Highlights from dynamic discussions happening in events at our Washington headquarters and around the world
October 10, 2023
Inclusive Agricultural Transformation with Climate Change in BIMSTEC Countries
September 28, 2023
Under the C-SUCSeS project, a series of webinars have been organized on online regional forums...
September 26, 2023
India is the fifth-largest seed market in the world and hosts
August 19, 2023
A regional conference was jointly organized by the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) & IFPRI at New Delhi on August 17, 2023.
May 5, 2023
More than 355 regional trade agreements are currently in existence around the world, and they play an important collective role in a
March 24, 2023
IFPRI organized the stakeholder consultation on agricultural microinsurance to discuss the existing implementational issues in the crop and the livestock insurance sector.
March 23, 2023
A two-day training program on BIMSTEC agricultural trade analysis was organized by IFPRI & RIS in Puducherry, India.
March 20, 2023
The workshop aimed to understand the present state of the shrimp sector, identify the scale of critical problems and gauge prospects for the sector’s growth.
September 18, 2022
Climate change poses a growing threat to efforts to build sustainable food systems. The COVID-19 pandemic and the current Ukraine