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Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 5

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 5

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationwide phone panel consisting of approximately 4,663 households. The objective of the survey is to collect data on farm characteristics and agricultural assets, area and crops planted, access to inputs, crop marketing, and constraints in agricultural activities. The respondents interviewed are a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative. MAPS Round 5 survey was implemented by phone by Myanmar Survey Research (MSR) from January to March, 2024. The MAPS collected information on household characteristics, overall area cultivated, crops grown, security problems, input use and farm management practices, yields, sales, output prices, and marketing behavior. MAPS Round 5 focused on the agricultural activities of crop farmers during the monsoon of 2023.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024.Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 5. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Farm Management; Agricultural Prices; Marketing; Producer Prices; Weather Data




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household and Worker Survey, Viet Nam

2024International Food Policy Research Institute; Development and Policies Research Center


Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household and Worker Survey, Viet Nam

In 2023, the Nature Positive Solutions (Nature+) baseline survey was conducted in Vietnam, focusing on the districts of Sa Pa and Mai Son. The study aimed to describe the socio-economic conditions and agricultural systems in these areas, providing a baseline assessment to inform ongoing Nature+ interventions. The survey covered 1,153 smallholder farmer households (858 treated and 295 control) across 23 villages.
Data collection employed a two-stage sampling technique and assessed various variables, including socio-economic characteristics, agricultural practices, land use, nutrition, and adoption of Nature+ practices. This data will support the evaluation of Nature+'s impacts on inclusion, poverty reduction, food security, livelihoods, and environmental sustainability.
Additionally, the survey included interviews with 334 workers, covering socio-demographic characteristics, contract types, forced labor, harassment, workplace health and safety, wages, and overtime.
Furthermore, community-level data were collected through interviews conducted by the team’s supervisors in all 23 surveyed villages. Each discussion involved at least three community leaders as key informants.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute; Development and Policies Research Center


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN). 2024. Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household and Worker Survey, Viet Nam. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Baseline Studies; Farming Systems; Smallholders; Agricultural Practices; Land Use; Nutrition; Impact Assessment; Inclusion; Poverty Alleviation; Food Security; Community Involvement




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type



2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia

The 2022 Cambodia Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) follows IFPRI's Standard Nexus SAM approach, by focusing on consistency, comparability, and transparency of data. The Nexus SAMs available on IFPRI's website separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital, with labor further disaggregated across three education-based categories. The household account is divided into 10 representative household groups: Rural and urban households across per capita consumption quintiles. Nexus SAMs support the improvement of model-based research and policy analysis in developing countries and allow for more robust cross-country comparisons of national economic structures, especially agriculture-food systems.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2024. 2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia: A Nexus Project SAM. Data Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. handle 10568/155101




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Macroeconomic Analysis; Household Consumption; Household Expenditure; Taxes; Economic Indicators; Labour; Computable General Equilibrium Models; Agrifood Systems




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0



Record type



Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 4

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 4

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationwide phone panel consisting of approximately 5,500 households. The objective of the survey is to collect data on farm characteristics and agricultural assets, area and crops planted, access to inputs, crop marketing, and constraints in agricultural activities. The respondents interviewed are a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative. MAPS Round 4 survey was implemented by phone by Myanmar Survey Research (MSR) from June to July, 2023. The MAPS Round 4 sample has 5,001 combined respondents from Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS) Round 5 and MAPS Round 3. This includes 1,342 respondents not previously interviewed for any round of MAPS but interviewed in MHWS. MAPS Round 4 compares agricultural production in the pre/post monsoon 2022 and the pre/post monsoon 2023.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 4. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agriculture; Farm Management; Agricultural Prices; Marketing; Producer Prices; Weather Data; Gender; Food Security; Agricultural Production




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 6

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 6

The sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)–a nationwide phone panel consisting of 12,898 households–was implemented between August, 2023 and November, 2023. The objective of the survey was to collect data on a wide range of household and individual welfare indicators–including wealth, livelihoods, unemployment, food insecurity, diet quality, health shocks, and coping strategies–in a country exceptionally hard hit by conflict, severe economic collapse, and several damaging waves of COVID-19. The respondents interviewed in the MHWS were purposely selected from a large phone database aimed at being representative at the region/state level and urban/rural level in Myanmar. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 6. Washington, DC: IFPRI. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Social Welfare; Households; Livelihoods; Assets; Employment; Food Insecurity; Diet; Migration; Shock




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for Market Inclusion (Pro-WEAI+MI): Philippines Case Study

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for Market Inclusion (Pro-WEAI+MI): Philippines Case Study

The project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for market inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI) is a modified version of the pro-WEAI that captures empowerment across commodity value chains (VC), VC actors, and beneficiaries of VC/training interventions. This dataset from the Philippines is the first of four country case studies that developed additional market inclusion (+MI) indicators to complement the pro-WEAI.

The Philippines case study focused on women and men working in production, processing, trading, and marketing in the abaca, coconut, seaweed, and swine VCs. Using a purposive sampling design, survey data were collected in March–August 2017 in six provinces in the Bicol and Visayas regions of the Philippines. Data on each VC was collected in two provinces, selected based on presence of production and processing activities. Abaca and coconut data were collected initially in Sorsogon and Leyte, and additional survey areas were added in Albay and Southern Leyte to reach target sample sizes. Seaweed and swine data were collected in Bohol and Cebu. This data package includes the pro-WEAI+MI questions implemented in the Philippines, basic household and demographic information, and constructed pro-WEAI and +MI indicators.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Project-Level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index for Market Inclusion (Pro-weai+MI): Philippines Case Study. Washington, DC: IFPRI [Dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Women; Agriculture; Abaca; Coconuts; Seaweeds; Swine; Empowerment; Households; Gender; Value Chains




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Migration Assessment

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Migration Assessment

Myanmar Migrant Assessment (MMA), is a comprehensive survey aimed at understanding the impacts and processes of migration in Myanmar amidst political instability, armed conflict, economic disruptions, and climatic shocks. Drawing its sample from the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), the MMA targeted households with members who had migrated within the past decade or relocated entirely since January 2021. Conducted via phone interviews between June and July 2023, the MMA surveyed 4,296 households, focusing on various aspects including migration, employment, and remittances. Migrants, as defined by the MMA, are household members who departed for over two months due to employment, marriage, safety concerns, or educational pursuits. Out of the surveyed households, 5,455 migrants were identified, with 3,505 still away from home and 1,487 having returned.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2024. Myanmar Migration Assessment. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Migration; Employment; Income; Remittances




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 5

2024International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 5

The fifth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)–a nationwide phone panel consisting of 12,953 households–was implemented between March, 2023 and June, 2023. The objective of the survey was to collect data on a wide range of household and individual welfare indicators–including wealth, livelihoods, unemployment, food insecurity, diet quality, health shocks, and coping strategies–in a country exceptionally hard hit by conflict, severe economic collapse, and several damaging waves of COVID-19. The respondents interviewed in the MHWS were purposely selected from a large phone database aimed at being representative at the region/state level and urban/rural level in Myanmar. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2023. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 5. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Welfare; Households; Livelihoods; Assets; Employment; Food Insecurity; Diet; Social Welfare; Migration; Shock




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 3

2023International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 3

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationwide phone panel consisting of approximately 5,500 households. The objective of the survey is to collect data on farm characteristics and agricultural assets, area and crops planted, access to inputs, crop marketing, and constraints in agricultural activities. The respondents interviewed are a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative. MAPS Round 3 survey was implemented by phone by Myanmar Survey Research (MSR) over the period January 23rd until February 22nd, 2023. Almost 5,000 farmers (4,961) that were interviewed in the fourth round of the MHWS could be reached for a second follow-up interview.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2023. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 3. Washington, DC: IFPRI [Dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Agriculture; Farm Management; Agricultural Prices; Marketing; Producer Prices; Weather Data




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 4

2023International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 4

The fourth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)–a nationwide phone panel consisting of 12,924 households–was implemented between October 12, 2022 and December 30, 2022. The objective of the survey was to collect data on a wide range of household and individual welfare indicators–including wealth, livelihoods, unemployment, food insecurity, diet quality, health shocks, and coping strategies–in a country exceptionally hard hit by conflict, severe economic collapse, and several damaging waves of COVID-19. The respondents interviewed in the MHWS were purposely selected from a large phone database aimed at being representative at the region/state level and urban/rural level in Myanmar. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2023. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 4. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]., Harvard Dataverse. Version 2.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Households; Livelihoods; Assets; Employment; Food Insecurity; Diet; Covid-19; Social Welfare; Migration; Shock; Agricultural Production; Food Security; Gender




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 2

2023International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 2

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationwide phone panel consisting of approximately 5,500 households. The objective of the survey is to collect data on farm characteristics and agricultural assets, area and crops planted, access to inputs, crop marketing, and constraints in agricultural activities. The respondents interviewed are a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative. MAPS Round 2 was carried out during the Dry (pre/post monsoon) Season of 2022 that includes farming households from the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS).

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2023. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 2. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.1.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Agriculture; Monsoons; Farm Management; Agricultural Prices; Marketing; Producer Prices; Weather Data; Agricultural Production; Gender; Food Security




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 1

2023International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 1

The Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS) is a nationwide phone panel consisting of approximately 5,500 households. The objective of the survey is to collect data on farm characteristics and agricultural assets, area and crops planted, access to inputs, crop marketing, and constraints in agricultural activities. The respondents interviewed are a sub-sample of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative. This survey is conducted twice a year after the monsoon season and after the summer season.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2023. Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (MAPS), Round 1. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Agriculture; Monsoons; Farm Management; Agricultural Prices; Marketing; Weather Data; Gender; Food Security




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 3

2023International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 3

The third round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)–a nationwide phone panel consisting of 12,128 households–was implemented between July 2022 and August 2022. The objective of the survey was to collect data on a wide range of household and individual welfare indicators–including wealth, livelihoods, unemployment, food insecurity, diet quality, health shocks, and coping strategies–in a country exceptionally hard hit by conflict, severe economic collapse, and several damaging waves of COVID-19. The respondents interviewed in the MHWS were purposely selected from a large phone database aimed at being representative at the region/state level and urban/rural level in Myanmar. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2023. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 3. Washington, DC: IFPRI [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse, Version 1.




South-eastern Asia; Asia; Welfare; Households; Livelihoods; Assets; Employment; Food Insecurity; Diet; Covid-19; Social Welfare; Migration; Shock; Agricultural Production; Food Security; Gender




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



Kenya and Vietnam Ecosystem Services Database: Per Hectare Values

2022Hettiarachchi, Upeksha; Zhang, Wei


Kenya and Vietnam Ecosystem Services Database: Per Hectare Values

The database provides values for ecosystem services in Kenya and Vietnam. The data collected through literature review includes the type of biome, ecosystem service, raw data for the ecosystem service value and the method of ecosystem service value estimation. The variables for which data was collected were based on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) framework. The TEEB framework allows for the categorization of biomes, sub biomes and types of ecosystem services to be standardized. The ecosystem services are divided into three levels of classification: ecosystem services, ecosystem sub-services and ecosystem sub-sub-services.

Year published



Hettiarachchi, Upeksha; Zhang, Wei


Hettiarachchi, Upeksha; and Zhang, Wei. 2022. Kenya and Vietnam Ecosystem Services Database: Per Hectare Values. Washington, DC: IFPRI.


Kenya; Vietnam


Africa; South-eastern Asia; Eastern Africa; Ecosystem Services; Valuation




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Source record


Nature-Positive Solutions

Record type



Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 1

2022International Food Policy Research Institute


Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 1

The first round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)–a nationwide phone panel consisting of 12,100 households–was implemented between December 2021 and February 2022. The objective of the survey was to collect data on a wide range of household and individual welfare indicators–including wealth, livelihoods, unemployment, food insecurity, diet quality, health shocks, and coping strategies–in a country exceptionally hard hit by conflict, severe economic collapse, and several damaging waves of COVID-19. The respondents interviewed in the MHWS were purposely selected from a large phone database aimed at being representative at the region/state level and urban/rural level in Myanmar. A novel sampling strategy in combination with the development of household and population weights allows for estimates that are nationally, regionally, and urban/rural representative.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2022. Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 1. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Shock; Covid-19; Households; Employment; Welfare; Assets; Social Welfare; Livelihoods; Migration; Diet; Food Insecurity




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type



2018 Social Accounting Matrix for the Philippines

2021International Food Policy Research Institute


2018 Social Accounting Matrix for the Philippines

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions. Our aim is to improve the quality of social accounting matrices (SAMs) used for computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling. The Nexus Project develops toolkits and establishes common data standards, procedures, and classification systems for constructing and updating national SAMs. The 2018 Philippines SAM follows the Standard Nexus Structure. The open access version of the Philippines SAM separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital. Labor is further disaggregated across three education categories. Representative households are disaggregated by rural and urban areas and by per capita expenditure quintile. The remaining accounts include enterprises, government, taxes, savings-and-investment, and the rest of the word.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2021. 2018 Social Accounting Matrix for the Philippines. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Household Expenditure; Modelling; Labour; Social Accounting Matrix; Economic Indicators; Sex-disaggregated Data; Household Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



2015 Social Accounting Matrix for Vietnam

2021International Food Policy Research Institute


2015 Social Accounting Matrix for Vietnam

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions. Our aim is to improve the quality of social accounting matrices (SAMs) used for computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling. The Nexus Project develops toolkits and establishes common data standards, procedures, and classification systems for constructing and updating national SAMs. The 2015 Vietnam SAM follows the Standard Nexus Structure. The open access version of the Vietnam SAM separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital. Labor is further disaggregated across three education categories. Representative households are disaggregated by rural and urban areas and by per capita expenditure quintile. The remaining accounts include enterprises, government, taxes, savings-and-investment, and the rest of the word.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2021. 2015 Social Accounting Matrix for Vietnam. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Household Expenditure; Modelling; Labour; Social Accounting Matrix; Economic Indicators; Sex-disaggregated Data; Household Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia

2021International Food Policy Research Institute


2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions. Our aim is to improve the quality of social accounting matrices (SAMs) used for computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling. The Nexus Project develops toolkits and establishes common data standards, procedures, and classification systems for constructing and updating national SAMs. The 2018 Cambodia SAM follows the Standard Nexus Structure. The open access version of the Cambodia SAM separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital. Labor is further disaggregated across three education categories. Representative households are disaggregated by rural and urban areas and by per capita expenditure quintile. The remaining accounts include enterprises, government, taxes, savings-and-investment, and the rest of the word.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2021. 2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Cambodia. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Taxes; Household Expenditure; Modelling; Labour; Social Accounting Matrix; Economic Indicators; Sex-disaggregated Data; Household Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



2014 Social Accounting Matrix for Lao PDR

2021International Food Policy Research Institute


2014 Social Accounting Matrix for Lao PDR

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions. Our aim is to improve the quality of social accounting matrices (SAMs) used for computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling. The Nexus Project develops toolkits and establishes common data standards, procedures, and classification systems for constructing and updating national SAMs. The 2014 Laos SAM follows the Standard Nexus Structure. The open access version of the Laos SAM separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital. Labor is further disaggregated across three education categories. Representative households are disaggregated by rural and urban areas and by per capita expenditure quintile. The remaining accounts include enterprises, government, taxes, savings-and-investment, and the rest of the word.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2021. 2014 Social Accounting Matrix for Lao PDR. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.


Laos; Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Household Expenditure; Modelling; Labour; Social Accounting Matrix; Economic Indicators; Sex-disaggregated Data; Household Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



2014 Social Accounting Matrix for Myanmar

2021International Food Policy Research Institute


2014 Social Accounting Matrix for Myanmar

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions. Our aim is to improve the quality of social accounting matrices (SAMs) used for computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling. The Nexus Project develops toolkits and establishes common data standards, procedures, and classification systems for constructing and updating national SAMs. The 2014 Myanmar SAM follows the Standard Nexus Structure. The open access version of the Myanmar SAM separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital. Labor is further disaggregated across three education categories. Representative households are disaggregated by rural and urban areas and by per capita expenditure quintile. The remaining accounts include enterprises, government, taxes, savings-and-investment, and the rest of the word.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2021. 2014 Social Accounting Matrix for Myanmar. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Household Expenditure; Modelling; Labour; Social Accounting Matrix; Economic Indicators; Sex-disaggregated Data; Household Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Indonesia

2021International Food Policy Research Institute


2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Indonesia

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions. Our aim is to improve the quality of social accounting matrices (SAMs) used for computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling. The Nexus Project develops toolkits and establishes common data standards, procedures, and classification systems for constructing and updating national SAMs. The 2018 Indonesia SAM follows the Standard Nexus Structure. The open access version of the Indonesia SAM separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital. Labor is further disaggregated across three education categories. Representative households are disaggregated by rural and urban areas and by per capita expenditure quintile. The remaining accounts include enterprises, government, taxes, savings-and-investment, and the rest of the word.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2021. 2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Indonesia. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Taxes; Household Expenditure; Modelling; Labour; Social Accounting Matrix; Economic Indicators; Sex-disaggregated Data; Household Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Households

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Households

This dataset is the result of the household survey that was conducted to gather data at baseline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The baseline survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2010 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included four components—(i) household survey, (ii) community survey, (iii) frontline health workers survey, and (iv) health facility assessments survey. The household survey data provide information on the main impact indicators (child anthropometry and WHO-recommended IYCF indicators), as well as challenges in IYCF practices, caregiver resources (such as education, childcare knowledge and experience, and mental and physical health), and household resources (such as household composition, socioeconomic status, and food insecurity).

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Households. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Anthropometry; Health; Households; Nutrition Education; Nutrition; Infant Feeding; Child Feeding; Health Communication; Developing Countries; Health Services; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Commune Health Center Staff

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Commune Health Center Staff

This dataset is the result of the frontline health workers survey that was conducted to gather data at baseline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The baseline survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2010 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included four components—(i) household survey, (ii) community survey, (iii) frontline health workers survey, and (iv) health facility assessments survey. The commune health center staff survey data provide information on the staff knowledge and attitudes related to IYCF practices, the training they had previously received on nutrition, their IYCF-related activities and time commitment, and their job motivation and satisfaction.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Commune Health Center Staff. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Health; Communes; Nutrition Education; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Commune Health Center Staff

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Commune Health Center Staff

This dataset is the result of the frontline health workers survey conducted to gather data for process evaluation in the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The process evaluation survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2013 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included two major components—(i) household survey, and (ii) frontline health workers survey. The survey of frontline health workers (FHWs) included questionnaires for commune health center (CHC) staff, village health workers (VHWs) involved in the A&T interventions, as well as a commune questionnaire. This commune health center (CHC) data provide information about a) health workers exposure to training and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) materials provided by the A&T program, b) their exposure to the A&T mass media, c) their knowledge and understanding about IYCF and nutrition, d) their work environment related to IYCF service delivery (motivation, supportive supervision, time commitments to different tasks, and the ability to integrate sustained IYCF counseling into daily routines).

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Commune Health Center Staff. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Health; Mass Media; Communes; Nutrition Education; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Community and Facility

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Community and Facility

This dataset is the result of the community and facility assessment survey that was conducted to gather data at endline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises delivered a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers were undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services were supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The impact evaluation used a cluster-randomized controlled design with repeated cross-sectional baseline and endline surveys in the same communes within four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long. The endline survey included three components—(i) household survey and anthropometric measurements of children and mothers, (ii) community and facility assessments survey, and (iii) frontline health workers survey. This community and facility assessment data provide information about each commune including general characteristics of the commune; distance from the nearest major town; natural disasters occurred in the commune; and equipment at the community health center level.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Community and Facility. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Education; Mass Media; Natural Disasters; Communes; Nutrition Education; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Impact Assessment




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Village Health Workers (VHW)

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Village Health Workers (VHW)

This dataset is the result of the frontline health workers survey that was conducted to gather data at baseline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The baseline survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2010 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included four components—(i) household survey, (ii) community survey, (iii) frontline health workers survey, and (iv) health facility assessments survey. The village health workers survey data provide information on the staff knowledge and attitudes related to IYCF practices, the training they had previously received on nutrition, their IYCF-related activities and time commitment, and their job motivation and satisfaction.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Village Health Workers (VHW). Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Health; Communes; Nutrition Education; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Village Health Workers (VHW)

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Village Health Workers (VHW)

This dataset is the result of the frontline health workers survey conducted to gather data for process evaluation in the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The process evaluation survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2013 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included two major components—(i) household survey, and (ii) frontline health workers survey. The survey of frontline health workers (FHWs) included questionnaires for commune health center (CHC) staff, village health workers (VHWs) involved in the A&T interventions, as well as a commune questionnaire. This village health workers (VHW) data provide information about a) health workers exposure to training and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) materials provided by the A&T program, b) their exposure to the A&T mass media, c) their knowledge and understanding about IYCF and nutrition, d) their work environment related to IYCF service delivery (motivation, supportive supervision, time commitments to different tasks, and the ability to integrate sustained IYCF counseling into daily routines).

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Village Health Workers (VHW). Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Health; Mass Media; Communes; Nutrition Education; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Facility Assessment

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Facility Assessment

This dataset is the result of the facility assessment survey that was conducted to gather data at baseline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The baseline survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2010 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included four components—(i) household survey, (ii) community survey, (iii) frontline health workers survey, and (iv) health facility assessments survey. The facility assessment data provide information on existing health facilities such as the number of personnel, services offered and different kind of spaces available at the facility.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Facility Assessment. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Health; Communes; Nutrition Education; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Observation of Counseling Services

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Observation of Counseling Services

This dataset is the result of the frontline health workers survey conducted to gather data for process evaluation in the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The process evaluation survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2013 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included two major components—(i) household survey, and (ii) frontline health workers survey. The survey of frontline health workers (FHWs) included questionnaires for commune health center (CHC) staff, village health workers (VHWs) involved in the A&T interventions, as well as a commune questionnaire. This observation of counseling services data is collected by trained researchers through observations of counseling sessions in order to assess the CHC health staffs' competence and performance during IYCF counseling. The counseling observation checklist was developed based on the IYCF service delivery package guidelines.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Observation of Counseling Services. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Health; Mass Media; Communes; Nutrition Education; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Community

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Community

This dataset is the result of the community survey that was conducted to gather data at baseline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The baseline survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2010 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included four components—(i) household survey, (ii) community survey, (iii) frontline health workers survey, and (iv) health facility assessments survey. The community survey data provide information on the following aspects of each commune: General characteristics of the commune: number of villages, population, percentage of minority and poor household, main source of income in peak and low seasons Infrastructure of the commune: access to main road, electric, gas, and irrigation systems Distance from the nearest major town, type of transportation used to reach this town Natural disasters occurring in the commune during the last year Presence of other organizations or support groups Availability and access to health services: CHC, private clinics, pharmacy, etc. Availability of education facility: kindergarten, school, college

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Baseline Survey 2010: Community. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Health; Natural Disasters; Communes; Nutrition Education; Household Income; Nutrition; Health Communication; Infrastructure; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Households

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Households

This dataset is the result of the household survey conducted to gather data for process evaluation in the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The process evaluation survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2013 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included two components—(i) household survey, and (ii) frontline health workers survey. This household survey data provide information on the primary caretakers of children under two years of age (mothers, fathers, grandmothers) who are the beneficiaries of the program, in order to examine program exposure, utilization, and behavior change.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Households. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Mass Media; Households; Child Health; Nutrition Education; Nutrition; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Communication




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Commune Health Center Staff

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Commune Health Center Staff

This dataset is the result of the frontline health workers survey that was conducted to gather data at endline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises delivered a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers were undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services were supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The impact evaluation used a cluster-randomized controlled design with repeated cross-sectional baseline and endline surveys in the same communes within four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long. The endline survey included three components—(i) household survey and anthropometric measurements of children and mothers, (ii) community and health facility assessments survey, and (iii) frontline health workers survey.This commune health center staff data provide information on the staff knowledge and attitudes related to IYCF practices, the training they had previously received on nutrition, their IYCF-related activities and time commitment, and their job motivation and satisfaction.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Commune Health Center Staff. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Work Satisfaction; Child Development; Mass Media; Child Health; Nutrition Education; Nutrition; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Breastfeeding; Impact Assessment




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Commune General Information

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Commune General Information

This dataset is the result of the community survey conducted to gather data for process evaluation in the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises will deliver a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers will be undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services will be supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The process evaluation survey was conducted in 40 communes across four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long, between June and August 2013 by the IFPRI team in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Medicine Studies (ISMS). The survey included two major components—(i) household survey, and (ii) frontline health workers survey. The survey of frontline health workers (FHWs) included questionnaires for commune health centers (CHC) staff, village health workers (VHWs) involved in the A&T interventions, as well as a commune questionnaire. The commune general information data are generated using commune questionnaire and provide information about the community such as number of villages in each commune, population, number of health facilities, number of personnel in the health facility, number of children under 5 years of age, and availability of information, communication, and education (IEC) items materials.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Process Evaluation Survey 2013: Commune General Information. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Education; Communes; Nutrition Education; Health Communication; Health Services




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Households

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Households

This dataset is the result of the household survey that was conducted to gather data at endline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises delivered a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers were undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services were supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The impact evaluation used a cluster-randomized controlled design with repeated cross-sectional baseline and endline surveys in the same communes within four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long. The endline survey included three components—(i) household survey and anthropometric measurements of children and mothers, (ii) community and health facility assessments survey, and (iii) frontline health workers survey. The household survey data provide information on the main impact indicators (child anthropometry and WHO-recommended IYCF indicators); psychosocial/behavioral determinants (maternal IYCF knowledge, beliefs, self-efficacy and intentions); and client access and exposure to, and utilization of A&T services. It also captured influential underlying factors at the child level (child illness, developmental milestones, hygiene and hand washing), maternal characteristics (education, time constraints, and child care arrangement), as well as household characteristics (social economic status, economic shocks, and food security).

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Households. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Anthropometry; Child Development; Mass Media; Households; Child Health; Nutrition Education; Nutrition; Child Feeding; Infant Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Decision Making; Domestic Violence; Breastfeeding; Impact Assessment




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

Record type



Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Observation of Counseling Services

2020International Food Policy Research Institute


Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Observation of Counseling Services

This dataset is the result of the frontline health workers survey that was conducted to gather data at endline within the context of an overall evaluation of the franchise model for Alive & Thrive (A&T) in Viet Nam. The overall aims of the evaluation were to assess the impact of the franchise model on (1) age-appropriate IYCF practices among children <2 years of age and (2) stunting among children 2-5 years of age. A&T is an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce undernutrition and death caused by suboptimal IYCF practices in three countries (Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia) over a period of six years (2009-2014). The goal of A&T is to reduce avoidable death and disability due to suboptimal IYCF in the developing world by increasing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) until 6 months of age and reducing the stunting of children under two years of age. A&T applied principles of social franchising within the government health system to deliver the interventions. A&T’s Viet Nam strategy is designed to support improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in three key ways: (1) improving policy and regulatory environments; (2) shaping IYCF demand and practice; and (3) increasing supply, demand, and use of fortified complementary foods. In order to achieve this, the A&T Viet Nam program has been divided into three main focus areas namely advocacy, community, and the private sector. In addition, a communications component is integrated into each of these focus areas to support their activities. Among several activities, the franchise model is a core initiative of the community model to provide quality nutrition counseling to women and families at health facilities at all levels. Implemented in cooperation with the Vietnamese government and select private clinics, franchises delivered a package of focused IYCF counseling services to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and their families, based on a franchise service package. Focused training and capacity building for healthcare workers were undertaken to enable the health system to provide franchise services. Individualized services were supported through mass media campaigns aimed at generating demand for franchise services and promoting optimal IYCF practices. The impact evaluation used a cluster-randomized controlled design with repeated cross-sectional baseline and endline surveys in the same communes within four provinces, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, and Vinh Long. The endline survey included three components—(i) household survey and anthropometric measurements of children and mothers, (ii) community and facility assessments survey, and (iii) frontline health workers survey. The survey of frontline health workers (FHWs) included questionnaires for commune health center (CHC) staff, village health workers (VHWs) involved in the A&T interventions, as well as a observation of counseling sessions questionnaire. This observation of counseling services data is collected by trained researchers through observations of counseling sessions in order to assess the CHC health staffs' competence and performance during IYCF counseling. The counseling observation checklist was developed based on the IYCF service delivery package guidelines. In addition to content coverage, data collectors used a checklist to assess counselors’ skills and counseling processes as a way to measure the quality of the counseling session.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2020. Viet Nam Alive & Thrive Endline Survey 2014: Observation of Counseling Services. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Mass Media; Child Health; Communes; Nutrition Education; Nutrition; Infant Feeding; Child Feeding; Health Communication; Health Services; Hygiene; Breastfeeding; Impact Assessment




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Agriculture for Nutrition and Health

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Making Seed Systems and Markets for Vegetatively Propagated Crops (VPCs) Work for the Poor: A Cross-Country Study of Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam

2019International Food Policy Research Institute; International Center for Tropical Agriculture; International Institute for Tropical Agriculture; International Potato Center; Michigan State University


Making Seed Systems and Markets for Vegetatively Propagated Crops (VPCs) Work for the Poor: A Cross-Country Study of Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam

Many developing-country farmers cultivating vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs)—crops such as cassava, potato, sweetpotato, and yam—face constrained access to quality planting material. This challenge is distinct from the challenges facing cereal crops, and is associated with both the unique biological and economic nature of vegetative propagation. Although technological solutions exist, there are other limiting factors relating to policies, institutions, and markets that shape VPC seed systems, e.g., quality assurance mechanisms, certification regulations, sanitary and phytosanitary standards, and plant variety protection. This research project aims to provide actionable evidence on policy and investment options to accelerate seed system and market development in countries where VPCs are important to food security and agricultural development. By taking a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to the research, the project (1) analyzes current policy initiatives and success factors underpinning models that incentivize cost-effective multiplication and distribution of VPC seed to smallholders; and (2) develops a set of crop-specific case studies in Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam that encourage closer consideration of more appropriate policy options. This document provides a brief summary of the project and accompanies the key informant interview guides to collect data for analysis purposes.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute; International Center for Tropical Agriculture; International Institute for Tropical Agriculture; International Potato Center; Michigan State University


International Food Policy Research Institute; International Center for Tropical Agriculture; International Institute for Tropical Agriculture; International Potato Center; Michigan State University. 2019. Making Seed Systems and Markets for Vegetatively Propagated Crops (VPCs) Work for the Poor: A Cross-Country Study of Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.


Kenya; Nigeria; Vietnam


Asia; Africa; Sub-saharan Africa; Eastern Africa; Western Africa; South-eastern Asia; Potatoes; Seed; Vegetative Propagation; Technology; Markets; Cassava




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


Policies, Institutions, and Markets

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Vietnam Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), 2007

2014University of Copenhagen; The World Bank; Central Institute for Economic Management; International Food Policy Research Institute


Vietnam Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), 2007

The Vietnam Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the year 2007 is based on the newly estimated supply-use tables, national accounts, state budgets, and balance of payments. The SAM reconciles these data using cross-entropy estimation techniques. The final SAM is a detailed representation of Vietnam's economy. It separates 63 activities and commodities; rural/urban labor by different education levels; and households by rural/urban areas and farm/non-farm expenditure quintiles. Labor and household information is drawn from the 2006 Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey. Finally, the SAM identifies government, investment and foreign accounts.

Year published



University of Copenhagen; The World Bank; Central Institute for Economic Management; International Food Policy Research Institute


Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen; The World Bank; Central Institute for Economic Management; International Food Policy Research Institute. 2014. Vietnam Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), 2007. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Social Accounting Matrix




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-3.0

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Impact Evaluation of a Social Franchise Model for Improving Infant and Young Child Feeding and Child Nutrition in Vietnam

2010International Food Policy Research Institute


Impact Evaluation of a Social Franchise Model for Improving Infant and Young Child Feeding and Child Nutrition in Vietnam

Alive & Thrive is an initiative that aims to improve infant and young child feeding practices and reduce childhood stunting. In Vietnam, Alive & Thrive's primary intervention is implemented through a social franchise linked with the government's health system. The impact evaluation is conducted using a cluster-randomized design in which 20 commune health centers (CHC) were assigned to the social franchise model, and 20 CHC were assigned to routine government services. Repeated cross-sectional baseline and endline surveys will be used to assess the public health impact of this intervention. The baseline was in 2010 and an endline survey in the same communities will be conducted in 2014. Mixed methods process evaluation will be conducted in 2011, 2012 and 2013 to study the pathways through which the program impact is achieved.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2010. Impact Evaluation of a Social Franchise Model for Improving Infant and Young Child Feeding and Child Nutrition in Vietnam. : International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Child Nutrition; Child Feeding; Impact Assessment




Open Access


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Philippines, Bukidnon Panel Survey, 2003-2004

2008International Food Policy Research Institute


Philippines, Bukidnon Panel Survey, 2003-2004

This data set contains the 2003 and 2004 rounds of the Bukidnon Panel Survey, a survey spanning 19 years. Bukidnon is a landlocked province in the Philippines comprising 20 municipalities and two cities, Malaybalay and Valencia, on the island of Mindanao. The first rounds, in 1984 and 1985, collected data on food and nonfood expenditures, agricultural production, income, asset ownership, credit use, anthropometry and morbidity, education, and 24-hour food consumption recall. These rounds are also available from IFPRI’s website at The 2003 and 2004 rounds, covering the originally sampled households and the households of children of the original householders – both those that live locally and migrants. The data cover similar topics as did the 1984/5 survey. These data are part of a rare long-term panel study that follows the migrant children of the households originally surveyed. They include sample and attrition weights, consumption and income aggregates, spatial data, and a good mapping of the 2003/4 rounds onto the 1984/5 rounds.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2008. Philippines, Bukidnon Panel Survey, 2003-2004. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Household Surveys; Rice; Farm Income; Nutrition; Land Use; Health Services; Food Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-3.0


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Philippines, Smallholder Livestock Production Dataset, 2000-2001

2005International Food Policy Research Institute


Philippines, Smallholder Livestock Production Dataset, 2000-2001

The study draws on household survey data collected in 2000-2001. The survey was conducted in three hog producing cities in the provinces of Batangas and Laguna in Southern Luzon, Philippines. To understand why some smallholders participate in hog production and others do not, a total of 291 households were randomly identified from a stratified sample frame, of which 150 households were hog producers (including 50 small-scale contract farms) and 141 households were non-livestock raisers. The sampled smallholders are household-based backyard growers (who use their own capital and family labor) and/or semi-commercial growers (who employ hired labor and use external financing for livestock production) holding an inventory ranging up to 300 head of hogs at any given period. Some of the variables collected are: farm-specific output and inputs prices, quantity of output in kilograms liveweight, different types of activity, family and hired labor, value of breeding stock; value of buildings and equipment, different market outlets, household characteristics, access to information, credit, and veterinary services.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2005. Philippines, Smallholder livestock production dataset, 2000-2001. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Swine; Smallholders; Small Farms; Animal Husbandry; Markets; Livestock; Prices




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-3.0


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Vietnam Northern Uplands, Qualitative Social Assessment of Income Diversification, 2002

2004International Food Policy Research Institute


Vietnam Northern Uplands, Qualitative Social Assessment of Income Diversification, 2002

This survey examined income diversification in the Northern Upland region of Vietnam, its contribution to poverty reduction, and the constraints to further diversification. Some objectives of the survey were: To describe the patterns of crop diversification and non-farm activities at the household level, To compare the extent and patterns of diversification in 1994 and 2002, To estimate the relative importance of income diversification and other sources of income growth in reducing rural poverty, To evaluate the experiences with and perceptions of income diversification among rural households in the Northern Uplands, To identify policy and public investment priorities for income diversification and poverty reduction as perceived by rural households. The survey includes information on household characteristics, access to land, sources of income, perceived standard of living, farmers, and buyers, agricultural markets, and government assistance. The Northern Upland region was defined as the 14 provinces in the Northeast and the Northwest regions. A five-stage stratified cluster sample was used for the survey. In the first stage, eight provinces were selected to represent the diversity of the region in terms of market access (proximity to Hanoi), topography (lowland vs. upland), and geography (east vs. west). In the second stage, two districts from each of the eight provinces were selected. In the third stage, one commune was selected randomly in each of the 16 selected districts. The teams selected two villages in each of the 16 selected communes for a total of 32 villages. In the fifth and last stage of sample, the survey teams selected between 5 to 10 households to interview. Overall, 307 households were interviewed.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2004. Vietnam Northern Uplands, Qualitative Social Assessment of Income Diversification, 2002. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Income; Household Surveys; Rural Poor; Poverty Alleviation; Diversification




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-3.0


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A 1995 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Indonesia

2003International Food Policy Research Institute


A 1995 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Indonesia

The 1995 SAM for Indonesia is a 57x57 matrix with accounts for 17 sectors (separate activities and commodities), 6 factors, 7 households, 1 enterprise, the government, the rest-of-the-world, 2 tax types, and aggregate institutional savings-investments. The SAM is an aggregation of a 22 sector SAM produced by the Indonesia statistical authority with a revised treatment of trade and transportation costs (disaggregation across imports, exports and domestic sales on the basis of value shares). For a description of the construction and use of this SAM, download the Trade and Macroeconomics Division Discussion Paper Number 42: (PDF 149K)

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2003. A 1995 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Indonesia. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Social Analysis; Statistics




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-3.0


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The 1996 and 1997 Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) for Vietnam

2002International Food Policy Research Institute


The 1996 and 1997 Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) for Vietnam

The Vietnam Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), VIETSAM, is constructed for 1996 and 1997, and includes 97 producing sectors with eight agricultural sectors, two agricultural service sectors and 13 food processing industries. In addition, the SAM includes five factors of production (three types of labor distinguished by skill level, one type of capital and one type of land), six household types (distinguished by rural/urban, agricultural/non-agricultural, wage/self-employed), and one account each for enterprises, government, investment/savings and rest-of-world. The rest-of-world account is a purely non-trade-related account that keeps track of financial transfers between Vietnamese institutions and the rest of the world. Imports and exports of goods and services are distinguished by trading partner - more specifically, 94 partner countries are identified.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2002. The 1996 and 1997 Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) for Vietnam. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; National Accounting; Social Accounting Matrix




Open AccessCC-BY-NC-3.0


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Philippines Cash Cropping Project, Southern Bukidnon Province, 1984-1985

2000International Food Policy Research Institute


Philippines Cash Cropping Project, Southern Bukidnon Province, 1984-1985

The questionnaire was administered in 4 rounds over two years to approximately 450 households. Topics include household information; parcels of land owned and cultivated; production of sugar, corn, rice, and other crops; agricultural wage labor; other sources of income; backyard production; assets; food and non-food expenditures; preschool feeding; health services and nutritional knowledge; time allocation; anthropometry and morbidity; and household food intake.

Year published



International Food Policy Research Institute


International Food Policy Research Institute. 2000. Philippines Cash Cropping Project, Southern Bukidnon Province, 1984-1985. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Harvard Dataverse. Version 1.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Household Surveys; Crops; Rice; Farm Income; Cash Crops; Nutrition; Land Use; Health Services; Food Consumption




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0


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