goals. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 2, Pp. 19-42.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Development; Economic Growth; Economic Shock; Governance




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Agrifood trade

2024Diao, Xinshen; Masias, Ian; Lwin, Wuit Yi


Agrifood trade

Agrifood exports make up about one-third of Myanmar’s total exports, and their share of both total exports and as a ratio of total GDP has risen in recent years. Agrifood exports have the potential to generate higher income for farmers, traders, processors, and other stakeholders within agrifood value chains. Additionally, they can contribute to the country’s foreign exchange earnings, supporting the importation of manufactured products embedded with modern technology required for the transformation of the agrifood sector. This chapter analyzes the past performance of key agrifood exports and assesses their potential role in the transformation of Myanmar’s agrifood system and the overall economy.

Year published



Diao, Xinshen; Masias, Ian; Lwin, Wuit Yi


Diao, Xinshen; Masias, Ian; and Lwin, Wuit Yi. 2024. Agrifood trade. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 14, Pp. 373-408.




South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Sector; Exports; Value Chains; Income; Markets; Policies; Economic Development




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Dietary quality and nutrition: Past progress, current and future challenges

2024Mahrt, Kristi; Headey, Derek D.; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Tauseef, Salauddin


Dietary quality and nutrition: Past progress, current and future challenges

Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the military coup in 2021, Myanmar was experiencing a period of rapid economic growth and transformation in the wake of economic and political liberalization. Between 2005 and 2017, average annual growth in real GDP per capita was 7.8 percent, making Myanmar the fastest growing economy among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. Strong growth was accompanied by a halving of the national poverty rate between 2005 and 2017 from 48.2 to 24.8 percent (CSO, UNDP, and World Bank 2019). COVID19 and the economic and political shocks affecting the country since 2021 have led to an economic contraction: 2021 saw an 18 percent drop in real GDP per capita; in 2022, real GDP per capita was estimated to be 15 percent lower than in 2019 (World Bank 2022). The impacts on poverty were even more dire. A high-frequency panel phone survey of mothers and young children in urban Yangon and the rural Dry Zone revealed incomes collapsing during the COVID-19 lockdowns and further income losses in the wake of the February 2021 military takeover (Headey et al. 2022). Prices rose dramatically, with the consumer price index rising by 20 percent between July 2021 and July 2022 (MOPF 2022), while food prices rose by 34 percent over the same period and by about 50 percent between December 2021 and December 2022. Nationally, a variety of different poverty indicators suggest that between 40 and 50 percent of the population was living in poverty in 2022 —poverty rates similar to those found between 2005 and 2010.

Year published



Mahrt, Kristi; Headey, Derek D.; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Tauseef, Salauddin


Mahrt, Kristi; Headey, Derek; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew; and Tauseef, Salauddin. 2024. Dietary quality and nutrition: Past progress, current and future challenges. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 4, Pp. 79-120.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Development; Diet Quality; Economic Shock; Governance; Nutrition




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Women and youth in agriculture

2024Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Mahrt, Kristi; Cho, Ame; Win, Hnin Ei


Women and youth in agriculture

Gendered social and cultural norms often strongly emphasize women’s roles as caregivers. Such norms may, in turn, contribute to gender patterns in economic activity, including agricultural activity. Meanwhile, youth are at a critical stage in their lives as they transition from being “dependent” household members to a more independent stage of life, with increasing caregiving and income-generating responsibilities. There may, therefore, be generational differences between youth and non-youth in terms of their contributions to economic activities—including the extent to which they are involved in one sector or another.

Knowing and understanding the gendered and generational contributions and roles of women, men, and youth in rural livelihoods and the inequalities therein are critical to designing policies and interventions. Without such evidence, policies and projects risk being designed on the basis of false assumptions, at best lowering efficiency and, at worst, leading to harmful outcomes. So far, only a handful of studies have described gender roles in Myanmar agriculture, and these rely on case study evidence and qualitative data. Little quantitative evidence is available about women’s and youth’s roles in agriculture in Myanmar and, more broadly, in the rural economy.

Year published



Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Mahrt, Kristi; Cho, Ame; Win, Hnin Ei


Lambrecht, Isabel; Mahrt, Kristi; Cho, Ame; and Win, Hnin Ei. 2024. Women and youth in agriculture. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 17, Pp. 467-490.




South-eastern Asia; Women; Gender; Agriculture; Youth; Economic Activities; Rural Livelihoods




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Conclusion: From recovery to renewal of the agrifood system

2024Boughton, Duncan; Minten, Bart


Conclusion: From recovery to renewal of the agrifood system

Myanmar’s agrifood system is of critical importance for the near-term survival and longer-term flourishing of its diverse population. Prior to the recent crises, the food system accounted for almost half (47 percent) of Myanmar’s GDP and almost two-thirds (64 percent) of employment, while primary agriculture accounted for 22 percent of GDP and 49 percent of employment (Chapter 2). Recovery from the multiple crises Myanmar has faced since 2020 will require a combination of effective humanitarian assistance and sustained policy reforms and investment to resolve infrastructure limitations and constraints to sustainable productivity growth. These efforts are necessary to enable the agrifood system to fulfill its potential to improve food and nutrition security and reduce poverty.

Our concluding chapter first reviews the trajectory of the agrifood system through multiple economic shocks, from the onset of COVID-19 in early 2020 through to the end of 2023; and the types of assistance needed to mitigate widespread food and nutrition insecurity. It then turns to longer-term investments and policies required to enable the agrifood system to drive long-term recovery and sustainable economic growth. While many of the shocks experienced by Myanmar since the onset of COVID-19 have also been experienced by other low-income countries, the consequences have been magnified and prolonged due to the military coup of February 1, 2021.

Year published



Boughton, Duncan; Minten, Bart


Boughton, Duncan; and Minten, Bart. 2024. Conclusion: From recovery to renewal of the agrifood system. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 19, Pp. 513-532.




South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Employment; Agriculture; Nutrition; Poverty; Shocks; Economic Growth




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Migration trends and implications

2024Filipski, Mateusz; Belton, Ben; van Asselt, Joanna; Hein, Aung; Zu, A Myint; Htoo, Kyan; Win, Myat Thida; Thu, Eaindra Theint Theint; Htun, Khun Moe; Ei, Hnin


Migration trends and implications

Following economic and political reforms initiated in 2011, the country’s population has been adapting rapidly to new opportunities and challenges, including through relocation and migration. This chapter describes some of the patterns and dynamics related to these population flows, as well as their consequences for Myanmar’s rural economy. Most of the chapter is based on data collected prior to the triple crises, but recent analyses allow us to give an overview of the migration landscape in the post-2020 era at the end of the chapter (MAPSA 2024c). These analyses confirm that overall migration dynamics have largely persisted.

Year published



Filipski, Mateusz; Belton, Ben; van Asselt, Joanna; Hein, Aung; Zu, A Myint; Htoo, Kyan; Win, Myat Thida; Thu, Eaindra Theint Theint; Htun, Khun Moe; Ei, Hnin


Filipski, Mateusz; Belton, Ben; van Asselt, Joanna; Hein, Aung; Zu, A Myint; Htoo, Kyan; Win, Myat Thida; Thu, Eaindra Theint Theint; Htun, Khun Moe; and Ei, Hnin. 2024. Migration trends and implications. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 15, Pp. 409-437.




South-eastern Asia; Migration; Rural Economics; Shock; Conflicts; Income




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Income diversification and the rural nonfarm economy

2024Paudel, Susan; Filipski, Mateusz; Minten, Bart


Income diversification and the rural nonfarm economy

The rapid transformation of the rural sector between 2011 and 2021 has been well-documented in relation to farming and included profound changes in crops grown, farming practices, markets, and value chains. This transformation has been described in this volume, as well as in Belton and Filipski (2019), Filipski et al. (2020), Boughton et al. (2018), and World Bank (2017). However, this period also witnessed a diversification of activities away from agriculture, with incomes shifting away from reliance on subsistence farming and agriculture in general. The contributions of wage work and rural nonfarm businesses are growing in importance as the rural sector moves beyond an agrarian model in which primary agricultural production is the dominant source of wealth. Though the general equilibrium analysis from Chapter 2 shows that agriculture remains a major driver of economic activity, a micro-level analysis finds that activities either downstream in the food value chain or outside of the food system entirely are now responsible for large shares of rural incomes.

Year published



Paudel, Susan; Filipski, Mateusz; Minten, Bart


Paudel, Susan; Filipski, Mateusz; and Minten, Bart. 2024. Income diversification and the rural nonfarm economy. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 16, Pp. 439-466.




South-eastern Asia; Income; Rural Areas; Nonfarm Income; Economic Situation; Diversification




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Agricultural land: Inequality and insecurity

2024Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun; Minten, Bart; Naing, Phyo Thandar


Agricultural land: Inequality and insecurity

Land is indispensable to agricultural production and, thus, a critical resource in sustaining agriculture-based livelihoods. Moreover, land as property may facilitate access to credit when used as collateral, further facilitating productive activities. Land ownership also constitutes a buffer against shocks, as it can often be rented out, mortgaged, or sold when cash needs are high.

Year published



Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun; Minten, Bart; Naing, Phyo Thandar


Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun; Minten, Bart; and Naing, Phyo Thandar. 2024. Agricultural land: Inequality and insecurity. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 6, pp. 149-170.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Farmland; Equality; Tenure Insecurity; Livelihoods




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Livestock, capture fisheries, and aquaculture: Status and recent trends

2024Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun


Livestock, capture fisheries, and aquaculture: Status and recent trends

Livestock rearing and fishing have been central components of rural livelihoods in Myanmar for centuries and remain so today. More capital-intensive forms of marine fishing, aquaculture, and poultry farming began to expand during the early 1990s and have grown briskly since then. Poultry and aquaculture commoditization accelerated between 2011 and 2019, stimulated by the demand-side pull of rapid income growth and by foreign and domestic investment in areas such as feed milling and food retail (for example, businesses such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, which opened in Myanmar in 2015). However, despite recent growth, both sectors lag behind those in more developed countries in the region in technological sophistication, scale, and regulation.

This chapter summarizes the status of the supply side of livestock, capture fisheries, and aquaculture based on an analysis of nationally representative data extracted from the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS) 2017 (CSO 2019) and a review of trends in these sectors using information drawn from other recent surveys and secondary sources. We analyze MLCS to sketch a picture of the contributions of livestock, capture fisheries, and aquaculture to household incomes in the four agroecological zones (AEZs—Delta, Dry Zone, Coastal Zone, and Hills and Mountains) into which MLCS results are categorized (CSO, UNDP, and World Bank 2019). The MLCS livestock and fishery modules asked questions about each household’s ownership, production, sales, and consumption of livestock and livestock byproducts, as well as aquaculture and capture fisheries products in the previous 12 months. Respondents were asked to estimate the quantity or value of these variables, making it possible to calculate the value of livestock and fish income, expenditure, and consumption for each household.

Year published



Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun


Belton, Ben; and Fang, Peixun. 2024. Livestock, capture fisheries, and aquaculture: Status and recent trends. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 9, Pp. 221-244.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Aquaculture; Capture Fisheries; Development; Economic Shock; Governance; Livestock




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

The rice sector

2024Dorosh, Paul A.; Aung, Nilar; Minten, Bart


The rice sector

Recent major local shocks have negatively affected Myanmar’s economy
and its people. Disruptions in the world economy linked to the outbreak
of COVID-19 in early 2020 and the Ukraine war in 2022 and 2023
have led to sharp price increases for petroleum products, wheat, vegetable oils,
and other food products, as well as agricultural inputs, such as chemical fertilizers.
Myanmar’s rice sector has also been adversely affected by increases in
insecurity in rural areas, higher world prices, and reduced cross-border exports
to China.

This chapter explores the implications of these shocks for Myanmar’s rice
exports, domestic rice production, and domestic rice prices. First, we discuss
Myanmar’s rice economy. Next, we describe the equations, database, and
parameters of the partial equilibrium model of Myanmar’s rice economy used
in this analysis. We then present model simulation results, covering the effects
of the income and price shocks in 2022, negative rice production shocks
accompanied by lower rice exports in 2023, and implications of a cessation of
cross-border rice exports to China. The final section summarizes the results,
discusses policy implications, and suggests areas for further work.

Year published



Dorosh, Paul A.; Aung, Nilar; Minten, Bart


Dorosh, Paul; Aung, Nilar; and Minten, Bart. 2024. The rice sector. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 11, pp. 279-307.




South-eastern Asia; Shock; Economic Situation; Farm Inputs; Exports; Rice; Prices; Agricultural Production; Markets




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Record type

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Introduction [in Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities]

2024Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Minten, Bart


Introduction [in Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities]

A decade of rapid, albeit uneven, progress in Myanmar’s economic development was thrown into reverse by a series of shocks that began with the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. The pandemic was followed by the military coup of February 2021 and the global food, fuel, and fertilizer supply crisis spurred by the armed conflict in Ukraine that began a year later. The coup led to a surge in conflict around the country, hampering and often devastating the livelihoods of the population at large while also causing the internal displacement of about 2.3 million people by the end of 2023, adding to those displaced during prior conflicts. The sharp depreciation of Myanmar’s currency since the coup multiplied the inflationary impact of international price increases for fuel, fertilizer, and imported vegetable oils, causing inflation to spiral upward even as employment opportunities withered. By late 2023, over 70 percent of the population was estimated to be in poverty, more than double the 2017 poverty rate of 25 percent.

Though Myanmar’s agrifood system was not left unscathed by these shocks, it has proved resilient. Agriculture and the rural economy are essential to Myanmar’s development, as 70 percent of the population and 87 percent of the country’s poor live in rural areas (MOPF and World Bank 2017a). Agriculture and its associated agro-industries form a key sector of the national economy, employing half of the total labor force and contributing one-third of national GDP—about 23 percent directly in farm incomes and another 11 percent in agro-processing, distribution, marketing, exports, and food retailing (Chapter 2). Ekanayake, Ambrosio, and Jaffee (2019) estimate that nearly half of Myanmar’s poverty reduction between 2005 and 2015 was attributable directly to progress in agriculture. Therefore, a well-functioning agrifood system is crucial to the welfare and food security of Myanmar’s residents.

Year published



Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Minten, Bart


Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel; and Minten, Bart. 2024. Introduction [in Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities]. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 1, Pp.1-18.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Development; Economic Shock; Governance




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Agricultural value chains: Examples of quiet transformation

2024Belton, Ben; Ame, Cho; Fang, Peixun; Win, Myat Thida; Mather, David


Agricultural value chains: Examples of quiet transformation

Myanmar’s agricultural value chains1 are often perceived to be traditional and inefficient and to suffer from underinvestment, credit constraints, and inadequate technology. This perception is partly rooted in the legacy of Myanmar’s military socialist government (1962–1988). During this period, most private business was nationalized, agricultural production in the lowlands was brought under a command-and-control system, and the state assumed all responsibility for the provision of agricultural inputs, services such as mechanization, and crop procurement and marketing.

Year published



Belton, Ben; Ame, Cho; Fang, Peixun; Win, Myat Thida; Mather, David


Belton, Ben; Cho, Ame; Fang, Peixun; Win, Myat Thida; and Mather, David. 2024. Agricultural value chains: Examples of quiet transformation. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 12, pp. 309-339.




South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Value Chains; Credit; Agricultural Production; Farm Inputs; Agro-industrial Sector; Investment; Commercialization




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Agricultural mechanization: Drivers and characteristics

2024Belton, Ben; Win, Myat Thida; Zhang, Xiaobo; Filipski, Mateusz; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Masias, Ian


Agricultural mechanization: Drivers and characteristics

Widespread agricultural mechanization is a very recent phenomenon in Myanmar. In 2010, just 0.5 percent of farm households in the Delta used combine harvesters, and only 6 percent used threshers. A study of farm production economics in the country’s main agricultural zones in 2013/14 found that only 1 percent of paddy-cultivating households used combine harvesters. This was attributed to a combination of low wages and surplus labor in rural areas, poor infrastructure, a poor regulatory environment, and a lack of access to long-term capital among farmers.

However, Myanmar’s policy reforms and reintegration into regional and global markets between 2011 and 2020 contributed to increasingly dynamic conditions, including economic growth averaging 7 percent per year (ADB 2018), accelerating out-migration from rural areas, and rapid rural transformation. This context gave rise to rapid and widespread agricultural mechanization.

This chapter compares data from two pairs of complementary surveys to assess the effects of these economic changes on the uptake of agricultural mechanization. We combine demand-side (farm household) and supply-side
(agricultural machinery retailer) surveys implemented between 2016 and 2018 across two major agroecological zones—a deltaic rice-growing environment (the Delta) and a rainfed semiarid zone (the Dry Zone). This approach allows
for triangulation of results and captures variations in mechanization across geographies. In addition, we use data from multiple rounds of rapid assessments to evaluate the impacts of COVID-19 and other recent shocks.

Year published



Belton, Ben; Win, Myat Thida; Zhang, Xiaobo; Filipski, Mateusz; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Masias, Ian


Belton, Ben; Win, Myat Thida; Zhang, Xiaobo; Filipski, Mateusz; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; and Masias, Ian. 2024. Agricultural mechanization: Drivers and characteristics. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 7, Pp. 171-200.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Mechanization; Agrifood Systems; Development; Economic Shock; Governance




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Vulnerability and welfare during multiple crises

2024van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Aung, Zin Wai


Vulnerability and welfare during multiple crises

The triple transition that took place between 2011 and 2019 in Myanmar—from a planned to an open market economy, from military to civilian rule, from conflict to peace—was not without its limitations. As discussed in Chapter 1, poverty reduction was modest relative to economic growth, a fully democratic system was not established, and ethnic conflict continued in many areas. In this mixed context of social welfare improvements and unfulfilled reforms, COVID-19 hit—the first in a series of crises. The pandemic had an immediate adverse impact on Myanmar’s economy and pushed many households into poverty. Then, while the country remained under threat from the pandemic, in February 2021, the military took over in a coup, and Myanmar fell into a political crisis. Declines in welfare accelerated for many. One year later, the Myanmar economy faced sharp rises in prices for food, fuel, and fertilizer as a result of a global economic crisis triggered by the start of the conflict in Ukraine. This triple crisis—pandemic, political, economic— has had enormous impacts on welfare and livelihoods in Myanmar. (Chapter 1 summarizes how the triple crisis unfolded; refer to that chapter for details on the causes, levels, and apparent consequences of the sequence of

Year published



van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Aung, Zin Wai


van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; and Aung, Zin Wai. 2024. Vulnerability and welfare during multiple crises. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 5, Pp. 121-148.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Development; Economic Shock; Governance; Vulnerability




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

A historical and regional perspective on Myanmar’s agrifood system

2024Boughton, Duncan; Haggblade, Steve; Minten, Bart


A historical and regional perspective on Myanmar’s agrifood system

Agriculture and the related input supply, processing, trade, and retail distribution activities that make up national food systems are a major driver of rural economic transformation in low- and middle-income countries (Mellor 2017). As Chapter 2 shows, in addition to directly contributing to rural employment and GDP in Myanmar, the growth of the agrifood system has high multiplier effects on the broader rural economy. Yet in Myanmar, as Warr (2016) argues, lack of agricultural productivity growth combined with dependence on extractive sectors, such as jade, teak, and natural gas, has held back the transformation of the economy.

Year published



Boughton, Duncan; Haggblade, Steve; Minten, Bart


Boughton, Duncan; Haggblade, Steve; and Minten, Bart. 2024. A historical and regional perspective on Myanmar’s agrifood system. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 3, Pp. 43-78.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Productivity; Agrifood Systems; Development; Economic Shock; Governance




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Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Farm commercialization: A transformation on hold or in reverse?

2024Minten, Bart; Fang, Peixun; Naing, Phyo Thandar; Aung, Zin Wai; Win, Hnin Ei


Farm commercialization: A transformation on hold or in reverse?

When food systems transform, farmers’ interactions with markets change dramatically. With changes from traditional to transitional to modern systems—as defined by Reardon and Minten (2021)— farmers move from mostly subsistence-oriented agriculture with few market interactions toward heavy reliance on spot markets for inputs, outputs, and services, and ultimately to contract farming. Such reliance on markets during these transformation processes has been shown to lead to significant improvements in farm performance and in agricultural households’ welfare.

However, in a number of low- and middle-income countries, there is often a lack of clarity regarding which stage of transformation farms have reached and how to expedite such transformations. There is limited understanding of agricultural markets and farm commercialization in Myanmar in particular because of a lack of nationally representative and updated data on the farm sector. Moreover, over the past decade, the country has undergone substantial changes in its economic and agricultural market policies, as well as major COVID-19 and military coup shocks. This has all had significant impacts on the farm commercialization situation. To understand farm commercialization and its evolution, then, we first need an overview of these policy changes and shocks.

Year published



Minten, Bart; Fang, Peixun; Naing, Phyo Thandar; Aung, Zin Wai; Win, Hnin Ei


Minten, Bart; Fang, Peixun; Naing, Phyo Thandar; Aung, Zin Wai; and Win, Hnin Ei. 2024. Farm commercialization: A transformation on hold or in reverse? In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities, Duncan Boughton, Ben Belton, Isabel Lambrecht, and Bart Minten, eds. Chapter 10, Pp. 245-277.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Commercialization; Development; Economic Shock; Farms; Governance




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Book Chapter


Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities

2024Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Minten, Bart


Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities

Myanmar has endured multiple crises in recent years — including COVID-19, global price instability, the 2021 coup, and widespread conflict — that have disrupted and even reversed a decade of economic development. Household welfare has declined severely, with more than 3 million people displaced and many more affected by high food price inflation and worsening diets. Yet Myanmar’s agrifood production and exports have proved surprisingly resilient.

Myanmar’s Agrifood System: Historical Development, Recent Shocks, Future Opportunities provides critical analyses and insights into the agrifood system’s evolution, current state, and future potential. This work fills an important knowledge gap for one of Southeast Asia’s major agricultural economies — one largely closed to empirical research for many years. It is the culmination of a decade of rigorous empirical research on Myanmar’s agrifood system, including through the recent crises. Written by IFPRI researchers and colleagues from Michigan State University, the book’s insights can serve as a to guide immediate humanitarian assistance and inform future growth strategies, once a sustainable resolution to the current crisis is found that ensures lasting peace and good governance.

Year published



Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Minten, Bart


Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). 2024. Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Development; Economic Shock; Governance




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type


Book Chapter

Food processing: A stalled transformation

2024Minten, Bart; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Mahrt, Kristi; Fang, Peixun; Goeb, Joseph; Zone, Phoo Pye


Food processing: A stalled transformation

Processed foods account for 80 percent of global food sales. Such foods are becoming increasingly important in low- and middle-income countries, driven by growing demand for convenient and ready-to-eat products. The aim of this chapter is to analyze the state and evolution of food processing in Myanmar and to assess the effect of the crises (COVID-19 and the military coup) on the different segments—production, trade, and consumption—of the sector. This assessment is important given the possible implications of changes in food processing for agriculture, employment opportunities in the food processing industry and food service sector, and nutritional outcomes.

Year published



Minten, Bart; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Mahrt, Kristi; Fang, Peixun; Goeb, Joseph; Zone, Phoo Pye


Minten, Bart; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew; Mahrt, Kristi; Fang, Peixun; Goeb, Joseph; and Zone, Phoo Pye. 2024. Food processing: A stalled transformation. In Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). Chapter 13, Pp. 341-372.




South-eastern Asia; Food Processing; Shock; Agro-industrial Sector; Markets; Trade; Processed Foods




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Book Chapter

Working Paper

Maize residue management in Myanmar

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Maize residue management in Myanmar

This note provides an overview of maize residue management practices in Myanmar based on interviews conducted in June 2024 with a sample of 599 maize farmers in the primary maize growing region.
Key Findings
 Burning maize residues is not the most common practice in Myanmar, and the share of farmers burning fell from 44 percent in 2013 to 34 percent in 2023 as farmers have adopted alternate approaches, such as retaining residues in the soil.
 The broader maize sector evolution over the last decade has brought several changes, some of which likely increase the relative benefits of burning – e.g., decline in labor availability, decline in livestock ownership.
 Access to markets for maize residues has improved, though still less than one fifth of farmers can sell their maize residues.
 Soil fertility is important to farmers. Soil fertility improvement was the most common reported benefit to both burning and retaining residues. However, most farmers that do not burn disagree that soils are improved by burning, while most farmers that burn agree.
 Most farmers are aware of the human health effects of burning, but more than a quarter strongly disagree that burning residues negatively affects the health of others.
 The majority of farmers that burn agree that their community expects them to.
 Farmer education and extension are leading candidates to reduce maize residue burning in Myanmar. Key topics where there are evident knowledge gaps include highlighting the large relative gains in long-term soil health from retaining the residues compared to burning, and the high external health costs of burning.
 Interventions to reduce burning are critical to reducing environmental and health externalities, and in light of the planned Thai bans in the importation of maize from countries using burning as a residue management practice. However, the Thai government should adapt their strategy and consider other methods to reduce residue burning in neighboring countries including supporting education, or providing price incentives or reduced tariffs for not burning as opposed to outright bans which would likely have limited effects on burning decisions at the farm level.
 More research is needed to better understand the driving factors behind maize residue management decisions.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis. 2024. Maize residue management in Myanmar. Myanmar SSP Research Note 113. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Maize; Agriculture; Farmers; Burning; Market Access; Soil Fertility; Health




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Journal Article

Monitoring the cost and affordability of a healthy diet within Countries: Building systems in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Viet Nam


Herforth, Anna Whitson; Gilbert, Rachel; Sokourenko, Kristina; Fatima, Tehreem; Adeyemi, Olutayo; Alemayehu, Dawit; Arhin, Eunice; Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane; Bai, Yan; Chiosa, Imran

Genye, Tirsit; Haile, Hagos; Jahangeer, Raja; Kinabo, Joyce; Mishili, Fulgence; Nnabugwu, Chioma D.; Nortey, John; Ofosu-Baadu, Bernice; Onabolu, Adeyinka; Sarpong, Daniel Bruce; Tessema, Masresha; Van, Duong T. T.; Venkat, Aishwarya; Masters, William A.


Monitoring the cost and affordability of a healthy diet within Countries: Building systems in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Viet Nam

Governments around the world collect food price data on a frequent basis, often monthly, for the purpose of monitoring inflation. These routine economic data can be used with a nutrition-sensitive lens for understanding economic access to a healthy diet. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has adopted the cost and affordability of a healthy diet (CoAHD) for annual tracking alongside other food security indicators. This indicator is relevant in many countries for informed decision-making and accountability toward food systems summit pathways. National governments may wish to include this indicator in their own monitoring systems, using existing subnational price and income data.
We describe emerging systems in several countries for monitoring CoAHD and analytical tools that facilitate the calculation of CoAHD. We discuss reasons why the indicator may differ when calculated using subnational data compared with the global monitoring system and how to interpret differences.
Between June 2016 and February 2024, 19 workshops were held in 7 countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Viet Nam), where stakeholder discussions covered sources of food price data, institutions involved, policy uses, and direct training in calculation of CoAHD. Food price data collected by national organizations were used to calculate CoAHD in partnership with government agencies.
Calculating CoAHD using subnational data uses the same methods across settings, but the mechanisms for monitoring and dissemination are different in each country, illustrating heterogeneity in how the metric can most effectively be incorporated within existing structures. Results from national and global monitoring systems have expected differences based on data sources, healthy diet standards, and affordability standards.
CoAHD can be calculated with existing data and resources, facilitated by new software tools and user tutorials. In the future, it can be further streamlined, leveraging technical assistance from global institutions and aligning national and global monitoring systems.

Year published



Herforth, Anna Whitson; Gilbert, Rachel; Sokourenko, Kristina; Fatima, Tehreem; Adeyemi, Olutayo; Alemayehu, Dawit; Arhin, Eunice; Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane; Bai, Yan; Chiosa, Imran; Genye, Tirsit; Haile, Hagos; Jahangeer, Raja; Kinabo, Joyce; Mishili, Fulgence; Nnabugwu, Chioma D.; Nortey, John; Ofosu-Baadu, Bernice; Onabolu, Adeyinka; Sarpong, Daniel Bruce; Tessema, Masresha; Van, Duong T. T.; Venkat, Aishwarya; Masters, William A.


Herforth, Anna Whitson; Gilbert, Rachel; Sokourenko, Kristina; Fatima, Tehreem; Adeyemi, Olutayo; Alemayehu, Dawit; et al. 2024. Monitoring the cost and affordability of a healthy diet within Countries: Building systems in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Viet Nam. Current Developments in Nutrition 8(10): 104441.


Ethiopia; Ghana; Malawi; Nigeria; Pakistan; Vietnam


Tanzania; Africa; Eastern Africa; Western Africa; Asia; Southern Asia; South-eastern Asia; Affordability; Capacity Development; Food Security; Food Prices; Healthy Diets; Sustainable Development Goals




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Journal Article


True costs of food production in Kenya and Vietnam

2024Davis, Kristin E.; Benfica, Rui


True costs of food production in Kenya and Vietnam

Many countries aim for sustainable food systems, which provide nutritious food equitably without compromising economic, social and environmental objectives. However, most food systems generate substantial unaccounted impacts in the environmental, social and health spheres. These impacts are not reflected in the market prices of goods or services. True cost accounting (TCA) is a method that adds up both direct and external costs to find the «true cost» of food production (Figure 1). TCA systematically measures and values external costs to facilitate sustainable choices by decisionmakers.

Year published



Davis, Kristin E.; Benfica, Rui


Davis, Kristin E.; and Benfica, Rui. 2024. True costs of food production in Kenya and Vietnam. Agriculture & Food Systems SDC Thematic Network Newsletter Article. First published online September 18, 2024.


Kenya; Vietnam


Africa; Eastern Africa; Asia; South-eastern Asia; Cost Accounting; Food Production; Food Systems; Sustainability




Open Access


Source record


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type



Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: The rising costs of diets and declining purchasing power of casual wage laborers: December 2021–June 2024

2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: The rising costs of diets and declining purchasing power of casual wage laborers: December 2021–June 2024

We assess changes in food prices and purchasing power of casual wage laborers based on large-scale surveys of households and food vendors (fielded from December 2021 until June 2024) in rural and urban areas and in all states/regions of Myanmar.

Key Findings:

 Between the second quarters of 2023 and 2024, diet costs rose steadily by 40 and 41 percent for healthy and common diet costs, respectively.

 The median price of rice—the major staple—increased by 54 percent between the second quarters of 2023 and 2024 and was the main driver of the 41 percent increase in the cost of the common diet.

 The most conflict-affected states suffered more from food price inflation. Between the second quarters of 2023 and 2024, common diet costs increased by 81 percent in Rakhine, 61 percent in Chin, and 48 percent in Kachin. In the second quarter of 2024, both healthy and common diet costs were highest in Rakhine followed by Chin.

 Over the full period of surveys (December 2021–June 2024), the cost of the healthy diet rose by 121 percent and the common diet by 131 percent; rice and onion prices more than tripled; pulse, chicken, leafy green, and banana prices at least doubled; and all other food prices increased by at least 50 percent.

 Between the second quarters of 2023 and 2024, purchasing power of daily urban construction wages relative to healthy and common diet costs declined by about 14 percent. The purchasing power of rural agricultural wages to healthy and common diet costs fell by about 4 percent. Adjusted for the cost of one kilogram of rice, urban construction wages fell by 25 percent and rural agricultural wages fell by 14 percent.

 Food costs outpaced wages, particularly in urban areas, making food increasingly unaffordable for wage earners who are among the most vulnerable household groups in Myanmar. However, nominal wages rose at a faster pace between the second quarters of 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 and 2023, slowing the pace of declining real wages.

Year published



Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis


Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis (MAPSA). 2024. Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: The rising costs of diets and declining purchasing power of casual wage laborers: December 2021–June 2024. IFPRI Myanmar SSP Research Note 111. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Food Prices; Households; Diet; Rice; Conflicts; Surveys; Remuneration




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type


Working Paper

The true costs of food production in Kenya and Viet Nam

2024Benfica, Rui; Hossain, Marup; Davis, Kristin E.; Boukaka, Sedi-Anne; Azzarri, Carlo


The true costs of food production in Kenya and Viet Nam

Sustainable agrifood systems (AFS) provide food security and nutrition without compromising economic, social, and environmental objectives. However, many AFS generate substantial unaccounted for environmental, social, and health costs. True cost accounting (TCA) is one method that adds direct and external costs to find the “true cost” of food production, which can inform policies to reduce externalities or adjust market prices. We find that for Kenya— considering the entire food system, including crops, livestock, fishing, and value addition sectors at the national level—external costs represent 35 percent of the output value. Social costs account for 73 percent of the total external costs, while environmental costs are 27 percent. In contrast, in Viet Nam, where total external costs represent 15 percent of the output value, the environmental costs (75 percent) dominate social costs. At the subnational level, in the three Kenyan counties (Kisumu, Vihiga, and Kajiado) covered by the CGIAR Research Initiative on Nature-Positive Solutions (NATURE+), external costs (or the true cost gap) represent about 30 percent of all household crop production costs. Those external costs are overwhelmingly dominated by social (84 percent) over environmental (16 percent) externalities. In Viet Nam's Sa Pa and Mai Son districts, external costs represent about 24 percent of all household crop production costs. Environmental externalities (61 percent) are greater than social ones (39 percent). In Kenya, forced labor is the main social (and overall) external impact driven by factors ranging from "less severe" financial coercion to "more severe" forms of physical coercion. Land occupation is the most important environmental impact, resulting from occupation of lands for cultivation rather than conservation, while underpayment (low wages) and low profits are important social costs that are closely associated with the prevailing gender wage gap and occurrence of harassment. Soil degradation is the only other environmental impact, linked with the use of inorganic fertilizers (60 percent of households) and pesticides (36 percent). In Viet Nam, land occupation is the most important external impact, followed by soil degradation and contributions to climate change, primarily due to widespread use of inorganic fertilizers (98 percent of households) and pesticides (93 percent). Underpayment and insufficient income are significant social costs, followed by the gender wage gap and child labor. Crop production systems in Kenya exhibit relatively high labor-related costs compared with nonlabor inputs, with relatively lower intensity in the use of inorganic fertilizer and other chemical inputs and lower crop yields. This production system leads to relatively greater social externalities. Conversely, crop yields in Viet Nam are significantly higher than those in Kenya, likely due to the extensive use of inorganic fertilizers representing the largest direct cost component and leading to a relatively higher level of environmental externalities. Because external costs represent a significant part of the total cost of food production, policy and investments to minimize these costs are essential to a nature-positive AFS that is environmentally sustainable and socially equitable. Strategies to reach this goal include regulatory adjustments, investments in resource efficient infrastructure and technologies that minimize costs, and the prudent management of environmentally impactful production inputs and factors.

Year published



Benfica, Rui; Hossain, Marup; Davis, Kristin E.; Boukaka, Sedi-Anne; Azzarri, Carlo


Benfica, Rui; Hossain, Marup; Davis, Kristin E.; Boukaka, Sedi Anne; and Azzarri, Carlo. 2024. The true costs of food production in Kenya and Viet Nam. IFPRI Discussion Paper 2269. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.


Kenya; Vietnam


Africa; South-eastern Asia; Asia; Eastern Africa; Agrifood Systems; Environment; Food Security; Sustainability; True Cost Accounting; Food Production




Open Access


Source record


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type

Working Paper

Data Paper

2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia: A Nexus Project SAM

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia: A Nexus Project SAM

The 2022 Cambodia Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) follows IFPRI's Standard Nexus SAM approach, by focusing on consistency, comparability, and transparency of data. The Nexus SAMs available on IFPRI's website separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital, with labor further disaggregated across three education-based categories. The household account is divided into 10 representative household groups: Rural and urban households across per capita consumption quintiles. Nexus SAMs support the improvement of model-based research and policy analysis in developing countries and allow for more robust cross-country comparisons of national economic structures, especially agriculture-food systems.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2024. 2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia: A Nexus Project SAM. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. handle: 10568/155101.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Macroeconomics; Computable General Equilibrium Models; Household Consumption; Household Expenditure; Economic Indicators; Agrifood Systems; Taxes; Labour; Social Accounting Matrix




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record



Record type

Data Paper

Journal Article

Intrahousehold food distribution in the Philippines: A food share over energy share perspective

2024Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Bouis, Howarth E.; Briones, Roehlano M.; Espineli, Isable B.; Maniego, Ma. Lynell V.


Intrahousehold food distribution in the Philippines: A food share over energy share perspective

Year published



Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Bouis, Howarth E.; Briones, Roehlano M.; Espineli, Isable B.; Maniego, Ma. Lynell V.


Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Bouis, Howarth; Briones, Roehlano M.; Espineli, Isable B.; and Maniego, Ma. Lynell V. 2024. Intrahousehold food distribution in the Philippines: A food share over energy share perspective. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 45 (2-3): 91-104.




South-eastern Asia; Foods; Food Access; Intrahousehold Relations; Trace Elements; Hunger; Nutrition




Limited Access


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Journal Article

Opinion Piece

The Mekong is in transition, what does it mean for food security?

2024Downs, Shauna; Manohar, Swetha; Sok, Serey; Chhinh, Nyda; Fanzo, Jessica


The Mekong is in transition, what does it mean for food security?

Communities along the Mekong River are already seeing their food access shrink as the climate worsens. Smart imminent solutions could ease the burden.

Year published



Downs, Shauna; Manohar, Swetha; Sok, Serey; Chhinh, Nyda; Fanzo, Jessica


Downs, Shauna; Manohar, Swetha; Sok, Serey; Chhinh, Nyda; and Fanzo, Jessica. 2024. The Mekong is in transition, what does it mean for food security? 360 Info Blog Post. First published on August 14, 2024.


Asia; Southern Asia; South-eastern Asia; Climate Change; Food Access; Nutrition; Water




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Climate Resilience

Record type

Opinion Piece

Journal Article

An ex-ante analysis of the impact of biofortified zinc rice on dietary zinc inadequacy: Evidence from Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines

2024De Moura, Fabiana F.; Moursi, Mourad; Angel, Moira Donahue; Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Muslimatun, Siti; Atmarita, Atmarita; Gironella, Glen M.; Boy, Erick; Carriquiry, Alicia


An ex-ante analysis of the impact of biofortified zinc rice on dietary zinc inadequacy: Evidence from Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines

Background: South, East, and Southeast Asia are among the regions of the world with the highest estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake. Because populations in those regions eat rice as their main staple, zinc biofortification of rice can potentially improve zinc intake, especially among the most vulnerable.
Objectives: We modeled the impact of the consumption of zinc-biofortified rice on zinc intake and inadequacy among women of childbearing age and young children nationally in Indonesia, the Philippines, and at a subnational level in Bangladesh.
Methods: We conducted an ex-ante analysis by applying increments of zinc content in rice, from a baseline level of 16 parts per million (ppm) to 100 ppm, and based on rice consumption data to substitute levels of conventional rice with zinc-biofortified rice varying between 10% and 70%.
Results: Among all datasets evaluated from these 3 countries, the prevalence of dietary zinc inadequacy at baseline was 94%–99% among women of childbearing age, 77%–100% among children 4–5 y old, and 27%–78% among children 1–3 y old. At the current breeding target of 28 ppm, zinc-biofortified rice has the potential to decrease zinc inadequacy by ≤50% among women and children in rural Bangladesh and among children in the Philippines where consumption of rice is higher compared with Indonesia.
Conclusions: Our analysis shows that increasing zinc content in rice ≤45 ppm reduces the burden of zinc inadequacy substantially, after which we encourage programs to increase coverage to reach the highest number of beneficiaries.

Year published



De Moura, Fabiana F.; Moursi, Mourad; Angel, Moira Donahue; Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Muslimatun, Siti; Atmarita, Atmarita; Gironella, Glen M.; Boy, Erick; Carriquiry, Alicia


De Moura, Fabiana F.; Moursi, Mourad; Angel, Moira Donahue; Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Muslimatun, Siti; et al. 2024. An ex-ante analysis of the impact of biofortified zinc rice on dietary zinc inadequacy: Evidence from Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Journal of Nutrition 154(8): 2575-2582.


Bangladesh; Indonesia; Philippines


Asia; South-eastern Asia; Oceania; Biofortification; Ex Ante Impact Assessment; Nutrient Intake; Rice; Zinc




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

From streets to tables: Bottom-up cocreation case studies for healthier food environments in Vietnam and Nigeria


Even, Brice; Crawford, Scarlett; Shittu, Oluyemisi F.; Lundy, Mark; Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; Samuel, Folake O.; Talsma, Elise F.; Pastori, Giulia; Huong, Le Thi; Hernandez, Ricardo

Brouwer, Inge D.; Béné, Christophe


From streets to tables: Bottom-up cocreation case studies for healthier food environments in Vietnam and Nigeria

Current food systems fail to provide equity, sustainability, and positive health outcomes, thus underscoring the critical need for their transformation. Intervening in food environments holds substantial promise for contributing to this much-needed transformation. Despite scholars and practitioners often recognizing the necessity for bottom-up approaches, there is a dearth of empirical investigations evaluating the potential of these approaches to contribute to food system transformations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Our study aims to address this research gap, providing a unique perspective in this regard. Drawing on evidence from two co-creation case studies conducted with small-scale informal fruit and vegetable vendors and poor consumers in Vietnam and Nigeria from January 2020 to December 2021, we explore the relevance of bottom-up community-engaged co-creation processes in intervening within LMICs’ food retail environments. Employing a mixed-methods approach that includes quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, participatory workshops, and focus group discussions, we demonstrate that bottom-up co-creation processes involving marginalized socioeconomic groups can generate retail-level innovations that are tailored to informal retail contexts, while remaining aligned with established top-down theories and literature pertaining to food environments and healthy diets. We provide empirical evidence highlighting how both vendors and consumers respond positively to the co-created innovations. Expanding upon our results, we offer methodological insights applicable to interventions targeted at food environments in LMICs, and considerations for future research or development initiatives in this domain. Our findings reveal the capacity of vulnerable stakeholders to actively engage in public health initiatives and contribute to developing innovative solutions that are context-specific and conducive to the adoption of healthier dietary practices. These results confirm the potential of bottom-up, co-creation, real-world interventions within informal settings to contribute towards fostering inclusive transformation of food systems.

Year published



Even, Brice; Crawford, Scarlett; Shittu, Oluyemisi F.; Lundy, Mark; Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; Samuel, Folake O.; Talsma, Elise F.; Pastori, Giulia; Huong, Le Thi; Hernandez, Ricardo; Brouwer, Inge D.; Béné, Christophe


Even, Brice; Crawford, Scarlett; Shittu, Oluyemisi F.; Lundy, Mark; Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; Brouwer, Inge D.; et al. 2024. From streets to tables: Bottom-up cocreation case studies for healthier food environments in Vietnam and Nigeria. Current Developments in Nutrition 8(8): 104395.


Vietnam; Nigeria


Asia; South-eastern Asia; Africa; Western Africa; Food Systems; Retail Markets; Healthy Diets; Low Income Groups; Sustainability




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Emerging outsource agricultural services enable farmer adaptation in agrifood value chains: A product cycle perspective

2024Reardon, Thomas; Awokuse, Titus; Belton, Ben; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Minten, Bart; Nguyen, Genevieve; Qanti, Sara; Swinnen, Johan; Vos, Rob; Zilberman, David


Emerging outsource agricultural services enable farmer adaptation in agrifood value chains: A product cycle perspective

Outsource agricultural service enterprises emerged a century ago in high-income countries and in the past several decades in developing regions. We contribute by analyzing and illustrating the emergence of these services from the perspective of phases of the Product Cycle. These services help farmers adapt to international and domestic agrifood value chains: (1) in the commoditization phase, e.g., with rice combine harvesting services in China and Myanmar for domestic and export markets; (2) in the early product differentiation phase into quality traits, e.g., with horticultural services to Ethiopian and Indonesian farmers for urban wholesale markets; (3) in the advanced product differentiation phase into environmental traits, e.g., with A-Z services to help French farmers grow eco-labeled vegetables for supermarkets. These services addressed farmers’ shortfalls in information, skills, labor, and equipment. The services are supplied by medium/large farmers with excess capacity say of a combine; by wholesalers who want to reduce search costs and risks; by input “agro-dealers”; and by agribusinesses servicing their outgrowers. In new cases shown in France, outsource firms partner with farm input companies such as Bayer or with robot/drone companies. Governments have – and can do much more to – support the emergence of these services such as in developing regions today through: (1) promotion of a business ecosystem, based on policies of investment in hard and soft infrastructure, favoring the coadaptation of these firms with farmers’ needs; (2) policies facilitating access, such as through import liberalization, of equipment and seeds and chemicals.

Year published



Reardon, Thomas; Awokuse, Titus; Belton, Ben; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Minten, Bart; Nguyen, Genevieve; Qanti, Sara; Swinnen, Johan; Vos, Rob; Zilberman, David


Reardon, Thomas; Awokuse, Titus; Belton, Ben; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Minten, Bart; Nguyen, Genevieve; et al. 2024. Emerging outsource agricultural services enable farmer adaptation in agrifood value chains: A product cycle perspective. Food Policy 127(August 2024): 102711.


China; Myanmar; Ethiopia; France; Indonesia


Asia; Southern Asia; Africa; Eastern Africa; Europe; Eastern Asia; South-eastern Asia; Western Europe; Adaptation; Value Chains; Agrifood Systems; Farmers; Rice; Vegetables




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Rethinking Food Markets

Record type

Journal Article

Working Paper

Addressing food system transformation, food security, and deforestation in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities

2024Laborde Debucquet, David; Olivetti, Elsa B.; Piñeiro, Valeria; Illescas, Nelson


Addressing food system transformation, food security, and deforestation in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities

This study identifies food system interventions with high transformational potential for Indonesia by utilizing the MIRAGRODEP a multi-region, multisector computable general equilibrium model to analyze policy scenarios. Our findings reveal a range of economic, social, and environmental impacts. Initiatives such as social safety nets and food stamps can enhance affordability, while repurposing farm subsidies can improve socio-economic sustainability. Comprehensive policy packages that include social safety nets, repurposing agricultural supports, environmental regulation and investment in sustainable production, can lead to substantial GDP growth, poverty reduction, and dietary enhancements. However, each intervention presents distinct trade-offs between economic gains and environmental implications. This analysis underscores the need for a holistic policy approach when trying to achieve multiple sustainability goals. Implementing a blend of policies designed to promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability simultaneously could drive Indonesia towards a sustainable and resilient food system, addressing the complex interplay between economic development, environmental conservation, and improved nutrition.

Year published



Laborde Debucquet, David; Olivetti, Elsa B.; Piñeiro, Valeria; Illescas, Nelson


Laborde, David; Olivetti, Elsa; Piñeiro, Valeria; and Illescas, Nelson. 2024. Addressing food system transformation, food security, and deforestation in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities. IFPRI Discussion Paper 2265. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Food Systems; Computable General Equilibrium Models; Policies; Social Safety Nets; Sustainable Development; Agriculture; Economic Development; Nutrition; Poverty




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-SA-3.0-IGO

Record type

Working Paper

Book Chapter

Climate smart agriculture and food systems that reduce poverty and hunger

2024Babu, Suresh Chandra


Climate smart agriculture and food systems that reduce poverty and hunger

Poor communities that rely on functioning food systems for their livelihoods are highly vulnerable to the devastating effects of climate change while agri-food systems are significant emitters of greenhouse gases. This chapter reviews opportunities to scale up innovative technology and practices to transform food systems and to leverage climate action to reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition in line with the complementary Sustainable Development Goals. Drawing on country experiences – India, Tajikistan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Myanmar – with integrated strategies, it looks at how climate strategies such as nationally determined contributions can be aligned with national agricultural and antipoverty strategies; the need for multisector and multistakeholder action and participation; challenges to joint financing for climate action, poverty and hunger goals; and adapting government and donor systems to co-ordinate implementation.

Year published



Babu, Suresh Chandra


Babu, Suresh Chandra. 2024. Climate smart agriculture and food systems that reduce poverty and hunger. In Development co-operation report 2024: Tackling poverty and inequalities through the green transition. Part Two: Policies and good practices to end poverty, reduce inequalities and synergies with green transitions, Chapter 21, Pp. 250-257. Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.


India; Tajikistan; Myanmar


Laos; Asia; Southern Asia; Central Asia; South-eastern Asia; Climate Change; Climate-smart Agriculture; Food Systems; Greenhouse Gases; Innovation; Technology; Poverty Reduction; Hunger




Open Access

Record type

Book Chapter


Nature-Positive Solutions initiative baseline evaluation survey report: Vietnam

2024Boukaka, Sedi-Anne; Azzarri, Carlo; Davis, Kristin E.


Nature-Positive Solutions initiative baseline evaluation survey report: Vietnam

The report’s main objective is to describe socio-economic conditions and agricultural systems in the survey areas. It provides a baseline assessment characterizing the main agricultural and socioeconomic challenges within the surveyed localities, and to inform the array of research interventions currently underway. Furthermore, the study will provide a baseline for estimating the impacts of NATURE+ (including waste management, water management, development or a resilient seed system, development of value chains for neglected and underutilized species, participatory varietal selection, encouragement of designs for increasing agrobiodiversity, etc.) on inclusion, poverty reduction, as well as on food security, livelihoods, and jobs. The report is structured as follows: Section 2 presents detailed information on the survey design, its coverage and implementation. Sections 3 and 4 discuss the main analytical results of the report, separately for the household and the workers survey, respectively. Finally, section 5 concludes.

Year published



Boukaka, Sedi-Anne; Azzarri, Carlo; Davis, Kristin E.


Boukaka, Sedi-Anne; Azzarri, Carlo; and Davis, Kristin E. 2024. Nature-Positive Solutions initiative baseline evaluation survey report: Vietnam. CGIAR Initiative on Nature-Positive Solutions Survey Report July 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Agrobiodiversity; Land Degradation; Nutrition; Sustainability; Surveys




Open Access


Source record


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type



Preconception micronutrient supplementation positively affects offspring cognition at 10–11 years of age: A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam

2024Nguyen, Phuong; Tran, Lan M.; Khuong, Long Q.; Nguyen, Phuong T.; Nguyen, Bac V.; Be, Thanh H.; Young, Melissa F.; DiGirolamo, Ann M.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Ramakrishnan, Usha


Preconception micronutrient supplementation positively affects offspring cognition at 10–11 years of age: A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam

Objectives: The importance of maternal periconceptional nutrition for offspring health and development has received increased attention recently, yet very few intervention studies have evaluated the long-term effects on offspring growth and cognitive outcomes. We evaluated the impact of preconception weekly multiple micronutrients (MM) or iron and folic acid (IFA) supplementation compared to folic acid (FA) alone on offspring body composition and cognitive function during the school-age years and early adolescence.

Year published



Nguyen, Phuong; Tran, Lan M.; Khuong, Long Q.; Nguyen, Phuong T.; Nguyen, Bac V.; Be, Thanh H.; Young, Melissa F.; DiGirolamo, Ann M.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Ramakrishnan, Usha


Nguyen, Phuong H.; Tran, Lan M.; Khuong, Long Q.; Nguyen, Phuong T.; Nguyen, Bac V.; Be, Thanh H.; et al. 2024. Preconception micronutrient supplementation positively affects offspring cognition at 10–11 years of age: A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (Supplement 2): 102914.




South-eastern Asia; Maternal Nutrition; Trace Elements; Child Health; Folic Acid; Supplements; Child Development




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-3.0

Record type



The relationship between preterm and small for gestational age on child cognition during school-age years

2024Nguyen, Phuong Thi; Nguyen, Phuong; Tran, Lan M.; Khuong, Long K.; Nguyen, Son V.; Young, Melissa F.; DiGirolamo, Ann; Ramakrishnan, Usha


The relationship between preterm and small for gestational age on child cognition during school-age years

Objectives: Children born preterm and/or small for gestational age (SGA) have a high susceptibility to neurological impairments that may affect cognitive and learning outcomes during school age and beyond. Yet, limited evidence exists for these high-risk birth phenotypes in low and middle-income countries where most occur with different etiology and socio-biology. This paper examined the deficits in cognitive function and academic achievement during the school age years in children born preterm or SGA compared to term adequate for gestational age (AGA) in rural Vietnam.

Year published



Nguyen, Phuong Thi; Nguyen, Phuong; Tran, Lan M.; Khuong, Long K.; Nguyen, Son V.; Young, Melissa F.; DiGirolamo, Ann; Ramakrishnan, Usha


Nguyen, Phuong Thi; Nguyen, Phuong H.; Tran, Lan M.; Khuong, Long K.; Nguyen, Son V.; Young, Melissa F.; DiGirolamo, Ann; and Ramakrishnan, Usha. 2024. The relationship between preterm and small for gestational age on child cognition during school-age years. Current Developments in Nutrition 8(Supplement 2): 102920.




South-eastern Asia; Prematurity; Child Development; Schools; Rural Population; Trace Elements; Nutrition; Education




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 4

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 4

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationwide phone panel consisting of approximately 5,500 households. The objective of the survey is to collect data on farm characteristics and agricultural assets, area and crops planted, access to inputs, crop marketing, and constraints in agricultural activities. The respondents interviewed are a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative. MAPS Round 4 survey was implemented by phone by Myanmar Survey Research (MSR) from June to July, 2023. The MAPS Round 4 sample has 5,001 combined respondents from Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS) Round 5 and MAPS Round 3. This includes 1,342 respondents not previously interviewed for any round of MAPS but interviewed in MHWS. MAPS Round 4 compares agricultural production in the pre/post monsoon 2022 and the pre/post monsoon 2023.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 4. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Farm Management; Agricultural Prices; Marketing; Producer Prices; Weather Data; Gender; Food Security; Agricultural Production




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type


Journal Article

The demographic transition and rural industrialization in China

2024Huang, Qing; Xie, Yu; Zhang, Xiaobo


The demographic transition and rural industrialization in China

Year published



Huang, Qing; Xie, Yu; Zhang, Xiaobo


Huang, Qing; Xie, Yu; and Zhang, Xiaobo. 2024. The demographic transition and rural industrialization in China. Economic Development and Cultural Change 72(4): 1863–1892.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Demographic Transition; Economics; Industrialization; Rural Areas




Limited Access

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

The relationships between optimal infant feeding practices and child development and attained height at age 2 years and 6–7 years

2024Tran, Lan Mai; Nguyen, Phuong; Young, Melissa F.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Ramakrishnan, Usha


The relationships between optimal infant feeding practices and child development and attained height at age 2 years and 6–7 years

Limited evidence exists on the long-term effects of early feeding practices on child growth and development. We examined the relationships between infant feeding practices and child height and development at ages 2 and 6–7 years. We studied 885 mother–child dyads from a randomized controlled trial of preconception supplementation in Vietnam. Early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF), exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), breastfeeding (BF) duration and minimum dietary diversity (MDD) were assessed using World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Child development was assessed by the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-III at 2 years and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® – IV at 6–7 years. Child height-for-age z-score (HAZ) was calculated from child height and age. Multivariable regression and structural equation models were used in analyses that controlled for confounding. EIBF and EBF at 6 months occurred in 52% and 62% of children, respectively. Mean breastfeeding duration was 18 months and 83% achieved MDD at 1 year. EIBF was associated with motor (β = 0.13, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.00, 0.28) and cognitive development at 2 years (β = 0.12, 95% CI: −0.01, 0.26), which in turn were positively associated with cognitive development at 6–7 years. EBF was directly associated with development at 6–7 years (β = 0.21, 95% CI:0.08, 0.34) whereas motor and cognitive development at 2 years explained 41%–75% of the relationship between EIBF and development at 6–7 years. HAZ at 2 years also mediated 70% of the association between MDD at 1 year and HAZ at 6–7 years. BF duration was not associated with child development and HAZ. Early infant feeding practices, especially EIBF and EBF, have important long-term implications for optimizing child linear growth and cognition as they begin school.

Year published



Tran, Lan Mai; Nguyen, Phuong; Young, Melissa F.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Ramakrishnan, Usha


Tran, Lan Mai; Nguyen, Phuong H.; Young, Melissa F.; Martorell, Reynaldo; and Ramakrishnan, Usha. 2024. The relationships between optimal infant feeding practices and child development and attained height at age 2 years and 6–7 years. Maternal and Child Nutrition 20(3).




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Breastfeeding; Child Development; Dietary Diversity; Height; Infant Feeding; Feeding Habits




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

It's all in the stars: The Chinese zodiac and the effects of parental investments on offspring's cognitive and noncognitive skill development

2024Tan, Chih Ming; Wang, Xiao; Zhang, Xiaobo


It's all in the stars: The Chinese zodiac and the effects of parental investments on offspring's cognitive and noncognitive skill development

Parental investments in children's cognitive and noncognitive outcomes are deeply important to policymakers. However, because parental investments are arguably endogenous, estimating their importance empirically poses a challenge. To address this challenge, this paper exploits a rich and novel dataset, the China Family Panel Studies, and proposes a culture‐specific instrumental variable based on the Chinese zodiac. By comparing the outcomes of children born just before and just after the cutoff for a “lucky” (or ‘unlucky’) zodiac sign, we find that parents' investments have significant effects on offspring's development of both cognitive and noncognitive skills.

Year published



Tan, Chih Ming; Wang, Xiao; Zhang, Xiaobo


Tan, Chih Ming; Wang, Xiao; and Zhang, Xiaobo. 2024. It's all in the stars: The Chinese zodiac and the effects of parental investments on offspring's cognitive and noncognitive skill development. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 32(3).




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Policy Innovation; Parents; Child Growth; Children




Limited Access

Record type

Journal Article


Low Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) among adolescents in Vietnam is due to inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables rather than high consumption of unhealthy foods


Nguyen, Phuong; Fretes, Gabriela; Tran, Lan M.; Zagre, Rock H.; Le Port, Agnes; Maasen, Kim; Talsma, Elise; Truong, Mai T.; Hoang, Nga T.; Brouwer, Inge D.

de Brauw, Alan; Ruel, Marie T.; Leroy, Jef L.


Low Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) among adolescents in Vietnam is due to inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables rather than high consumption of unhealthy foods

Objectives: Rapid urbanization coupled with a nutrition transition has catalyzed significant shifts in lifestyle and diets in mega-cities around the world, but the impacts on adolescent diets are poorly understood. This study aims to fill this gap, comparing diet quality (measured by the Global Diet Quality Score, GDQS) and adequacy of micronutrient intakes among adolescents in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of Vietnam.

Methods: We collected data on adolescents (11-19 y) from low-income neighborhoods in urban (n=868), peri-urban (n=937), and rural (n=1056) areas and assessed dietary intake using multi-pass 24-hour recalls (15% repeated measures). We classified foods consumed into 25 GDQS food groups (score 0-49; GDQS healthy (+): 0-32; unhealthy (-): 0-17), with a higher score reflecting a lower risk of poor diet quality. Nutrient intakes were derived using food composition tables; and micronutrient probability of adequacy (PA) was calculated using the National Cancer Institute (NCI) method. Differences in diet quality and adequacy by residence were compared using ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc tests.

Results: GDQS+ was low (6.6-7.1 over 32 points) while GDQS- was ∼11 over 17 points across the three areas. The risk of poor diet quality was slightly higher in rural (23.4%) than peri-urban (18.5%) and urban areas (17.1%), and was driven by low consumption of healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, and eggs) rather than excessive consumption of unhealthy foods. Refined grains and baked goods were universally consumed, but sweets, ice cream, and sugar-sweetened beverages were consumed by 20% or less of our sample. Consumption of high-fat dairy (32.9%) and red meat (74%) was higher in urban compared to rural areas. The PA of micronutrient intakes was low (< 0.5) for most micronutrients except iron, zinc and vitamin C and mean PA was very low (0.32-0.35). Conclusions: Diet quality among Vietnamese adolescents is generally poor across residential areas, mostly due to inadequate consumption of healthy foods. The very low PA for micronutrients across all three areas is concerning. Efforts are needed to stimulate increased consumption of healthy foods, to reduce consumption of red meat and replace high-fat dairy with low-fat options, and to maintain a low consumption of other unhealthy foods. Please note that it is not a full journal article; it is only published as an abstract in the journal.

Year published



Nguyen, Phuong; Fretes, Gabriela; Tran, Lan M.; Zagre, Rock H.; Le Port, Agnes; Maasen, Kim; Talsma, Elise; Truong, Mai T.; Hoang, Nga T.; Brouwer, Inge D.; de Brauw, Alan; Ruel, Marie T.; Leroy, Jef L.


Nguyen, Phuong H.; Fretes, Gabriela; Tran, Lan M.; Zagre, Rock H.; Le Port, Agnes; Maasen, Kim; et al. Low Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) among adolescents in Vietnam is due to inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables rather than high consumption of unhealthy foods. Current Developments in Nutrition 8(Supplement 2): 102729.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Adolescents; Diet Quality; Food Consumption; Fruits; Vegetables




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type


Data Paper

Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey Round Four: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey Round Four: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationally and sub-nationally representative phone survey with the objective of collecting bi-annual data on agricultural indicators including crop production and sales, input use, crop marketing, farm and livestock assets, and farm services. The Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)is a nationally and sub‐nationally representative phone survey with the objective of collecting quarterly data on household and individual welfare indicators, including poverty, food security, dietary quality, subjective wellbeing, and coping strategies. MAPS is a sub-sample survey that includes farming households from MHWS. There are four Rounds of MAPS. MAPS Rounds 1 and 3 were conducted between January and March 2022 and 2023 and collect recall data on monsoon production. MAPS Round 2 and 4 were conducted between June and September 2022 and 2023 and collect recall data on dry season production (pre/post monsoon season). MAPS Round 4 consists of 11 modules (A-K) that are each included in the clean dataset and unique by household ID (hhid). Modules A, B, and J are introductory and closing modules that only include information on the call and confirmation of demographic information connected to MHWS. The remaining modules provide data on farmer demographics and agricultural production and marketing. Module C consists of background and demographic information. This includes data on farmer demographics along with farm area and crops grown. Module D provides data on rice production and sales for pre/post monsoon 2022 and 2023, including rice variety, amounts produced and sold, and farmgate prices. Module E contains similar information to Module D but pertaining to pulses and oilseeds. Module F consists of data on farm input use including purchased inputs, mechanization, labor, and the effect of natural shocks. Module G presents information on crop marketing and Module H provides data on farm and livestock assets. Module I contains data on farm services including agricultural extension, credit, mobility issues in the community, travel times to access services, contract farming, crop residues, and changes in rice consumption and paddy growing practices. Module K contains information on change in rice consumption and paddy growing practices.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey Round Four: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). handle: 10568/148779.




South-eastern Asia; Household Surveys; Data; Rural Areas; Farmers; Welfare; Agricultural Production




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Data Paper


The true costs of food in Kenya and Vietnam: A conceptual framework

2024Benfica, Rui


The true costs of food in Kenya and Vietnam: A conceptual framework

Sustainable food systems provide enough quality, healthy, and affordable food to all without imposing a burden on planetary and social boundaries. By this standard, it is quite clear that food systems in many countries are not sustainable as they generate substantial environmental, social, and health costs while failing to provide affordable food to all (FAO et al., 2020). This implies the need to have a good understanding of the extent to which those externalities are present in country specific food systems. The key challenge is that such externalities are not reflected in market prices (Baker et al., 2020), being therefore hidden factors to drivers of choices by market players, as the link between market activity and those social and environmental harms is not directly visible or reflected in the incentives that drive economic systems (UNFSS, 2021). Internalizing the externalities of the food systems will require the full estimation of costs, including the measurement of externalities through “True Cost Accounting” (TCA) approaches. This document provides the analytical framework for the application of approaches in a research study to measure the true costs of food in Kenya and Vietnam.
It focuses on:
o Key research questions, their relevance, and policy implications
o How the TCA analytical framework fits in The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) framework
o Country selection and geographic focus – national, sub-national
o Data requirements for estimating the true costs, including household surveys, workers’ surveys, externally compiled Global Impact Database (GID), and monetization factors.
o A step-by-step process for estimating the true costs in the study area and country level GID analysis.

Year published



Benfica, Rui


Benfica, Rui. 2024. The true costs of food in Kenya and Vietnam: A conceptual framework. CGIAR Nature-Positive Solutions Technical Report. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.


Kenya; Vietnam


Asia; Africa; Eastern Africa; South-eastern Asia; Food; Food Systems; Sustainability; Markets; Prices




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type



Supporting agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia with governance innovation

2024Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


Supporting agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia with governance innovation

This policy brief summarizes the background, evidence and insights from the innovative governance modelling and analysis work developed in Indonesia under the "Governance Innovation for Sustainable Development of Food Systems” subprogramme. In addition, the brief offers guiding points and recommendations to support Indonesia's agrifood systems transformation efforts. The FVC subprogramme was carried out between 2020 and 2023 with funds from FAO's Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC). Together with Indonesia's national agency for planning and the Ministry of Agriculture as co-convener, the subprogramme supported the Directorate for Food and Agriculture in the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) leading the consolidation and implementation of the agrifood systems transformation agenda, including the UNFSS follow-up. The modelling and analytical work was conducted by a pool of researchers from the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel (CAU), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). The researchers elaborated their analysis on the concrete priorities of the country and provided insights about the agrifood systems’ performance, mapping synergies and potential trade-offs across identified interventions. The information package included an examination of the interests, roles, and contributions of stakeholders, allowing for the identification of alliances and coordination needed to ensure the coordination needed to ensure the political feasibility of their agrifood systems transformation plans.

Year published



Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


FAO. 2024. Supporting agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia with governance innovation. Policy brief. Second edition. Rome: FAO.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Governance; Modelling




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

Record type



Modelling the impacts of policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia


Woolfrey, Sean; Bizikova, Livia; Henning, Christian; Boere, Esther; Kozicka, Marta; Laborde, David; Piñeiro, Valeria; Augustynczik, Andrey; Grunenberg, Michael; Havlik, Petr

Illescas, Nelson; Khalifa, Sherin; McConnell, Claire; Olivetti, Elsa; Ziesmer, Johannes


Modelling the impacts of policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia

The Government of Indonesia and FAO have recognized the need for thorough analysis and modelling of Indonesia’s agrifood systems to support agrifood systems transformation efforts in the country. This is needed to provide a better understanding of the governance context in agrifood systems, including the political economy dynamics influencing performance, as well as to identify synergies and trade-offs across different policy goals and optimal policy mixes for achieving multiple policy objectives. In this regard, FAO facilitated a project to pilot an innovative approach to modelling for food systems transformation. This modelling approach was developed and implemented by a team of researchers from IFPRI, IIASA, IISD and Christian-Albrechts- University of Kiel. It uses three different economic models to generate insights that can assist Indonesian policymakers in developing technically sound and politically feasible policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation. This report provides context for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia and describes the overall modelling approach before synthesizing the results of the individual modelling activities and distilling these into the overall findings of the modelling. It concludes with implications from these findings for policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia and suggestions for the next steps. The results of this modelling and the insights drawn from these results are expected to support efforts to translate Indonesia’s commitments on agrifood systems transformation into concrete policy interventions and to inform medium- and long-term development planning by the Indonesian Government.

Year published



Woolfrey, Sean; Bizikova, Livia; Henning, Christian; Boere, Esther; Kozicka, Marta; Laborde, David; Piñeiro, Valeria; Augustynczik, Andrey; Grunenberg, Michael; Havlik, Petr; Illescas, Nelson; Khalifa, Sherin; McConnell, Claire; Olivetti, Elsa; Ziesmer, Johannes


Woolfrey, Sean; Bizikova, Livia; Henning, Christian; Boere, Esther; Kozicka, Marta; Laborde, David; Piñeiro, Valeria; et al. 2024. Modelling the impacts of policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia Report. Second edition. Rome, FAO.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Governance; Policies; Modelling; Economic Analysis




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) Monsoon Season 2024: Agricultural input markets, credit and extension services

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) Monsoon Season 2024: Agricultural input markets, credit and extension services

This note provides an overview of agricultural input access and utilization for the monsoon season 2023 based on a nationally and regionally representative sample of 4,663 crop farmers undertaken in January 22 to March 7, 2024.
Key Findings
 Fertilizer use rates and profitability for rice production reached their highest levels since before the coup during the 2023 monsoon season, driven primarily by higher paddy prices. Application rates for monsoon season paddy increased to 66 kg/acre from 54 kg/acre in the previous monsoon. Urea application increased from 33 kg/acre to 38 kg/acre, and non-urea fertilizers (mainly compound 15-15-15) increased from 21 kg/acre to 28 kg/acre.
 The benefit-cost ratio of urea application to paddy crops averaged 2.3 at the urea sales price reported by agri-input dealers and 2.0 at farmer reported urea prices. These ratios imply a return on investment in urea fertilizer for the farmer of 130 percent at input dealer prices and 100 percent at average famer-reported prices. The difference in reported prices likely reflects interest charges and local transport costs from the dealer to the farm.
 Access to mechanization services, tractors and combine harvesters was similar in monsoon 2023 compared to a year earlier, but costs increased dramatically. Plowing with a four-wheel tractor, for example, increased by 42 percent to 60,000 MMK/acre. The cost of combine harvesting averaged 110,000 MMK/acre. Timeliness of access was likely reduced as fuel shortages increased, especially in conflict areas.
 The share of farmers using saved paddy seed increased from 56 percent to 61 percent nationally for use in the 2023 monsoon season compared to a year before. There were important differences across states and regions. The share of farmers purchasing seed in conflict areas fell more than the national average; by 11 percentage points in Mandalay, 7 percentage points in Rakhine, 6 percentage points in Tanintharyi, and 5 percentage points in Mon State.
 Eighty-four percent of farms hired labor in the 2023 monsoon season, slightly higher than the previous monsoon season. Male wages rose to 8,800 MMK/day in the 2023 monsoon season from almost 7,400 MMK/day in the previous monsoon, an increase of 19 percent.
 Despite large nominal increases, real wages for men and women nevertheless fell as the cost of a typical daily diet which rose 37 percent over the period February 2023 to March 2024.
 Access to internet or mobile phone services increased by 3 percentage points from 15 percent to 18 percent, and access to private sector services increased by almost 3 percentage points from 18.0 percent to 20.6 percent. Increases in private extension access favored producers of cash crops, notably betel leaves, cotton, rice and maize. Internet or mobile phone services were sought out by producers of cotton, rice, betel leaves and pulses, again primarily cash crops.

 Improvements in the geographical coverage and content of mobile phone extension services could play an important role in offsetting reductions in in-person extension access. This is an opportunity for development partners to have a positive impact without increasing risk to beneficiaries or implementing partner staff.
 The prevalence of local farmers as a seed source indicates that mobile extension services targeting informal seed producers could be important, along with facilitating access to certified seed for multiplication. As nearly all chemical input distributors and machinery service providers depend on imports, access to foreign exchange is critically important. Further sharp depreciation of the Myanmar Kyat will lead to increases in prices for the coming post-monsoon season.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agricultural Policy Support Activity. 2024. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) Monsoon Season 2024: Agricultural input markets, credit and extension services. Myanmar Strategy Support Program Research Note 10. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Agriculture; Markets; Credit; Extension; Fertilizers; Prices; Farmers




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type


Data Paper

Tracking Maternal and Child Anthropometric Outcomes, Early Childhood Development, Maternal Mental Health and Household Welfare in urban Yangon and rural Ayeyarwady: A Description of the 11th Round of The Rural-Urban Food Security Survey (RUFSS) conducted in October-November 2023

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Tracking Maternal and Child Anthropometric Outcomes, Early Childhood Development, Maternal Mental Health and Household Welfare in urban Yangon and rural Ayeyarwady: A Description of the 11th Round of The Rural-Urban Food Security Survey (RUFSS) conducted in October-November 2023

Myanmar's population has become increasingly at risk of malnutrition due to political turmoil, armed conflicts, the COVID-19 pandemic, economic disruptions, price fluctuations, and erratic weather patterns (MAPSA 2024; MAPSA 2023). However, given the fragile situation with respect to conflict, crime and poor governance, conducting face-to-face data collection is challenging (Lambrecht et al. 2023; Boughton et al. 2023), and there is a particular scarcity of anthropometric data since this cannot be collected via phone surveys. To redress this knowledge gap, IFPRI partnered with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)- Myanmar to conduct an in-person survey that revisited households previously surveyed in 2020-2021 by phone. This Rural-Urban Food Security interviewed mothers or caregivers of young children and collected anthropometric measurements in-person between October – November 2023. Out of approximately 1,500 mothers who participated in at least one round of the previous phone survey, we successfully followed up with 702 mother-child pairs located mainly in peri-urban Yangon, with a small subset of households in rural Ayeyarwady. This paper describes the implementation of this survey and the reports key results from the questionnaire in order to provide readers with a clear understanding of the sample and its key socioeconomic characteristics, as well as comparability to two national surveys with representative Yangon sub-samples: the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS) conducted in 2023 and Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in 2015-16. Results of this comparison suggest that the RUFSS sample of caregivers (mostly mothers) is broadly comparable to the DHS in terms of education levels. Thus, while the RUFSS sample should not be interrupted as representative of mothers of young children in Yangon or their households – because we oversample peri-urban households – it nevertheless appears to be broadly comparable to the DHS in terms of caregiver education levels, which would one not expect to change rapidly over 2015-16 to 2023.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Tracking Maternal and Child Anthropometric Outcomes, Early Childhood Development, Maternal Mental Health and Household Welfare in Urban Yangon and Rural Ayeyarwady: A Description of the 11th Round of the Rural-Urban Food Security Survey (RUFSS) Conducted in October-November 2023. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Malnutrition; Instability; Armed Conflicts; Covid-19; Periurban Areas; Rural Areas; Children; Weather; Anthropometry; Food Security; Education; Mothers




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Data Paper


Prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity among mothers in Yangon and Ayeyarwady, October–November 2023

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity among mothers in Yangon and Ayeyarwady, October–November 2023

In this research note, we report results on the prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity among mothers of young children using data collected in Yangon and Ayeyarwady as part of the Rural-Urban Food Security Survey (RUFSS). This in-person study, conducted between October–November 2023, surveyed mothers who were registered from antenatal clinics in peri-urban Yangon in early 2020. In this latest survey round, we revisited this sample of mother-child pairs to gather anthropometric data (along with other nutrition-relevant indicators). We successfully collected anthropometric data for 646 mothers.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity among mothers in Yangon and Ayeyarwady, October–November 2023. Myanmar SSP Research Note 108. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Thinness; Obesity; Data; Mothers




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type


Journal Article

Feasibility of using an artificial intelligence-based telephone application for dietary assessment and nudging to improve the quality of food choices of female adolescents in Vietnam: Evidence from a randomized pilot study


Braga, Bianca C.; Nguyen, Phuong; Tran, Lan Mai; Hoang, Nga Thu; Bannerman, Boateng; Doyle, Frank; Folson, Gloria; Gangupantulu, Rohit; Karachiwalla, Naureen; Kolt, Bastien

McCloskey, Peter; Palloni, Giordano; Tran, Trang Huyen Thi; Trơưng, Duong Thuy Thi; Hughes, David; Gelli, Aulo


Feasibility of using an artificial intelligence-based telephone application for dietary assessment and nudging to improve the quality of food choices of female adolescents in Vietnam: Evidence from a randomized pilot study

Adolescent nutrition has faced a policy neglect, partly owing to the gaps in dietary intake data for this age group. The Food Recognition Assistance and Nudging Insights (FRANI) is a smartphone application validated for dietary assessment and to influence users toward healthy food choices.

This study aimed to assess the feasibility (adherence, acceptability, and usability) of FRANI and its effects on food choices and diet quality in female adolescents in Vietnam.

Adolescents (N = 36) were randomly selected from a public school and allocated into 2 groups. The control group received smartphones with a version of FRANI limited to dietary assessment, whereas the intervention received smartphones with gamified FRANI. After the first 4 wk, both groups used gamified FRANI for further 2 wk. The primary outcome was the feasibility of using FRANI as measured by adherence (the proportion of completed food records), acceptability and usability (the proportion of participants who considered FRANI acceptable and usable according to answers of a Likert questionnaire). Secondary outcomes included the percentage of meals recorded, the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDDW) and the Eat-Lancet Diet Score (ELDS). Dietary diversity is important for dietary quality, and sustainable healthy diets are important to reduce carbon emissions. Poisson regression models were used to estimate the effect of gamified FRANI on the MDDW and ELDS.

Adherence to the application was 82% and the percentage of meals recorded was 97%. Acceptability and usability were 97%. MDDW in the intervention group was 1.07 points (95% CI: 0.98, 1.18; P = 0.13) greater than that in the control (constant = 4.68); however, the difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, ELDS in the intervention was 1.09 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.18; P = 0.03) points greater than in the control (constant = 3.67).

FRANI was feasible and may be effective to influence users toward healthy food choices. Research is needed for FRANI in different contexts and at scale.

Year published



Braga, Bianca C.; Nguyen, Phuong; Tran, Lan Mai; Hoang, Nga Thu; Bannerman, Boateng; Doyle, Frank; Folson, Gloria; Gangupantulu, Rohit; Karachiwalla, Naureen; Kolt, Bastien; McCloskey, Peter; Palloni, Giordano; Tran, Trang Huyen Thi; Trơưng, Duong Thuy Thi; Hughes, David; Gelli, Aulo


Braga, Bianca C.; Nguyen, Phuong H.; Tran, Lan Mai; Hoang, Nga Thu; Bannerman, Boateng; Doyle, Frank; et al. 2024. Feasibility of using an artificial intelligence-based telephone application for dietary assessment and nudging to improve the quality of food choices of female adolescents in Vietnam: Evidence from a randomized pilot study. Current Developments in Nutrition 8(6).




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Adolescents; Artificial Intelligence; Capacity Development; Diet Quality; Diet; Feeding Preferences




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Food systems interventions for nutrition: Lessons from 6 program evaluations in Africa and South Asia


Neufeld, Lynnette M.; Nordhagen, Stella; Leroy, Jef L.; Aberman, Noora-Lisa; Barnett, Inka; Wouabe, Eric Djimeu; Girard, Amy Webb; Gonzalez, Wendy; Levin, Carol E.; Mbuya, Mduduzi N. N.

Nakasone, Eduardo; Dhillon, Christina Nyhus; Prescott, Dave; Smith, Matt; Tschirley, David


Food systems interventions for nutrition: Lessons from 6 program evaluations in Africa and South Asia

While there is growing global momentum behind food systems strategies to improve planetary and human health—including nutrition—there is limited evidence of what types of food systems interventions work. Evaluating these types of interventions is challenging due to their complex and dynamic nature and lack of fit with standard evaluation methods. In this paper, we draw on a portfolio of six evaluations of food systems interventions in Africa and South Asia that were intended to improve nutrition. We identify key methodological challenges and formulate recommendations to improve the quality of such studies. We highlight five challenges: a lack of evidence base to justify the intervention; the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the interventions; addressing attribution; collecting or accessing accurate and timely data; and defining and measuring appropriate outcomes. In addition to more specific guidance, we identify six cross-cutting recommendations, including a need to use multiple and diverse methods and flexible designs. We also note that these evaluation challenges present opportunities to develop new methods and highlight several specific needs in this space.

Year published



Neufeld, Lynnette M.; Nordhagen, Stella; Leroy, Jef L.; Aberman, Noora-Lisa; Barnett, Inka; Wouabe, Eric Djimeu; Girard, Amy Webb; Gonzalez, Wendy; Levin, Carol E.; Mbuya, Mduduzi N. N.; Nakasone, Eduardo; Dhillon, Christina Nyhus; Prescott, Dave; Smith, Matt; Tschirley, David


Neufeld, Lynnette M.; Nordhagen, Stella; Leroy, Jef L.; Aberman, Noora-Lisa; Barnett, Inka; Wouabe, Eric Djimeu; et al. 2024. Food systems interventions for nutrition: Lessons from 6 program evaluations in Africa and South Asia. Journal of Nutrition 154(6): 1727-1738.


Africa; South Asia; Theory of Change; Methods; Food Systems; Nutrition; Evaluation; Health




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Sustainable Healthy Diets

Record type

Journal Article

Working Paper

Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (Monsoon 2023): Farming environment and farm commercialization

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (Monsoon 2023): Farming environment and farm commercialization

We have analyzed the farming environment and farm commercialization situation for the 2023 monsoon season from the Myanmar Agriculture Performance Survey (MAPS), conducted at the beginning of 2024. This survey encompassed almost 4,400 crop producers in the monsoon, distributed across all states/regions of the country. Our findings reveal:
1. The security situation in Myanmar continues to pose concerns for farmers, impacting their commercialization practices. During the interview period (January – March 2024):
1.1) 31 percent of farmers reported feeling 'very insecure' or 'insecure'.
1.2) 22 percent expressed serious security concerns while moving around.
1.3) 8 percent stated that conflict in their area prevented the cultivation of some agricultural fields.
1.4) 1.4 percent reported land confiscation as a problem in their community.
1.5) 11 percent indicated fear of storing produce at home due to the risk of confiscation or destruction.
2. Security challenges for farming vary across states and regions, with the Delta area - the country's rice bowl - experiencing relatively better conditions.
3. Limited access to fuel, crucial for irrigation and mechanization among others, poses a significant constraint to farming. Nationally, about a quarter of Burmese farmers reported either no or rare availability of fuel in their communities during the monsoon and post/premonsoon periods. This situation is exacerbated in conflict-affected areas such as Rakhine, Chin, and Kayah, with Rakhine experiencing a dramatic worsening in recent months, with 81 percent of farmers reporting fuel scarcity in the post/pre-monsoon period.
4. Agricultural inputs were generally accessible during the 2023 monsoon season, indicating the resilience of the private sector in delivering these inputs. However, 4 percent of farmers reported unavailability of chemical fertilizers, while 6 percent faced difficulties in accessing mechanization and 18 percent in securing agricultural labor.
5. Input prices increased during the 2023 monsoon compared to the same period in 2022, with mechanized plowing costs rising by 20 percent, and hired labor costs for men and women increasing by 19 percent and 23 percent, respectively. Conversely, urea prices decreased by 15 percent.
6. In the post/pre-monsoon of 2024, wages saw substantial increases compared to the monsoon, especially for men, with a 15 percent rise, possibly linked to the new conscription law.
7. Nearly all crop prices increased compared to the previous monsoon. Paddy prices surged by 64 percent. Conversely, maize prices experienced an 11 percent decrease, likely due to transportation issues via Myawaddy, the border town for trade with Thailand.
8. Most farmers reported higher crop sales income this year compared to the previous one. However, 14 percent of farmers reported lower sales incomes.
9. Farmers in remote and conflict-affected areas face significant disadvantages in farm commercialization. Insecurity and isolation are primarily linked to higher input costs, while output prices are similar or lower compared to secure and well-connected areas. Consequently, farming profitability in these regions is reduced, impacting farmers' income and welfare.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agricultural Policy Support Activity. 2024. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (Monsoon 2023): Farming environment and farm commercialization. Myanmar SSP Working Paper 58. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Commercialization; Farm Inputs; Monsoon Climate




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Working Paper

Working Paper

Conflict and agricultural performance: Evidence from Myanmar

2024Win, Myat Thida; Maredia, Mywish K.; Jin, Songqing


Conflict and agricultural performance: Evidence from Myanmar

Recent years have witnessed an escalation in conflict, especially in developing countries where a significant proportion of the population relies on agriculture. It is crucial to understand how these conflicts impact agricultural production, given its importance for food security and agricultural transformation in these regions. However, research exploring how persistent conflicts affect agriculture is still nascent. Our study adds to this body of research by establishing a causal link between ongoing conflicts and their impact on paddy production, a primary staple crop in Myanmar. This analysis is based on data from a nationally representative phone survey conducted amidst active conflicts. We find that conflict adversely affects paddy production in various ways, including decreases in production and yield, as well as decreases in farmgate prices and the value of production. Our analysis reveals that conflict events, particularly those targeting civilians, have more pronounced negative effects on paddy production, yield, farmgate prices, and the value of production compared to non-targeted conflict incidents that do not purposively target civilians but could potentially disrupt input and output markets. The timing of conflict also significantly affects paddy production, with incidents occurring in mid-season, and during pre-planting and planting periods being the most damaging. Conflict leads to a decrease in the land area devoted to paddy cultivation, lowered probability and intensity of compound fertilizer usage, and an increased reliance on possibly lower quality seeds and exchange labor use. Our findings provide timely and informative insights for development partners and policy frameworks, highlighting the need for emergency assistance and intervention strategies to mitigate the impact of conflict and enhance resilience in areas vulnerable to conflict and instability.

Year published



Win, Myat Thida; Maredia, Mywish K.; Jin, Songqing


Win, Myat Thida; Maredia, Mywish K.; and Jin, Songqing. 2024. Conflict and agricultural performance: Evidence from Myanmar. Myanmar SSP Working 57. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Conflicts; Rice; Resilience




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Working Paper

Journal Article

“Fruit basket upset”: Spatially explicit crop mixture responses to climatic and economic pressures

2024Robertson, Richard D.; Petsakos, Athanasios; Cenacchi, Nicola; Gotor, Elisabetta


“Fruit basket upset”: Spatially explicit crop mixture responses to climatic and economic pressures

The choice of crops to produce at a location depends to a large degree on the climate. As the climate changes and food demand evolves, farmers may need to produce a different mix of crops. This study assesses how much cropland may be subject to such upheavals at the global scale, and then focuses on China as a case study to examine how spatial heterogeneity informs different contexts for adaptation within a country.

A global agricultural economic model is linked to a cropland allocation algorithm to generate maps of cropland distribution under historical and future conditions. The mix of crops at each location is examined to determine whether it is likely to experience a major shift.

Two-thirds of rainfed cropland and half of irrigated cropland are likely to experience substantial upheaval of some kind.

This analysis helps establish a global context for the local changes that producers might face under future climate and socioeconomic changes. The scale of the challenge means that the agricultural sector needs to prepare for these widespread and diverse upheavals.

Year published



Robertson, Richard D.; Petsakos, Athanasios; Cenacchi, Nicola; Gotor, Elisabetta


Robertson, Richard D.; Petsakos, Athanasios; Cenacchi, Nicola; and Gotor, Elisabetta. 2024. “Fruit basket upset”: Spatially explicit crop mixture responses to climatic and economic pressures. China Agricultural Economic Review 16(2): 207-225.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Eastern Asia; Climate Change; Climate Change Adaptation; Crops; Farmers; Farmland




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0



Record type

Journal Article


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 6

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 6

The sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)–a nationwide phone panel consisting of 12,898 households–was implemented between August, 2023 and November, 2023. The objective of the survey was to collect data on a wide range of household and individual welfare indicators–including wealth, livelihoods, unemployment, food insecurity, diet quality, health shocks, and coping strategies–in a country exceptionally hard hit by conflict, severe economic collapse, and several damaging waves of COVID-19. The respondents interviewed in the MHWS were purposely selected from a large phone database aimed at being representative at the region/state level and urban/rural level in Myanmar. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 6. Washington, DC: IFPRI. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Social Welfare; Households; Livelihoods; Assets; Employment; Food Insecurity; Diet; Migration; Shock




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type


Data Paper

Myanmar Household Welfare Survey Round Six: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey Round Six: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

The sixth round of the MHWS was carried out between October 12, 2022, and December 30, 2022. In the fourth round, 12,924 households responded to the survey. Of those households, 4831 households were interviewed in the first, second, third and fourth round. Another 1,924 households were interviewed in Round 2, Round 3 and Round 4 only. Some 127 households rejoined the sample after being interviewed in Round 1 and Round 3. Finally, 3,724 households were added in Round 4 to replace the 2,928 households that dropped out of the sample after the third round. To replace the households that dropped out of the survey, the survey team called 6,641 new households. The households were selected randomly from the phone database, in the same townships as the attrition households, and retained if they had similar characteristics to the attrition households in terms of urban/rural, gender, farm and low education. If the survey team could not meet those criteria, they called households with similar characteristics from the same state/region. As many as 56 percent of new households called responded to the survey in Round 4, compared to only 31 percent of new households in Round 3. A big issue among both old and new respondents continues to be non-response, such as phones were not answered, powered off, or out-of-service, 39.5 percent of calls. For previous respondents, 36 percent of them did not respond to their phones, for any of those reasons, hence the high degree of attrition. Meanwhile, the refusal rate of new households remained low at 3 percent in Round 4 compared to 6 percent in Round 3. It is likely that phone connection and power outages were the main reason that phones were not answered- they were not on. Blackouts not only prevented many households from charging their phones, but also interrupted interviews, if the power was cut-off during the call.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey round six: Note on sample characteristics and weighting. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Data; Household Surveys; Households; Farmers; Welfare; Rural Areas




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Data Paper

Data Paper

Myanmar Household Welfare Survey Round Five: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey Round Five: Note on Sample Characteristics and Weighting

The fifth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)–a nationwide phone panel consisting of 12,953 households–was implemented between March, 2023 and June, 2023. Of those households, 3,981 households were interviewed in Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, and Round 5, all the previous survey rounds. Another 1,673 households were interviewed in Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, and Round 5 only. The remaining 5,732 households participated in at least one other round of MHWS. Finally, 3,256 new households that had never participated in any other rounds were added in Round 5 to replace the households that dropped out of the sample after the fourth round.

The objective of the survey was to collect data on a wide range of household and individual welfare indicators–including wealth, livelihoods, unemployment, food insecurity, diet quality, health shocks, and coping strategies–in a country exceptionally hard hit by conflict, severe economic collapse, and several damaging waves of COVID-19. The respondents interviewed in the MHWS were purposely selected from a large phone database aimed at being representative at the region/state level and urban/rural level in Myanmar. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2023. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey round five: Note on sample characteristics and weighting. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. handle: 10568/141615.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Household Surveys; Households; Data; Rural Areas; Farmers; Social Welfare




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Data Paper


Project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for Market Inclusion (Pro-WEAI+MI): Philippines Case Study

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for Market Inclusion (Pro-WEAI+MI): Philippines Case Study

The project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for market inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) is a modified version of the pro-WEAI that captures empowerment across commodity value chains (VC), VC actors, and beneficiaries of VC/training interventions. This dataset from the Philippines is the first of four country case studies that developed additional market inclusion (+MI) indicators to complement the pro-WEAI.

The Philippines case study focused on women and men working in production, processing, trading, and marketing in the abaca, coconut, seaweed, and swine VCs. Using a purposive sampling design, survey data were collected in March–August 2017 in six provinces in the Bicol and Visayas regions of the Philippines. Data on each VC was collected in two provinces, selected based on presence of production and processing activities. Abaca and coconut data were collected initially in Sorsogon and Leyte, and additional survey areas were added in Albay and Southern Leyte to reach target sample sizes. Seaweed and swine data were collected in Bohol and Cebu. This data package includes the pro-WEAI+MI questions implemented in the Philippines, basic household and demographic information, and constructed pro-WEAI and +MI indicators.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Project-Level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for Market Inclusion (Pro-weai+MI): Philippines Case Study. Washington, DC: IFPRI [Dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Women; Agriculture; Abaca; Coconuts; Seaweeds; Swine; Empowerment; Households; Gender; Value Chains




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Migration Assessment

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Migration Assessment

Myanmar Migrant Assessment (MMA), is a comprehensive survey aimed at understanding the impacts and processes of migration in Myanmar amidst political instability, armed conflict, economic disruptions, and climatic shocks. Drawing its sample from the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), the MMA targeted households with members who had migrated within the past decade or relocated entirely since January 2021. Conducted via phone interviews between June and July 2023, the MMA surveyed 4,296 households, focusing on various aspects including migration, employment, and remittances. Migrants, as defined by the MMA, are household members who departed for over two months due to employment, marriage, safety concerns, or educational pursuits. Out of the surveyed households, 5,455 migrants were identified, with 3,505 still away from home and 1,487 having returned.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Myanmar Migration Assessment. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Migration; Employment; Income; Remittances




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type


Working Paper

Agricultural service delivery during turmoil: The state of agricultural extension and crop advisory services in Myanmar

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Agricultural service delivery during turmoil: The state of agricultural extension and crop advisory services in Myanmar

Access to agricultural extension and crop advisory services can play a crucial role in ensuring widespread and appropriate use of new and improved agricultural technologies, but the delivery and use of such services is not well understood in Myanmar. We assess their use based on repeated large-scale and nationally representative farm surveys from 2020 onwards, as well as on insights from key informant interviews and secondary data. The major findings are the following:
1. Agricultural extension use is low and declining. Before the crisis years – due to COVID-19 and a military coup – agricultural extension provision and use in Myanmar was at much lower levels than in neighboring countries. There has been a further decline in use since. Forty-one percent of farmers reported to have received crop advice during the monsoon of 2020, but this share declined by 9 percentage points to 32 percent of farmers in the monsoon of 2022.
2. In-person agricultural extension is more widely used than digital extension. In the last dry season, 26 and 20 percent of the farmers relied on in-person and digital extension respectively.
3. The private sector is the main provider of in-person agricultural extension. During the last dry season, the main provider of in-person agricultural extension was the private sector (used by 18 percent of the farmers), followed by the public sector (13 percent of the farmers), and NGOs (6 percent). Previous seasons show similar shares.
4. In-person agricultural extension has been declining since 2020. In the last three years, there has been a significant decline in the provision of in-person extension services by all providers. In the case of the public sector in particular, the number of agricultural extension events in 2021/22 dropped by more than 50 percent compared to before the crisis years.
5. Digital agricultural extension service provision increased rapidly before 2020. Before the COVID-19 pandemic and the political crisis, the provision of digital extension services grew rapidly, linked to the rapid expansion of mobile cellphone networks and the spread of cheap smart phones. The total number of posts on Facebook by agricultural companies and organizations from July 2015 until November 2019 more than tripled. The biggest growth in posts was seen in 2018 and 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
6. Digital agricultural extension provision decreased immediately after the coup, but then expanded again in the years after. It was used by 20 percent of the farmers during the last dry season. Most users started using digital agricultural extension since the COVID-19 pandemic and the political crisis. After the initial drop in 2021 - as the use of Facebook was banned and as there were severe communication blockages - there has been an increase in activity since, and this has occurred despite the persistent communication and internet problems and reduced mobile network access in the country.
7. Digital agricultural extension is mostly provided through Facebook by agricultural input companies and social enterprises. The most widely used services are provided through Facebook pages, that for a number of organizations and companies have millions of followers. An analysis of the posts on these Facebook pages shows they contain more technical information than product advertisements, even so for (almost) all commercial input retail companies. We also recently note the establishment of farmer extension groups – a more interactive model – and specific commodity focused groups on Facebook. There are also groups on other online platforms, including specialized agricultural apps and call centers. However, these platforms are less used. Digital extension services are almost exclusively provided by the private sector, including social businesses.
8. Use of agricultural extension is non-inclusive, with less educated, more remote, female, and smaller farmers accessing them less, for digital as well as for in-person extension. We also note an important difference by age, with older farmers relying more on in-person services and younger ones more on digital extension.
9. Conflict-affected areas access agricultural extension services significantly less frequently. Farmers residing in townships under martial law – 13 percent of the townships – use any extension (in-person or digital) service less (8 percent compared to townships not under martial law, often because they lack access to the internet in these townships). While farmers residing in the most insecure areas use in-person extension less (11 percent less), they are however able to rely on digital services to a similar extent as farmers in the more secure townships.

The findings of the study have a number of important implications.
1. Scaling of digital extension. Given the widespread insecurity and mobility constraints in the country, limiting in-person travel, alternative digital opportunities have recently emerged that can provide crop advisory services at scale, and especially in some – but not all – of the conflict-affected areas. The scaling-up of such services would be very much welcomed, given that currently only one out of five farmers in Myanmar are relying on such services.
2. Leverage the experience of the private sector. The private sector is most active in agricultural extension, in-person and digital. It has been leading the pivot from in-person to the provision of digital services – not only focusing on sales of their products, but very much being involved in crop advice overall – providing important opportunities to work with these initiatives to finetune and extend the reach of agronomic and other advice for farmers, especially as a large share of farmers is not yet reached by current agricultural extension models.
3. Embrace innovations. Innovations in digital agriculture are quickly emerging - such as chatbots and A.I. - but are not yet being used to their fullest extent in Myanmar. Further piloting, testing, and evaluating the impact of such innovations should be encouraged.
4. Ensure internet access. Access to the internet is problematic in Myanmar – more than 40 percent of all households in Myanmar reported in a recent national survey that they never or only occasionally use the internet - and further efforts to ensure access, especially in conflict affected areas, as well as improve digital literacy should be encouraged.
5. Assess impact of agricultural extension. Despite the interest in the country, few rigorous assessments have been done on the impact of different modalities of extension on adoption of improved technologies and agricultural performance. This would be useful evidence to stimulate the scale-up of the most promising models.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agricultural Policy Support Activity. 2024. Agricultural service delivery during turmoil: The state of agricultural extension and crop advisory services in Myanmar. Myanmar SSP Working Paper 54. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agricultural Extension; Agricultural Technology; Dry Season; Innovation; Social Media




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Working Paper

Working Paper

Livelihoods and Welfare: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023)

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Livelihoods and Welfare: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023)

The sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), a nationally and regionally representative phone survey, was implemented between the end of August and November 2023. It follows five rounds that were carried out since the beginning of December 2021. This report discusses the findings from the sixth round related to livelihoods and welfare dynamics. The main findings are the following:
1. Nationally, median real household income per adult equivalent declined by 15 percent between late 2022 and late 2023, indicating that the purchasing power of household income declined substantially over the previous year. Between late 2022 and late 2023, median real income per adult equivalent earned from farm wages increased slightly while real income earned from all other sources stagnated or declined.
2. In late 2023, 13 percent of households had at least one jobless household member who in the three months before the survey spent at least one month seeking income generating work without finding it. The share of households with an unemployed member decreases by asset class (15 percent in asset poor households compared to 8 percent in asset rich households). Four percent of households had a child aged 5–11 who was employed at least one hour in any week in the three months before the survey and 8 percent of households had a child aged 12–14 who was employed at least 14 hours in any week during that period.
3. Between late 2022 and 2023, there has been an overall reduction in household engagement in income earning activities. Except for other income sources (e.g., rent, remittances, and other forms of assistance), the share of households engaged in each income generating activity either declined or increased by a small, statistically insignificant amount.
4. In every state/region, income poverty reached a new high in the period of August–November 2023 compared to all previous MHWS rounds in the last two years. Adjusted in accordance with food inflation, the poverty line increased by 35 percent between late 2022 and late 2023. A failure of nominal income to keep pace with this large jump in the poverty line led to an increase in the percentage of the population living in income-poor households by 17 percent from 62 percent in February–June 2023 to 72 in August–November 2023.
5. Casual wage earning households continue to be the poorest livelihood group with income poverty rates of 90 and 84 percent in farm and non-farm wage earning households, respectively. Nonetheless, income poverty rose to 63 and 67 percent in households whose primary livelihoods are non-farm salary work and non-farm businesses—23 and 17 percent higher than a similar period in the previous year. Finally, over the same period, income poverty increased by 11 percent in farm households to 69 percent.
6. Remittance income is an important stabilizing force. There are only a few factors helping households stay out of poverty, including earning income from salaried employment, migrating with the whole household, and receiving remittances. Individuals living in remittance receiving households are about 22 percentage points less poor compared to individuals in non-remittance receiving households. Households mainly reliant on ‘other’ forms of income, particularly remittances, are the most resilient livelihood group with poverty rates not changing between late 2022 and late 2023.
7. In late 2023, households in Chin, Kayah, Rakhine, Sagaing, and Tanintharyi struggled most of all regions/states with income poverty, unemployment, and challenges to earning income. During that period, poverty headcounts were 93 percent in Chin, 87 percent in Kayah; and around 80 percent in Rakhine, Sagaing, and Tanintharyi. In Kayah, 49 percent of households reported a loss of employment in June–November 2023, while in Tanintharyi 39 percent of households reported a loss of employment. Further, nearly 30 percent of households in Kayah had an unemployed member—more than double the national average. Chin and Rakhine also had a large share of households with unemployed members. Finally, households in Chin were nearly twice as likely as other parts of the country to have employed children—children aged 5–11 were employed in 7 percent of households and children aged 12–14 were employed in 15 percent of households.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Livelihoods and Welfare: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023). Myanmar SSP Working Paper 53. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




South-eastern Asia; Surveys; Income; Households; Unemployment; Poverty; Remittances




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Working Paper

Journal Article

Pandemic experiences and the post-lockdown economic recovery: Evidence from China

2024Liu, Yanyan; Ma, Shuang; Mu, Ren


Pandemic experiences and the post-lockdown economic recovery: Evidence from China

Year published



Liu, Yanyan; Ma, Shuang; Mu, Ren


Liu, Yanyan; Ma, Shuang; and Mu, Ren. 2024. Pandemic experiences and the post-lockdown economic recovery: Evidence from China. China Economic Review 84(April 2024): 102125.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Economic Recovery; Pandemics; Covid-19; Employment; Big Data; Population Distribution




Limited Access

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Preconception micronutrient supplementation affects maternal body mass index and body composition post-partum: A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam

2024Ramakrishnan, Usha; Wimalasena, Sonia Tandon; Young, Melissa F.; Khuong, Long Q.; Tran, Lan M.; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Nguyen, Phuong


Preconception micronutrient supplementation affects maternal body mass index and body composition post-partum: A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam

Year published



Ramakrishnan, Usha; Wimalasena, Sonia Tandon; Young, Melissa F.; Khuong, Long Q.; Tran, Lan M.; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Nguyen, Phuong


Ramakrishnan, Usha; Wimalasena, Sonia Tandon; Young, Melissa F.; Khuong, Long Q.; Tran, Lan M.; Hoffman, Daniel J.; Martorell, Reynaldo; and Nguyen, Phuong H. 2024. Preconception micronutrient supplementation affects maternal body mass index and body composition post-partum: A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam. Journal of Nutrition 154(4): 1440-1448.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Capacity Development; Body Mass Index; Trace Elements; Perinatal Period; Mineral Supplements




Limited Access

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

Heterogeneous effects of information provision on fertilizer use in China's rice production

2024Zhang, Chao; Lin, Yang; Hu, Ruifa; Shi, Guanming; Xin, Jingshu; Chen, Kevin Z.; Meng, Yuanduo


Heterogeneous effects of information provision on fertilizer use in China's rice production

Year published



Zhang, Chao; Lin, Yang; Hu, Ruifa; Shi, Guanming; Xin, Jingshu; Chen, Kevin Z.; Meng, Yuanduo


Zhang, Chao; Lin, Yang; Hu, Ruifa; Shi, Guanming; Xin, Jingshu; Chen, Kevin; and Meng, Yuanduo. 2024. Heterogeneous effects of information provision on fertilizer use in China's rice production. Environment, Development and Sustainability 26(4): 9045–9068.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Crop Production; Fertilizers; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Rice




Limited Access

Record type

Journal Article

Journal Article

A phenology-based vegetation index for improving ratoon rice mapping using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 data

2024Chen, Yunping; Hu, Jie; Cai, Zhiwen; Yang, Jingya; Zhou, Wei; Hu, Qiong; You, Liangzhi; Xu, Baodong


A phenology-based vegetation index for improving ratoon rice mapping using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 data

Ratoon rice, which refers to a second harvest of rice obtained from the regenerated tillers originating from the stubble of the first harvested crop, plays an important role in both food security and agroecology while requiring minimal agricultural inputs. However, accurately identifying ratoon rice crops is challenging due to the similarity of its spectral features with other rice cropping systems (e.g., double rice). Moreover, images with a high spatiotemporal resolution are essential since ratoon rice is generally cultivated in fragmented croplands within regions that frequently exhibit cloudy and rainy weather. In this study, taking Qichun County in Hubei Province, China as an example, we developed a new phenology-based ratoon rice vegetation index (PRVI) for the purpose of ratoon rice mapping at a 30 m spatial resolution using a robust time series generated from Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) images. The PRVI that incorporated the red, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared 1 bands was developed based on the analysis of spectro-phenological separability and feature selection. Based on actual field samples, the performance of the PRVI for ratoon rice mapping was carefully evaluated by comparing it to several vegetation indices, including normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and land surface water index (LSWI). The results suggested that the PRVI could sufficiently capture the specific characteristics of ratoon rice, leading to a favorable separability between ratoon rice and other land cover types. Furthermore, the PRVI showed the best performance for identifying ratoon rice in the phenological phases characterized by grain filling and harvesting to tillering of the ratoon crop (GHS-TS2), indicating that only several images are required to obtain an accurate ratoon rice map. Finally, the PRVI performed better than NDVI, EVI, LSWI and their combination at the GHS-TS2 stages, with producer’s accuracy and user’s accuracy of 92.22 and 89.30%, respectively. These results demonstrate that the proposed PRVI based on HLS data can effectively identify ratoon rice in fragmented croplands at crucial phenological stages, which is promising for identifying the earliest timing of ratoon rice planting and can provide a fundamental dataset for crop management activities.

Year published



Chen, Yunping; Hu, Jie; Cai, Zhiwen; Yang, Jingya; Zhou, Wei; Hu, Qiong; You, Liangzhi; Xu, Baodong


Chen, Yunping; Hu, Jie; Cai, Zhiwen; Yang, Jingya; Zhou, Wei; Hu, Qiong; You, Liangzhi; and Xu, Baodong. 2024. A phenology-based vegetation index for improving ratoon rice mapping using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 data. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 23(4): 1164-1178.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agroecology; Food Security; Phenology; Rice; Vegetation Index




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0

Record type

Journal Article

Data Paper

Myanmar Migration Assessment: Note on Dataset

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Migration Assessment: Note on Dataset

The population of Myanmar is becoming increasingly vulnerable due to political instability, armed conflict, economic disruptions, price volatility, and climatic shocks. Migration has emerged as one of the few viable pathways to potentially improve household welfare amid these challenges. However, whether migration can indeed deliver some relief depends on the ability of migrants to find safe, well-paid jobs despite financial barriers and other challenges. The Myanmar Migrant Assessment (MMA) interviewed a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), who either have a household member who has migrated or attempted to migrate in the previous 10 years (since 2013) or has relocated their entire household since February 2021, to better understand the process and consequences of migration. The survey interviewed 4,296 households by phone between June 8 – July 14, 2023. In this note, we provide details on data collection and sample design for the MMA as well as give an overview of the survey modules.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Myanmar Migration Assessment: Note on Dataset. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Migration; Employment; Education; Households; Income; Remittances




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record

Record type

Data Paper

Working Paper

Shocks and coping: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023)

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Shocks and coping: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023)

The sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), a nationally and regionally representative phone survey, was implemented between August and November 2023. It follows five rounds that were carried out since the beginning of December 2021. This report discusses the findings from the sixth round related to shocks and coping strategies. The security situation in Myanmar continued to deteriorate during the sixth-round recall period, which spanned from June to November 2023. Households felt insecure in their communities, as reported by 23 percent of households and had a low level of trust, as reported by 25 percent of households. This is because crime and violence continued to increase, affecting 20 and 10 percent of communities, respectively. Further, eight percent of households were directly affected by violence, either through violence against a household member, robbery, or appropriation and/or destruction of their assets. Lawlessness continues to rise in Myanmar. In June–November 2023, 21 percent of households reported a lot or some gambling in their community, 20 percent reported a high risk of burglary, theft, or robbery in their community, and 16 percent reported drug use. These issues were more prominent in urban areas, compared to rural areas. Another crucial challenge is that 15 percent of respondents felt that it was dangerous for them to move around and do everyday tasks in June–November 2023. Finally, three percent of respondents revealed that there was a risk of kidnapping in their community. The two states/regions where households felt the most insecure between June and November 2023 were Kayah and Chin. At the same time, the security situation in Rakhine, Tanintharyi, and Sagaing decreased the most compared to the same time last year. These areas witnessed the highest increases in lawlessness. While the lowest levels of reported insecurity continued to be in Ayeyarwady, Bago, and Nay Pyi Taw, these regions are still confronting much of the same risks as experienced across the country. Households faced multiple shocks besides insecurity. In June–November 2023, 19 percent of farm households reported being negatively impacted by at least one climatic shock. Intense wind was a major issue in Rakhine with 28 percent of households negatively impacted. Disruptions to the internet and electricity also negatively affected household wellbeing and livelihoods. For residents that accessed electricity from the national power grid, 55 percent of households had a power cut of at least one hour from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm all seven days of the week prior to the interview. Further, between June and November of 2023, almost half of the households (48 percent) did not have access to the internet regularly. Access to medical services and school enrolment improved at the end of 2023 compared to the end of 2022. The percentage of households who could never access medical services dropped from eight percent in July–December 2022 to two percent in June–November 2023. School enrollment improved from 79 percent of children aged 5 to 14 enrolled in July-December 2022 to 86 percent of children enrolled in June–November 2023. The rate of food inflation rose to 24 percent between March–June 2023 and September-November 2023, on average 5 percent per month. The prices of most foods in our survey increased considerably in the one-year period between October–December 2022 and September–November 2023, with median rice prices increasing by 75 percent. Further, the contribution of rice prices to the rising cost of the food inflation basket has become more 4 important over time. On the other hand, vegetable prices exhibited substantial volatility with large increases in prices between the third and fourth quarters of both 2022 and 2023. Seventy-five percent of households used at least one coping strategy to meet daily needs during the month prior to the sixth-round survey (June–November 2023). The three most common coping strategies used were spending savings, reducing non-food expenditure, and reducing food expenditure. This has been consistent across rounds. Further, some households exhausted some or all of their coping strategies. Thirty-five percent of households reported that they no longer have any savings to reduce. Finally, the number of households who borrowed money (30 percent) decreased significantly from the previous year (38 percent) but was still slightly higher than in the beginning of 2023. At the same time, 49 percent of households continued to be in debt.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Shocks and coping: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023). Myanmar SSP Working Paper 52. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Shock; Households; Violence; Surveys; Climate Change; Economic Shock; Service Industry




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

Working Paper

Migration in Myanmar

2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Migration in Myanmar

Key Findings
• Over 1.5 years (between December 2021 and June 2023) at least 18.5 percent of the population or more than 10 million people migrated: 6.5 million individuals 15 years and older left their households and 3.1 million individuals moved together as a household or family unit.
• Fifty six percent of individuals who migrated cited employment as at least one of their drivers for migration.
• More men left their households to migrate than women. Most individuals migrated for work within Myanmar, though over time more individuals departed to find work abroad.
• In the first half of 2023, 16 percent of households received remittances from at least one member who was residing overseas or in a different state or region.
• Remittances contributed more to the household income of rural residents and the poor and were mostly used towards food purchases. Households receiving remittances had better dietary quality and were less likely to be poor.
Recommended Actions
• Set up programs that facilitate access to credit to reduce the need for migrants or households to take out high-interest loans for migration.
• Develop support programs for communities experiencing high out-migration to enhance individuals' awareness of the associated risks, processes, and job opportunities linked to migration.
• Create centers in high in-migration areas to aid migrants by providing resources, legal assistance, sustenance, shelter, and community support.
• Monitor migration and evaluate the impact of policy changes.

Year published



Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity


Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity. 2024. Migration in Myanmar. Myanmar SSP Research Note 106. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).




South-eastern Asia; Migration; Employment; Remittances; Households




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type

Working Paper

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