Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from Implementation Research


by IFPRI South Asia | July 10, 2020

Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from Implementation Research

Date: September 15-18, 2020

Venue: Virtual event

Abstract submission deadline: July 25, 2020

In the changed context of COVID-19 pandemic, as we plan ahead for the national nutrition month in September, we are pleased to announce a virtual event on “Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from Implementation Research”.

At this event, in collaboration with 14 co-hosts, we will bring together evidence that can inform and support current policy and program initiatives in India for improving maternal and child nutrition, with a special emphasis on implications for nutrition programming during times of crisis, like COVID-19 pandemic. Through a CALL FOR ABSTRACTS we will invite abstracts on research studies and implementation programs focused on the core pillars of POSHAN Abhiyaan and platforms supporting actions for nutrition. These will include studies and programs on the use of technology to improve service delivery or its uptake, reach and effectiveness of behavior change communications efforts, frontline worker training including incremental learning approach, and efforts to ensure effective convergence. Studies and programs on specific interventions such as the food supplementation, growth monitoring and micronutrient supplementation, will also be included. An important consideration will be the impact of crisis situations, like COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters on nutrition interventions and programming.

Our first nutrition implementation research conference in India, held in 2016, was based on the theme of achieving full coverage of interventions across the continuum of care. The second conference in this series, held in 2019, provided insights from implementation research to inform the current program efforts under POSHAN Abhiyaan. The key purpose of this third India-focused nutrition implementation research conference is to bring together evidence to inform the implementation of current policy and program initiatives. It will convene academics, implementers, development partners, and policy makers from multiple institutes on a common platform to share and discuss evidence on strengthening the implementation of maternal and child nutrition initiatives in India.

For further details, please read the conference CONCEPT NOTE.

If you wish to submit an abstract, please read the CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for key areas, submission guidelines, process of submission and a link to online SUBMISSION FORM.

The last date for abstract submission is July 15, 2020

Keep watching this space in the lead up to the event!