Together for Nutrition 2014: Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts


by mpradhan | April 3, 2014

TN-2014POSHAN (Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India) and Transform Nutrition are pleased to announce the conference Together for Nutrition 2014: Working Across Sectors to Improve Nutrition in India, which will be held October 29–30, 2014, in New Delhi.

This conference will serve as an important platform for learning and facilitating discussion around the challenging task of bringing diverse sectors together to improve maternal and child nutrition in India. The conference is intended to bring together evidence that can inform and support current policy and program initiatives for nutrition that require cross-sectoral action by two or more sectors, such as the Government of India’s Multisectoral Program to Address Maternal and Child Malnutrition in 200 Selected High-Burden Districts.  Attendees will have the opportunity to explore how decisions and actions in different sectors can influence nutrition, and how effective cross-sectoral actions can be planned, implemented and assessed. Specific objectives of the conference are to:

  • Provide a platform for dialogue on how to advance multisectoral or intersectoral collaboration in India
  • Showcase examples of collaboration between various sectors on program development and implementation to address nutrition
  • Examine approaches for research on multisectoral and intersectoral collaboration and convergence in India
  • Explore how the current public policy and environment provides opportunities and challenges for multisectoral or intersectoral approaches addressing nutrition in India
  • Provide opportunity for networking among nutrition professionals and those working across sectors

Examples of working across sectors will include:

  • State nutrition missions that include multi- or inter-sectoral coordination and convergence
  • District-level convergence to bring health and ICDS together to strengthen delivery of nutrition-specific interventions
  • Block-level operational planning and implementation of cross-sectoral  actions
  • Engaging self-help groups to create demand and strengthen local accountability for health and nutrition services at the village level

To learn more about the conference, please read our conference backgrounder.

Also, please see the following to learn more about the current state of working across sectors in nutrition in India:
•       Working Multisectorally to Improve Nutrition: Global Lessons and Current Status in India (Garrett et al. 2014)
•       The Operational Evidence Base for Delivering Direct Nutrition Interventions in India (Avula et al. 2013)
•       Analyzing Intersectoral Convergence to Improve Child Undernutrition in India (Ved and Menon 2012)
•       Strengthening the Role of Agriculture for a Nutrition Secure India (Kadiyala, Joshi, Dev et al. 2011)

Abstract Submission

Abstracts must be submitted by Friday April 25, 2014,at 5pm IST.

Click to access Implementation Abstract Submission Guidelines and Form
Click to access Research Abstract Submission Guidelines and Form

Questions? We would love to hear from you. Send us an email at