Call for Abstracts
You will agree with me that the eastern region of India, comprising Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Eastern UP, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal is lagging in agriculture and is home to more than 50 percent of India’s poor and food insecure population. More than three fourths of poor in the region lives in rural areas. India’s success in reducing rural poverty from 53 percent in 1977/78 to 21.4 percent in 2011/12 is attributed mainly to the green revolution. However, the eastern region was by passed from the benefits of green revolution and the increasing concentration of the rural poor in this region is a reality. The persistence of high poverty and food insecurity has a serious economic, social and political implications.
Agriculture in eastern region of India is slowly transforming, but the pace needs to be accelerated by reforming policies, institutions, and markets and by developing agri-infrastructure. Several initiatives such as “Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI)” have been launched to push green revolution for accelerated agricultural growth in this region. However, the region is struggling to ensure sustainable high agricultural growth and continues to linger in a vicious circle of low input – low output syndrome. To overcome the challenges and unleash the opportunities, a critical understanding of the constraints which are impeding the real take off, of green revolution in eastern India needs to be thoroughly analyzed and understood.
To address these issues, we are organising a conference on “Green Revolution in Eastern India: Constraints, Opportunities and Way Forward” on Oct 09-10, 2017 at NASC, Pusa, New Delhi, India. The conference is jointly organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Tata Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI). The conference is expected to evolve a “road map” with clear prioritization and strategies for accelerated and sustainable agricultural growth in eastern India.
We are inviting contributions from you and your colleagues for presentation in this conference. We shall appreciate if you and your colleagues submit a brief abstract of about 500 words for including in the conference by September 7, 2017 in the following broad areas:
- Constraints in Production System
- Agricultural performance in Eastern India vs Western India
- Land ownership and tenurial arrangements
- Investment and subsidies
- Agricultural risks
- Technology Adoption and Constraints
- Adoption of improved varieties
- Adoption of conservation technologies
- Farm mechanization
- Institutions and their Effectiveness
- Irrigation and water markets
- Financing agriculture
- Agricultural markets
- Farmer Producer Organizations
- Opportunities in Eastern India
- Bridge yield gaps
- Potential of agricultural diversification
- Potential of rice-fallow utilization
- Opportunities for agro-processing
- Role of Private Sector
- Climate smart agriculture
- Solar power for irrigation
- Reform to promote agri-business
You can send your abstract to Vaishali Dassani ( Please send complete details, including the topic under which your abstract falls and the corresponding address.